The K-Pop Dream

53 Ille-gal BTS reference

Considering the greater good and mankind as a whole.

I resolve myself that it's only right for me to sacrifice my body for justice, "Fine, I'll go but I'm only staying until the girls leave. There'll be no second or third round hyung."

"Okay, Okay, Okay" Sungi brushes off what I have to say, he is clearly not going to listen to my opinion at all.

Happily he runs off to continue filming, while I am just left on standby.

*Yawn* My mouth involuntarily opens as my eyes start drooping.

'I wonder if there's any place to doze off'

I signal to the PD, that I will be heading to the break room if they need me.

She nods as I head across the lot, away from all the commotion.

I enter the small break room finding it completely empty for a change.


After grabbing a bottle of water, I lay down horizontally on the two seater couch, with my legs hanging over the arm bar.

The miday son, shines through the window which gives the room a very serene feeling.

Its not too hot nor too cold.

I begin counting the ceiling tiles as there is nothing else to do.

"1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 ...13 ...48..."

My eyelids grow heavy and soon it's out of my control as I begin to drift into a deep sleep.



"Dylan wake up"

I hear a female voice calling.


"Wake up , it's time to go" I feel someone tug on me

Unaware of the fact that I'm still on set, thinking its Hora, I do what I usually would when she would wake me up before heading to training.

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"I can't wake up?"

"Huh? Why?" The female voice asks

Lifting my hand out from underneath me, I slightly open my eyes checking the distance of the figure of the female.

To her surprise, I reach out and quickly pull her close, just when I'm about to give her a mandatory morning kiss. I come to my senses.


'I am on set?'

'What is Hora doing here?'

All the while, the female I'm holding in my grasp is keeping silent.

Immediately after I open my eyes, I finally recognize that the female in my arms is not Hora but ... but ....but


I release her from my grasp as soon as possible!

OMONA! What did I just do?

"Sorry.... I didn't..."

'Well I did but'

Won is her usual silent self not saying anything so it just makes the entire situation even more awkward.

"I really didn't know it was you..." I try to explain but the words just seem to be stuck in my throat

Won seems to find my panicking funny, as I notice that when she smiles, one corner of her mouth rises higher than the other causing that wonderful mistake by an angel to appear.

That smile is so cruel. No it is Dangerous. That Dimple of hers should be illegal.

"Dylan, relax... It was a mistake of identity... I forgive you"

As soon as I hear those words relief washes over me.

"I'm a little jealous though." She continues teasingly


"It seems like you get woken up by girls often" She questions in a rhetoric manner.

'Well she's not wrong'

Still trying to get my bearings, I decide to avoid the matter all together, "I don't think I should answer that question"

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't" She fires back.

I stretch my arms out and crack my knuckles.

Taking a deep breath, I try to sit up and look towards the mirror across me.

I'm really disheveled, my hair is no longer tame rather its wild and majestic like a lions mane, while my shirt has become untuck and has few creases caused by my sleep in it.

The reflection in my view clearly illustrates the look of a bad-boy, who no matter how unruly he looks was still the coolest guy in the room.

"Noona, you going to help me up?" I ask as I wipe my eyes really hard trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.

Won steps forward and supports me with her arm until I finally regain my balance.

Towering above her as I stand, she really looks prim and proper.

Her hair has no single strand out of place.

Widely known for her glowing, flawless skin, Won's makeup is minimal only acting as emphasis for that fact

Her natural beauty is flaunted without any heavy makeup or hair styling. With the only real evidence of un-natural color is her glossy pink lips.

"Where is Hyung and Hojoo noona?" I ask wondering why she came to collect me.

"They are getting changed and told me to get you" She answers as if it were an exam question.

"Do you know where we are heading?" I try and find out if she knows anything.

"Not really. I wasn't planning to go out. But my manager oppa said it would be a good a idea" She slightly sulks

"Aww good girl" I laugh finding her answer much like a kid who was forced by her parents to go to a social gathering, she didn't want to attend.

"Let me give you a warning" I look to my left and then my right making sure the coast is clear

I then proceed to say softy "Drinking with Hyung and Hojoo noona, is a battlefield"

She looks genuinely baffled, as I continue, "They don't drink for fun, they drink to kill. Be prepared!"

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