Since he locked the target, Luo Xia naturally did not slack.

He simply sat down in his practice room, closed his eyes and let go of the domineering look.

He was ready to use his sight and smell to domineering and find Ain’s position.

Everyone was on their way to the naval headquarters at the moment, and the fleet consisted of only two ships, Zefa and Roxia.

In other words, the maximum exploration range required by Luoxia is two ships.

His search method can help him exercise domineering on the one hand, and find Ain on the other hand, which can be described as not delayed.

At first, Luo Xia was still worried that he was still childish ~ tender and domineering.

Even if the scope of the two ships can be shrouded, it is estimated that it will not be able to detect the details of every corner of the complex structure of the two ships.

He was afraid that he would not be able to find Ain’s breath from the vast number of people accompanying the ship.

But when Luo Xia slowly sank his heart and let out his sensitive perception.

Immediately, he caught an individual with a feminine breath and a slim body, wandering around him.

There were not many people accompanying the two boats, and even fewer women were among them.

The aunts who cook in the kitchen do not have such a good appearance and temperament, and their breath is even weaker.

There are only two people with such an aura and such a perfect appearance, and that is Tina and Ain.

If Tina is not beside herself, she is commanding on the bow.

So, who is this person hovering near his own private sphere, the answer is obvious.

Luo Xia’s range of perception continued to expand, and sure enough, on the bow deck, he found Tina’s breath that was extremely familiar to him.

The target was easily found, and Luo Xia also stopped the idea of probing, opened his eyes and rubbed his chin.

“Ain, this is coming for me? So hesitant not to come in, is it embarrassing? ”

“The little girl won’t have a crush on me, will she?”

Luo Xia was bad, narcissistic thinking, and also got up directly and opened the door.


By the fence at the back of the middle section of the boat.

Ain, who was wearing a purple tight lace shirt on the upper body and clean super shorts on the lower body, was wandering back and forth with apprehension.

The girl-style clothes add a touch of cute to her; The blue over-the-knee hood robe draped over her shoulders added a bit of heroism to her.

The combination of cuteness and heroism makes her with an excellent figure and excellent appearance conditions, and she has more beautiful and moving feelings.

In their spare time, the soldiers patrolling around couldn’t help but turn their eyes and enjoy the wonderful scenery of this beauty and the sea.

They looked at the apprehension and sadness on Ain’s face, and couldn’t help but secretly curse which negative man it was, when the goddess was sad about it.

The sailor who was walking at the end of the patrol suddenly pushed the man in front.

The person in front quickened his steps, and subconsciously pushed the person further ahead.

So the chain reaction, a whole originally neat team, stumbled forward.

After all the soldiers steadied themselves, they immediately looked back angrily at each other, wanting to reprimand the last guy…

But as soon as the head returned, all the soldiers brushed in unison and turned their heads back abruptly, ignoring the ‘click’ sound made by the sharp turn of the neck.

They straightened their chests higher and walked more neatly.

Because they saw that Luoxia was coming.

The soldiers who had seen the battle in Luoxia were all in awe and awe of this new commander who had not been in office for too long.

What is respected is Luo Xia’s powerful strength and the proud battle achievements achieved at a young age.

Fear is because the weak will be afraid when they see the strong, just like a mouse sees a fierce beast.


The soldiers’ mutation caught Ain’s attention.

She looked up and turned around, and then she saw tall, refined muscles~ figure, as perfect as iron cast Luo Xia.

Looking at Luo Xia, who was backed by the sun and was like a prince charming in his dreams, Ain Qiao~ blushed slightly and snorted.

“Senior Luoxia, Teacher Zefa asked me… Give me the opportunity to learn more from you! ”

As soon as his side locked on Ain, this cute fat ~ beautiful little sheep took the initiative to send it to the door.

It’s a great thing to have pillows sent when you’re sleepy.

Luo Xia was overjoyed, and did not notice the strange look on Ain’s face, and directly invited.

“In that case, come on! Don’t be afraid, I’m still more helpful…”

“And I usually practice, and I also like to have an opponent to fight, so that the two can check each other’s gaps and progress faster!”

“You use a sword, right? It just so happens that I have been practicing a new sword art recently, please advise! ”

Luo Xia said while also waving his hand to pull Sakuragi and Kuten over, the action of taking things from the air is handsome yuppie!

Ain saw Luo Xia’s enthusiastic movements and saw a rare pair of famous swords.

Despite the shining in his eyes, he waved his hand again and again.

“No, no, no… Where will I be Senior Luoxia’s opponent! ”

Ain followed the advance city, and although he only dealt with some small fierce beasts and small minions, he also witnessed the battle between Luo Xia and the Golden Lion.

I have seen Luo Xia’s all-out strength exploded.

She naturally knew that although she was only one session away from this genius senior who was full of praise from this teacher, the gap in strength was a world apart!

Luo Xia is her role model, the idol who saved her, how dare she fight with a sword?

“It’s okay, I’ll suppress my strength to the same level as you!” We are only for communication, and we don’t really want to fight to death! ”

The opportunity to beat up the girl and burst the card is just around the corner, where can Luo Xia wait?

So, at Luo Xia’s strong request, Ain picked up the sword and stood opposite Luo Xia.

[Well, 120,000 words! ] If nothing else, it will be on the shelves tonight, the author’s explosion, and the next big plot of the public execution of the golden lion are ready, I hope that in the subsequent story, there will be the support of readers, thank you in advance! 】

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