The sword qi of the ghost spider before was captured by Luo Xia’s sword qi and used to counterattack.

Then, the tide of war took an incredible turn.

At this moment, Luo Xia’s old technique was repeated, and no one expected that he could not only capture sword qi, but also photons?

Seeing Luo Xia being blown up by himself, he just didn’t fall…

The yellow ape realized that the next battle was troublesome!

And sure enough, Luo Xia, who supported the ground with his sword, immediately counter~ counterattacked after withstanding this wave of outbreaks.

Lion Wei Goshoji Roll!


The fierce wind and air around his body were all restrained by their abilities, condensing into an air mad lion standing above the sky.

At the same time, all the controlled points of light were also swallowed into the body of the air mad lion.

The points of light shimmered with dazzling light distributed in all parts of the mad lion, rendering the originally transparent mad lion into a golden energy mad lion.

The mad lion roared angrily, and flew into the air and pounced on the yellow ape.

Roar, roar, roar!

The wild lion’s body size is huge, and its casual flapping, claw strikes, whiptails, and body stretches can easily cover the entire ring.

As a challenged, the yellow ape cannot withdraw from the range.

This rule cannot be violated even by him as a general.

As a general, he is even less likely to be defeated by the rules.

Therefore, he could not dodge the attack of the wild lion.

The original weak attack of the air mad lion was almost like tickling for a general like the yellow ape.

Even, that level of attack, even the armed color domineering surrounding the yellow ape’s body could not break through.

But because the mad lion devoured his photon, the mad lion had photons in every attack and collision, escaping the stable control of the floating, and a laser explosion occurred.

Every claw and every flutter of the mad lion can set off endless waves of explosive fire…

Elementalization can dodge physical attacks, and advance elementalization with the assistance of seeing and smelling colors can dodge physical attacks attached to armed color domineering.

But elementalization can only not be avoided, and large-scale indiscriminate bombardment of elemental attacks…

The yellow ape has been repeatedly blown out of its elementalized state.

Soon, he was also blown up and embarrassed.

Can’t stand this, others use their own attacks to counter their own humiliating play.

The yellow ape’s figure shook and turned into a stream of light straight into the sky!

Laser gun!

Looking down from the high sky, the yellow ape’s fingers turned into golden light again, radiating ~ a terrifying laser that pierced everything.

The air mad lion that pounced again in the middle of the laser directly detonated all the gouyu photons in it.


At this moment, there was an endless chain explosion.

Countless fireballs rose up and fused together, turning into a huge fireball that destroyed everything.

The huge fireball directly engulfed the ruins arena below.

The generals on the spectator were once again affected by such a terrifying attack on the cover area, and they retreated from the exercise field one after another, and could no longer protect the site from being destroyed.

At the same time, everyone’s perception was dull and chaotic under the shadow of this terrifying aftermath.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, just in the time when the mad lion contained the yellow ape.

Luoxia, whose physical injuries and physical strength have been greatly recovered, broke out again.


Momo 100x Speed!

Luo Xia instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, passed through a huge light energy fireball from the broken ring on the ground, and strangely appeared behind the yellow ape.

Sakuragi and Kuten, under the action of infinite power, emitted an impatient sword groan.

Blade Phantom Slash!

This time, Luo Xia took out his sword, not seeking strength and destructive power, only seeking speed.

His sword-holding hands turned into afterimages, lightly pulling out sword qi, and slashing at the back of the yellow ape intensively.


The first knife hit, was resisted by the armed color domineering, and emitted a piercing sound of gold and iron.

But immediately afterwards, the extremely fast second knife and the third knife also slashed into a position.


Under such a dense and fierce blade attack, the armed color domineering on the back of the yellow ape was broken, and the blade cut through the flesh and blood, tearing out the scarlet blood flower.

Countless subsequent sword slashes followed again, wanting to aggravate the yellow ape’s injury.

The yellow ape had already captured Luo Xia’s position and reacted, and the sword qi swept through the elemental separated body.

In his shattered light energy body, the yellow ape’s already hideous face was occasionally revealed, and he shouted angrily.

“Sword slashing is useless to me! And your boy’s performance should end here…”

Lightspeed Kick Full Strike!

Super close!

Close-face, fury, yellow ape full burst of strength.


The streamer flashed, condensing the heavy foot of infinite light energy, and directly slammed into Luo Xia’s scarred abdomen.


In the terrifying explosion, a huge ball of light energy engulfed Luo Xia.

Luo Xia couldn’t dodge, but Luo Xia didn’t want to hide, and the moment he was hit, he dropped his twin swords.

He raised his steely fist.

Strength Boost!

Fifty times faster in monthly steps!

Fist bone sky collapse!


The muscles on the arms are swollen ~ swollen and strengthened, and infinite forces converge on the fists, legs and feet.


A huge aura ring bloomed in the air, and the violent air flow exploded the light energy fireball.

In the collapsed fireball, Luo Xia, who was full of scorched black, but his eyes were still radiant, revealed his figure and a hideous and crazy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With the recoil force under his feet, Luo Xia smashed into the yellow ape with a heavy fist!

Watching Luo Xia resist his own attack again, seeing Luo Xia, whose physique is as terrifying as a fierce beast, playing with his own life with his weak physical skills.

The anger on the yellow ape’s face disappeared in an instant, and he panicked.

Elementalization and Streamer Escape!

The body shattered into streamers, and the yellow ape wanted to escape.

But around Luo Xia’s fist that seemed to smash the sky, a huge giant fist phantom condensed into it.

The phantom shadow covers the entire sky, where can the yellow ape escape?


The escaping streamer, after being violently shaken by the power that escaped from the fist and attached to the domineering power of armed color, was forced to break out of the elemental state and re-condense into the appearance of a yellow ape.

And Luo Xia’s pitch-black iron fist also smashed heavily on the yellow ape’s chest!

Armed color hardening!

At the last moment, the yellow ape withdrew the free armed color that had been wrapped around his body and weakened the strength of various attacks, so that it all condensed on his body and turned into armor to protect the defense.

But Luo Xia’s heavy fist is indomitable and will not change because of the obstruction of anything.

The pitch-black heavy fist smashed on the pitch-black chest.

Rumble! Click…

A figure fell from the sky like a cannonball…

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