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White Blast!


A monstrous white smoke enveloped Luffy, obscuring his perception and influencing his movements.

When Luffy struggled and wanted to get rid of it, Smog burst out in the smoke, and his fist was shrouded in armed color and smashed into Luffy’s face.

Luffy was smashed, rolling and tumbling and falling to the ground, before he could react.

White Snake!

More white~wolf smoke, wrapped around like a poisonous snake, bound Luffy and pressed to the ground by Smogg, who came later.

“Boy, this is the end of your adventure game! The East China Sea that I guard does not allow pirates to go to the Great Voyage! ”

Smogg’s knees pressed against Luffy’s struggling chest, and the ten hands made of sea lou stones at the tip were raised high, ready to stab at any time.

And after saying this final announcement, Smog also blatantly struck.

Either stun Luffy and imprison him, or kill him and eliminate a scourge that may affect the sea forever.

This is the duty of the Navy, and it is also the guideline for the Navy to vigorously combat pirates and start from all aspects.

Unfortunately, with the cyan wind that swept through the entire town of Rogue, it spread.

Smogg’s words were all over and he riveted his powerful weapon, but he couldn’t wield it anymore.

The ten hands were as if they were locked from behind by a pair of iron tongs, and no matter how Smog exerted his strength, he could not make an inch.

Smogg turned his head sideways and squinted his eyes and saw a man with a horrible tattoo on his face and a domineering and vicious face.

This man came with the cyan wind, and appeared without the slightest warning, so that even Smogg, who had seen and heard domineering, could not foresee it.

“Hahaha! In this era, who is qualified to stop a man who sets sail for his dreams? ”

A man with a fierce expression, laughing boldly and wildly.

With his laughter, the thunderclouds that stormed the sky, and the fierce wind that swept through the entire town of Rogue, became even more turbulent.

The fierce wind descended from the sky, crushing the forts in Rogue and blowing everything away from the streets.

The naval soldiers were blown to the top, and all the pirates were blown towards the port.

Monchi S. D. Dorag, in order to protect his descendants and set sail, actually released all the pirates that Smog caught ~ today.

Smogg’s whole person was blown up, firmly grasping ~ the buildings around him to stabilize his figure.

Luffy didn’t even see the people who rescued him behind his back, and sent it directly to the port, to the Great Route.

Smogg’s face was extremely ugly, and Ren Donghai’s last mission was about to end in failure.



The dazzling ring-shaped sword qi soared into the sky, like a bomb containing ~ infinite energy, and slammed into the thunderclouds in the sky.


The laser energy exploded, and the sword qi overflowed, tearing the terrifying thundercloud to pieces like a wild horse.

Repeated sunlight shines through the gaps in thunderclouds, illuminating the humid~wet town of Rogue.

The haze that shrouded the town of Rogue shattered instantly.

The reappearance of the sky also seems to indicate that this seemingly heroic event in the name of dreams is actually destined to make a big mistake.

At this point, there will be a huge turnaround.

Smogg should not have been wrong or guilty.

Now he is better than Luffy, and it is natural to capture Luffy, the guy who put the name of a pirate on his ship.

Behind Luffy is a backer and aura that he doesn’t even know.

And Smogg was also lucky to be sheltered and supported by Roxia in this life.


After the sword qi, the mighty power swept through the entire town of Rogue.

The power of the fluttering fruit captured all the winds, changed the nature of the winds that raged freely, gathered them together, and rushed to the port.

The surging cyan wind seemed to have received a new command.

They swept past the crowd at great speed, blocking the people in the harbor and the perimeter of the ships above the harbor.

On the surface of the sea, the fierce wind condensed into a blue, huge, invisible wall of fierce wind.

The giant wall cannot be crossed, and all the debris that surges into the giant wall with the fierce wind ~ is directly torn to pieces by the bursting wind.

The wind wall controlled by Luo Xia was like an unbreakable seal, locking the way out of today’s Rogue Town.

On a high-rise building on the outermost outermost part of Rogue Town, Luoxia and Hawkeye walk side by side.

“Dorag doesn’t seem to know that there is a naval powerhouse right here!”

“He can be regarded as bumping, at least the person he sheltered, it seems that there is no chance to sail today!”

Hawkeye was rarely interested, his face showed the look of watching the play, and he followed Luo Xia quickly.

Luo Xia was far away, staring at the chaotic port, staring at the revolutionary Dorag who slowly turned to look at him on the street, and his eyes gradually became sharp.

“The world is messy enough! These guys who go to sea in the name of dreams still honestly stay at home or even in prison! ”

“Don’t make a mess of this world!”

“Even if your background is monstrous! But as long as you hang the pirate flag, you are not qualified to set sail and talk about your dreams! ”

“The pirate atmosphere that Lao Tzu has worked so hard to suppress can no longer make waves because of anyone!”

Luo Xia said in a cold voice, not because Hawkeye is also a ‘pirate’, and he is about to face a strong enemy at this moment.

And there is a hint of concession and compromise.

The momentum he burst out at this moment completely lost the humility and restraint of the meeting just now.

The whole person was like a sharp sword, which made Hawkeye couldn’t help but lower his eyes. _

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