Karp came with endless anger, so he punched fast and hard.

Moreover, he chased from under the clouds, which Dorag did not expect at all.

Dorag never thought that Luo Xia had been chasing him like this, in order to wait for Karp to come?

Naturally, he was not guarded, so he was hit on the spot.


Karp’s heavy fist shook the air, and the terrifying force acted on Dorag, directly smashing this guy out and planting into the white sea.

Dorag also reacted quickly, and the wind around him surged and steadied his figure.

That had just held back the blood surging in his body, and some tide~red faces, couldn’t help but appear a thick look of consternation.



Dorag and Luffy exclaimed in unison.

However, Karp rushed forward again without any intention and roared.

“Lao Tzu is your father!”

He punched and kicked Dorag back, while also reaching out to grab Luffy.

The old man didn’t want Luffy to follow in Dorag’s footsteps and be hunted down by the entire world government.

After all, Luffy is still weak today…

After all, Karp’s position is the Navy, and he does not want to face the situation of paternal fratricide!

Dorag finally came to his senses, and he also knew that his family’s housework, which had been delayed for decades, could not be avoided today.

Therefore, he simply faced it head-on, and the endless wind gathered on his fist and condensed into a violent wind giant fist.

He tried his best to shake Karp’s iron fist.


The wind fist collides with the iron fist.

Karp crushed the fierce wind strongly, and his body was like a war machine, ignoring the baptism of the frenzied wind, and continued to rush straight up.

Dorag was armed with domineering all over his body, and the fierce wind around his body provided him with endless power, and he greeted him without dodging, and tried his best to shake the frustrated Karp.


Dorag’s two attacks finally offset Karp’s impact and temporarily suppressed the old man’s anger.

The moment the two sides separated, Dorag roared.

“Karp, today’s world government is dark and chaotic, and the Draco above them is even more unscrupulous!”

“The people of the world under their rule are not living! I can’t let my son be a lackey for that seemingly glamorous bunch of garbage! ”

Karp looked serious, his eyes bursting in response.

“So, you just let him be a pirate? Offer to send him to sea? Don’t you know the horror of the spread of ideas? ”

“Do you want to make the world more chaotic? Also, when the Navy is a lackey of the world government? ”

“The old man has served in the Navy for so many years, and he has never done a thing that violates his conscience because of the world government!”

“The old man captures so many legendary pirates and maintains world stability, is the old man also a lackey?”

Dorag clenched his fists when he heard this, and there was a momentary look of shame on his face, but he still argued.

“You’re just an exception! Naval heroes, how many can there be? You Karp, how many can there be? ”

“Draco has an accident, and the generals can’t help themselves! Do you think anyone can go their own way, stay out of things and be at peace with each other like you? ”

Karp narrowed his eyes when he listened, but suddenly pointed his finger at Luo Xia.

“This general is also a rookie in the Navy! Like his old husband, he has also done all his deeds to fight pirates since his debut. ”

“I believe that as his merits and strength grow, he will not be at the mercy of the world government!” The old man will also shelter him! ”

“With the rise of more and more new blood, the backbone of the navy will definitely slowly get rid of the control of the world government!”

“Like him and me, it is advisable to use the existing order, fight evil, and maintain world stability at the lowest cost!”

“You started chaos without thinking about how many innocent people would die because of your revolutionary war?”

The topic suddenly shifted to himself, and Luo Xia’s whole person was also confused.

But he knew it was a good thing, and it showed that Karp recognized himself in some way.

Even, as a witness of their family farce and the collision of conflicting ideas between three generations.

Rosha also has the support of Karp.

Luo Xia spread his hands and did not deny Karp’s words.

What he wanted and planned was to build, as Karp put it, a force within the navy that was ‘out of the control of the world government’.

At the same time, he also waved his hand to make the ship retreat farther away, avoiding the ordinary soldiers on board and hearing the conversation of the Karp family.

At the same time, avoid these statements of ‘rebellion against the world government and against the Draco’.

Because of ordinary soldiers, it reached the ears of the top echelons of the world government.

In the navy, the forces that are unhappy with the Draco and rebel against the world government are gradually surfacing ~ surface.

Luoxia should slowly gather this force, condense it around himself, and use it for himself, as the capital for Luoxia to fight against the world government and control the navy in turn.

Among them, Zefa and Karp, which have infinite prestige and are the pillars of naval combat strength and spiritual pillars respectively, are the backbone of this force.

The ideas of Karp and Dorag are to rebel against Draco and fight for world order.

The difference is that Karp advocates that based on today’s naval base, he will disobey or even ignore the orders of the world government to fight pirates.

Use the power of the World Council to impeach those unscrupulous kingdom kings.

Starting from the top, we strive to remove the maggots at the lowest cost and reduce the disasters that may be brought about by the world chaos.

Dorag’s idea, on the other hand, is to set off a vigorous revolution.

He leads the people who yearn for freedom and fairness to overthrow the rulers of the mediocre kingdom with his own hands, until the entire world government and Draco are overthrown.

He insisted that everyone who was not willing to be enslaved had the opportunity to control his own destiny with his own hands.

Even if the price of getting this opportunity may be death.

When the two sides had differences in philosophy, and no one could convince the other, they naturally continued to beat each other.

Whoever has a big fist will say it more reasonably!

[This is the protagonist behind, the foreshadowing against the Draco and the world government~! ] 】

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