Losing the power to destroy the environment, Luo Xia was more relaxed to clean up Anilu.

After all, Luo Xia was also a person with several natural abilities.

The characteristic abilities attached to the natural system are each powerful and difficult.

As long as you find a method of mutual restraint, it is still more promising to abolish the other party’s big move.

And the yellow sand corrosion power of Luoxia is obviously a kind of restraining lightning.

Lightning cannot be conducted through yellow sand, and even if it can heat yellow sand into crystals, it takes a long time.

And in this time, it was enough for Luo Xia to kill him countless times.

His body dried up rapidly, corrupted, and lost a lot of physical strength, and Anilu felt threatened with death.

He quickly converged his ability, causing the body of the overly swollen thunder giant to shrink by several sizes extremely quickly.

Taking advantage of the time when his body shrank extremely quickly and broke away from the suppression of the giant sand blade, Anilu’s body turned into lightning and rushed towards Luoxia again.

Having been beaten into this tragic situation, he was absolutely discredited on the empty island, and even his perfect body would be permanently scarred, and he was already a little crazy.

He wanted to rush up and return a tooth for a tooth, making Luo Xia also pay such a miserable price!


The electric light around his body flickered wildly, and the energy of Anilu’s whole body condensed to a point, stuck under the sand blade giant sword, and rushed towards Luo Xia.

Anilu’s decision is actually more wise.

After all, the Sand Blade Greatsword is huge enough.

If he was frightened by this attack and fled again, Luo Xia let him run tens of hundreds of meters first, and he could easily cut him down with a sword.

Jian Da is so willful!

But while the blade is huge enough, it naturally means that the turning and short-distance movement of the blade are relatively slow.

With such a reverse charge as Anilu, close to Luoxia, it is difficult for Luoxia to use the giant sword to intercept and attack again.

And this gave Anilu the opportunity to rush and embrace Luoxia.

Unfortunately, what he forgot was that Luo Xia had two famous swords!

What he didn’t know was that Luo Xia’s extremely strong physique made him fully capable of breaking out two similar attacks in a short period of time.

In today’s Luoxia, there is no such thing as overload.

Sakura Ten lifted up, and the wind and clouds and air in the sky all converged, condensing into a transparent giant sword blade.

This giant air blade looks weaker and more transparent, but the air and wind inside it are also flowing at high speed, producing a huge cutting force.

With Luo Xia’s swing, the giant air blade cut through the void and attacked at great speed.

Compared to the giant sand blade, this sword is noticeably lighter, and it is relatively accelerated against the oncoming Anilu.

Anilu was even more dodging and was hit on the spot!


The air blade briskly slashed through Thor’s giant body, slashing him instantly stiff in place, and also set off a large ~ piece of blood.

Anilu was hit hard by this, and the power of thunder around his body dissipated extremely quickly, and the whole person transformed back into his original form.

Without waiting for him to react and no longer give him a chance to continue to struggle, the two giant swords in Luo Xia’s hands burst out with a flexible speed unimaginable to ordinary people.

The giant sand blade that straddled the heavens and the earth shattered on the spot.

Luo Xia lightly held the dead wood, adjusted the angle of the attack, and when the sky split, the endless wild sand gathered again, once again converged into a giant sand blade that tore the sky.

The sand blade followed the chopping trajectory of the dead wood, and it also changed the angle of attack, and it fell straight from the sky, and it was right in the head door of Anilu, whose body was stiff.


Apayado, after a frenzied tremor from being slashed by such a huge sword blade, Anilu’s whole person had disappeared under the giant sword.

He was no longer the same as before, surrounded by thunder and light, like a god.

He no longer dominates the empty island, and he is so noble as when he calls himself a god that the people of the empty island worship him.

He was smashed into the dirt and turned into part of the ashes of Apayado as retribution for enslaved the island for countless years.


The thunder of the sky gradually calmed down, and no one summoned them again.

They will not easily unleash such a devastating power like natural rage.

The Great War is over.

In the giant ravine smashed by the sand blade, Luo Xia picked up a bunch of cards that exploded from Anilu’s body.

And the entire empty island, with this war, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Higher in the sky, the thundercloud that was pierced through a big hole is not mentioned, after all, the thing was artificially made by Anilu.

The biggest impact is the sea of clouds of Cumulus Clouds that has been pierced, a giant hollow that takes a long time to heal.

Before he healed, the entire ‘Island of Gods’ was already irreversible, moving along the sea of violent clouds towards the void.

The island of God, which was worshiped and loved by the people of the empty island, fell down the giant hollow and unstoppable to the Qinghai of the Nether.

Luoxia has the ability to block it with the power of the Fluttering Fruit, but the Island of the Gods is part of the ‘Gaya Island’.

This thing did not belong to the empty island, and after being sent to the empty island by the huge current, it also caused the struggle and war of the empty island people.

Instead of that, let it go back to its place.

Rosha only controlled the Ark Proverbs of Anilu, and the gold collected by Anilu.

He allowed the Island of God to fall, as if the sky were falling.

In addition, on the super vine at the highest point of the Island of Gods, the bound golden bell was also touched during the extremely fast fall of the Island of Gods.




It collided again and again, making a thick sound that resounded in the sky.

It seems that hundreds of years later, the agreement to ‘ring the bell’ has been completed; it seems to announce to the people of the empty island and the people of Gaya Island, the return and final belonging of the island of the gods, Apayado.

“Yo yo!”

The strange scream sounded, and countless people dressed in tribal costumes and stepping on the black technology of the empty island, who looked ancient and feudal, galloped through the sea of clouds and jumped into the hollow of the sky collapsed into the cumulus cloud.

It was the Sandians who, following the will of their ancestors, had fought for countless years to retake Apayado.

Now that Apaya has returned to Qinghai, they naturally followed.

Even if with the island, the price of falling 10,000 meters in the air may be death, they will not hesitate.

This is the decisive decision made by this ancient fighting tribe for countless promises over the centuries.

[Kneel for support, there are so many plots behind… But the data of this book shows that few people read it anymore… I tried to update and wanted to get a recommendation, but it became a luxury… Tired heart. 】

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