The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 207 - Not Full Way!

"Wh...What are you saying!" He can't help but exclaim but on the spot, Jennifer kept her finger on his lips with her wide eyes. "There are people outside.."

"Yes! There are people but.. do you even have any idea what you just said right now?"

His whiter face made her giggle when Jennifer's eyes stared into his intoxicating eye under dim light.

"I know..that is why I said, Javier.. Kiss me now!" Her demand was once again put forward, especially when she was in his embrace only a piece of clothing distancing them, as her grip tightened on his shirt. 

'Oh Gosh..' he had no idea how he had landed on this situation but without further delay, he pressed his lips against her soft ones.

Brushing them softly at first, he slightly licked them with tenderness. Sucking her upper lips at first, he captured her lower lip to start the kiss.

"Umm..hmm." her moans added to his pressure when his hands traveled from her face to down to her stomach. Slightly raising her shirt from the down, he caressed her tummy with his soft hands. 

His touches were already making her feel the foreign sensual in her stomach when her toes curled on their own, with fingers clutching his shirt with more firmness.

The legs of hers came closer, leaving no space in between them Javier left no opportunity to not give her the feeling of heaven.

Initially, the kiss was smooth, when both of them took their time to feel the flavor and the dizziness that spread in Jennifer's mind. 

But with time, it turned fiercely when Javier's other hand, supported her head to bring her face closer and another cupped her face slightly.

There was no way, he was leaving any time to waste instead of simply surfacing all her tastes.

"J..j.Java..Javier...agh.." when his lips left hers, she could emptiness. As if, something really parted ways with her which gave her an unsatisfied feeling.

But the same was overcome when his soft lips landed on her bare skin. The hot tongue of his was already sending unspeakable sensations all through her body.

A fluid was generated, which she could feel herself in her grasp but it was hard to know what's currently happening. 

The direction to sense her own emotions and nerves, with an increase in uneasiness and dizziness was almost making her lose her own consciousness.

The urge to stop was becoming more but the feeling of satisfaction and pleasure never let those words slip or on her mouth.

But at the same time, Javier immediately de-attached himself when he simply kept his head in the pouch of her neck.

"Javier... wh.." the energy level of her was low but she still called his name to ask what happened?

"Sh.. don't speak. Stay still." That was all that he responded when she kept mum further. 

Their uneven breathing regulated with the time as they both are almost out of breath. In the small tent, they shared such an intense moment where losing control was pretty obvious.

But same brought a frown on her forehead, 'Why did he stop in her middle? Did he not like it?' That was very much a possibility but the same couldn't be said for his actions.

Her seriosity to know was higher, when she further asked, "Us.. everything.. okay?" 

"Hmm." His grip tightened around her body when he inhaled her natural scent, "Everything is fine. It's just that.. this is my limit, Jennifer." 

"Limit? In this?" His word didn't make any sense to her when Javier finally started back at her colored face, "Yes, my limit." 

"But why do you need to be within your limit?" It frustrated her. The earlier actions gave her so much pleasure.

Stopping in the middle already made her frown immensely.

But Javier knew that he had to stop, it was important. "Because if I carry it out.. trust me, Jennifer, I will not be able to control myself ahead and stop anything from happening." 

"We aren't married. Kissing and everything is fine.. but taking things ahead is not right. No, they aren't! So… not until and everything suits between us, going to full length is not in my conditions."

The reply was a soothing one but at the same time, this was somewhat making her slightly rotated.

Yet, her tensed body relaxed a bit. 'At last, this is not the case that he doesn't like me at all. Maybe taking things too fast will also cause a problem to him..' 

She knew that the pleasure was undeniable but that didn't she meant at his cost.

"Alright!" With this, Jennifer kept herself in an embrace, "Let us sleep like this... if you don't mind." 

Sensing that her mood wasn't gloomy, Javier's heartbeat came at its normal rate.

Kissing the top of her head, he nodded his head. "Hmm. sleep. Tomorrow, we will have a lot to do. It will be a long day.." 

'...And Tomorrow, Jennifer, you will know why I wasn't willing to go to any lengths with you right now..'


Meanwhile back in Lucas's state.

He was currently in his house when the phone rang. Staying near the window, he put the call on the Speaker, "Have you reached where I told you." 

His voice was still coped with expression neutral. neither anger nor fury. He maimed his calm composure but the glimmer was not hidden so successfully.

"Yes! Mr. Smith, we are soon going to arrive at the hotel that you have booked. but.. it is safe right?" Mr. David asked with cautiousness, to which Lucas just smiled,

"This is building that I have personally allocated. It will be smooth. Just stay inside for one day and there you go contact Jennifer as soon as possible."

"How long do you want us.. to get her back?"

Hearing this, Lucas's eyes narrowed slightly twisted, "Soon. The wish is still pending and I want to get married to your daughter very soon…Since my patience also had its limit..."


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Lots of love for golden tickets by, 'Aew1308' NImeyer, and Author291. Hope you guys will continue your support (Kisses)*

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