The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 263 - James Smith

The words seemed to revoke the other party. Though he maintained the calm he never let that aloofness fade from his eyes.

"Even if I'm an Illegitimate child… yet this never made the difference since I'm also a Smith. Isn't it so?" James answered back without averting his gaze.

The mocking of the comment brought a sly smirk on the other lady's face well. A chuckle passed from her lips when she muttered, "They carry so much hatred.."

"Yes, we do! After all, we don't treat unwelcome people here!" Lucas's sharp reply made both the duo alerted when they both averted their gazes to eye Lucas.

But it wasn't impacting Lucas as he is used to such gazes and intense feelings of anger were already taking a toll on his head. The fury which he felt upon seeing both of them, was of next extend when he can't come to the terms that he is having these two under his roof.

Moreover, Amara was already feeling air being sucked out of her lungs when she had to take the support of the nearby wall. The horror that was plastered on her face showed that it put a deep impact on her.

'In The morning.. Ruby was stolen and now these people… Oh, God... so they are the bad omen?' Her body turned rigid when she joined the dots and realize the seriousness of this situation.

"Lucas…" on his name being called, he turned around to stare at his mother's condition, "Mother  why are you getting tensed?" Looking back at the duo, he gritted teeth, "I will make them leave instantly!"

"How will you do that, when you don't even have power  in this household?" At last, James stood on his toes and tugged his hand in his pocket.

With his eyes narrowed, one can easily foresee the similarity between the two. Either it is their eyes, aura, or face structure. Adding to this, the height of the two men was almost the same!

If outsiders saw them, they would probably consider them to be real brothers. 

Unfortunately, they are the most deadly rivals.

"I will do this.. I will do that… man, do you think that you even have that much power in your hands to make decisions? I must say, you bluff a lot!" James's words were provocative to the extent where Lucas's hands converted into a fist. Anger is very much evident to showcase.

Looking straight into each other's eyes with evident hatred, a glint passed by his eyes, "I at least have the honor to be the owner of this home and the business... unlike you who was living in abroad."

"I was sent abroad to manage the business itself. You're given the responsibility to handle the local business whereas I handled the exterior. If you think you are superior, think twice about this man.." 

James's words impacted Lucas who instantly held the collar of James's lavish suit with their face almost touching due to the proximity, "I repeat.."

"Never compare me with yourself ever in this lifetime…" Lucas told with his eyes turning bloodshot with each passing moment.

"Lucas! Leave James's collar right now!" Veronica shouted as her eyes widened as she kept standing on the other side and stood on her legs as well.

But her words met with rebellion when Amara didn't stay silent anymore,"I believe a mistress should stay away from this whole matter. You don't have any right to say or to give instructions to my son."

Amara was strict in command, not averting her gaze from Veronica even for a mere second. While Veronica moved her gaze towards Amara, her eyes narrowed slightly, "For how long can you even tell me that? Your son is trying to punch his brother so ruthlessly and you want me to stay silent?"

"He is not his brother but a child born out of wedlock.." Amara replied back when she took a few steps ahead to arrive closer to them, "Neither are you related to Smiths nor any other way around."

"Is that so? But as far as I recall, my son's father was the heir of the Smith's group as well." Veronica wasn't going to shut her easily as well. 

Turning her body to face Amara, she looked much taller as compared to her.

Her skin was already soft, despite being older than Amara. 

Except for the title of the legal wife and the shed of Grandfather Smith, she has nothing in her hands…. not even ruby anymore.

The comment already drained Amara's face as Veronica struck just on the hot plate, at the right sign, where she had lacked the most in her life. That part of her life which she regret the most in her entire lifetime.

Who can deny that this was the major truth they all are battling through..

"Your son… was a mistake.." Amara managed to mutter, light enough for the other lady to hear. Instead of anger, what surfaced was calm and absolute stillness.

A smirk lifted on Veronika's lips when she shrugged her shoulders, "Mistake? I believe that is what Lucas can be termed as. Since my child was born out of love.. not a mistake where I drugged Mr. Johnson and… let's not bother as your child is already old enough."

Veronica blurted out enough to seal Amara's lips. 

The furiousness was evident in her eyes as her hands curled up into a  fist, ready to throw a punch at her.

'This woman's speech is still the same… she is still honest and so outspoken in her language…' with this, Amara's eyes glowed with an unspeakable glow.

At this stage of her life, Amara had no clue how to get furious anymore. How was she supposed to handle this anymore? 

When the mistress has shown up out of the blue?

Lucas, who had stayed silent finally blurred, "You! Who the hell even called you here? Or did you just get here uninvited and an unwelcome guest?"

"I asked them to come here…"


Thank you to, *Angela_Bush* and *Camille49Lamoure* for their golden tickets. Hope you will continue to support!

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