The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 298 - Calling You!

Lucas was angry and she could sense the same just from his eyes. It wasn't any joke, but a serious matter that will have a deep impact on all of them.

"Your father has gone and we have no control over it. But why has he appeared again? wasn't he abroad?" Olivia can't help but ask. As per information, this man was supposed to be taking care of the business abroad.

What is he even doing here!? The part of the business that Lucas handles!

At first, Lucas didn't reply. He had no intention of doing so but keeping mum. Unfortunately, the eager gaze of hers pulled him out of silence.

"Grandpa said that he called him here to assist me." Was a short reply, not providing enough information or hint.

He didn't have the best of words to tell her that his grandfather doubts his capabilities. Moreover, being the legal heir of the family, he doesn't have the intention to let his reputation be tarnished.

"Assist? I agree you are ahead of the workload on your shoulders but that doesn't mean.." calling an illegitimate person in the family and kicking you out.

But she kept the other half in her breath since she knew the hatred Lucas bore. The sight of him was even depressing his mood. He wasn't furious like the other times but seemed to be really annoyed.

'He doesn't have the power right now, in his hand this time…' things weren't favored and she assumed the circumstances to be the reason behind so. 

"So, what are you planning right now? Do you want me to resign? What will be handled by him?" if he's the one sent for the assistance, she knows that James is a total threat to Lucas...

"I haven't decided yet, or to be more specific, this power doesn't lie with me. Even, it was all decided by a grandfather who will handle what. I don't have control over" she could already sense that his hands are also tied.

The tired look of his showed how much he was irritated and frustrated by the entire situation. The same symptom of her heart when she kept her hands over his shoulders. 

"You..don't have to feel lonely. You know that I'm always there for you no matter what happened in the near future..'' Her words seemed to lower his feelings. He kept his hands over her in a strong grip, "I know this and maybe..this is the reason that I'm trying to get over this myself with.." 

She passed him a gentle smile. But unseen by him, her smile contained mockery. Yes, her love was selfish and after knowing that he had made a girl pregnant, she wasn't going to divert herself into his love affair.

'Especially, when the new problems..this James has shown himself up..' the time is precious so was time for revelation.

Pressing her lips into a straight line, she stood on her toes and started to massage his shoulders from the back. 

Massaging his shoulders, it gave him the utmost pleasure of relaxation. "Do you enjoy this?" 

"It is a lot of relaxing. After all, I haven't slept for the know how much things are currently fucked and messed up.." she couldn't agree any more...

But at the same time, last night's conversion brought her wild imagination. What surfaced was what she underwent yesterday, making her still fear the man already..

'Someone already knows my true identity..looks like I will need to go to another level of the heights to safeguard myself now..' 

With James right here, she had nothing to do with things like this. Unfortunately, she knew this fact that she has to somehow, remove that man from the way too. Otherwise, it might be too late for her to do so. 

"Lucas...why don't you actually use your contacts to get James away from your way… hmm?" her suggestion shocked Lucas. 

"No, I can't do that grandfather is the one who is involved in this. If I do anything silly, the primost suspect would be only me and I don't have any wish to get into the bad books of my grandfather..especially at this point of his life.." 

She understood his concern as well since he has to undergo many things at the same time, unlike her. 

But at the same time, her pressure over his shoulders already made him moan slightly which made her realize that this man… has started to turn softer towards thumbs. Or was this just her imagination?

Just when she was in her own imaginary world, Lucas opened his mouth to say, "I know that things will get complicated but Olivia, I'm glad that you are here... At least for now."

"I will be in every si-" her words were cut short when there was a knock on the conference room's door.

Both of their eyes went towards the door to see that there was a man outside. "Come in." Lucas gave the other to find one of their employees coming inside to look at Olivia.

"Um...Ms. Olivia, your presence is requested." Hearing his words, made both of them look at each other and then back at the employee. "Who is calling me?"

"Why don't you just come with me…" the man looked too reluctant to speak, especially when Lucas was present. 

Olivia found it too strange since no one would be brave enough to have her call so openly ever in this office.

But she didn't think much, ready to get up from her seat and walk out with the man. Yet she halted in the middle when Lucas's words stopped both of them. 

"Who has called her? Tell me right now!" Lucas's sharper tone was filled with rage. As if he was already aware of the person.

With this, Olivia and the same employee stopped. They looked too deadly afraid to utter a single word but then dearly gazes were strong enough to spill the beans out.

"It is Mr. J-James who has called for Ms.. Olivia's presence."

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