Chapter 497: Room of evidences!

“And you let him do that?” That was the first question and the reaction of grandfather.

“I had no idea that he was doing this. It all happened behind my back. I found the ruby to been stolen from my cupboard and it was done by Lucas. The time I found it, it was already too late for me..” Amara hadn’t even shed her eyes in between.

There was no scope of lies in this anymore, since Grandfather Smith could easily trace the web of lies. Her body language was said to give hints.

In return, grandfather Smith took a deep breath. Without letting his mind wander around, he simply gave her a nod.

But on the other fact, this wasn’t simply done here.

Getting back on his toes, grandfather Smith stood on his toes. Adjusting his clothes, he took his other stick into his hand to start walking in the direction of the door.

Meanwhile, seeing him not even asking or telling her anything made Amara raise her guards. “F-father..where are you going?”


“Come with me.” was the simple command raised by him and without delaying, she obeyed and followed Grandfather Smith in the corridors and the lobbies.

Without uttering a single word, she found themselves all in the room which made her heart shiver. ‘Why is this man bringing me there?’ it was a dead cave, the room had been locked for ages...

So why was suddenly it reopening? Her heart shattered into the pieces. Even the beads of sweat appeared on her face...

But at the same time, in her mind, she thought that Grandfather Smith won’t go to any length to actually do the same with Lucas.. he has already lost one heir.

The room contained different essential items. However, their value was much bigger than realized. Why? Simply because this room is the hub of the proofs and the solid evidence against them...

“Fa-ther..this room..earlier you said that it will never open...”

“Time has changed Amara...Time has seriously changed.” Grandfather’s heartbreaking voice wasn’t appearing to be soothing to her ears either.

She was afraid since her anxiety was not even leaving her all alone at this point.

But instead of appearing weak in front of him, she maintained her attitude of the good daughter-in-law and stood behind him.

As grandfather opened the lock of the door, the room was wide open. Inside, everything was covered with dust, furniture was covered with white clothes..and even the web of spiders can be seen.

Just stepping inside, Amara could feel her lung was ready to burst out. But at the same time, she maintained her mind to be sober and didn’t flink her eyes even a bit.

Whereas, instead of beating around the bush, grandfather simply walked to the other side where he removed the cloth from the portrait that hung on the wall.

A big and giant portrait of the Smith family, none other than Grandfather Smith and his son...things were pretty complicated between these two.

But the sudden unraveling of the picture of her late husband..whom she had cheated to get pregnant, already sent the chills down her spine.

As if, his ghost was ready to haunt her day and night, and even getting pictures out of her mind was hard.

‘This man....because of him, I have to deal with Veronica and Jack!’ her hatred for them rose at the thought of her husband again.

Whereas, the same can’t be said for grandfather whose eyes were filled with unkind emotions. There was no difference he showed, except the layer of the mist and the aloofness.

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But at the same time, there was a drop in temperature which made Amara concerned all over. “Father, any special reason for you to”

“Call Lucas. Here.”

“Lucas?” Amara Once again asked, in disbelief. “Yes, call him here and ask him to appear here within the next ten minutes...and this is my final ultimatum..”

“As per you say...I him..” and without any delay, Amara found a number for Lucas to dial at the same spot.

Her trembling hands weren’t working pretty well but she waited as her hand stuck to her chest. At the same moment, the ring went through and Lucas had picked up the call, “Yes mom?”

“Lucas, wherever you are, come straight to the mansion. Grandfather...wants to talk with you on an urgent basis. And..come within the next ten minutes. NO DELAY!” and immediately, Amara hung up the phone.

She had no intention to reveal anything and without any doubt, Lucas would have questioned her on this. ‘Just come, Lucas..’ because she doesn’t’ know what will grandfather do if he doesn’t appear.

Within the next ten minutes, the sound of the car was heard at the doorstep of the mansion. While getting out of the car, Lucas touched his coat before he removed his goggles to finally come inside the mansion.

During that time, his eyes caught the sight of none other than the butler whom he stopped in the middle, “Tell me, where is his grandfather?”

“Young Manter sir has asked me to guide you to the room..” Hearing this, a frown covered Lucas’s forehead.

Yet without telling, he simply let the butler bring him to the designated room since he was too speechless when he was brought to the room where he had never stepped inside.

The room has been closed since he was a child. Never in his lifetime did he see this. Moreover, his mother always warned him that this room was dead meat.

It has tons of the things hidden is forbidden to enter on Grandfather’s order.

‘Why is this room suddenly opened?’ He was held out confused but maintaining the same curiosity, he simply walked inside to find his mother standing at one corner with a concerned look plastered on her face.

On the other end, Grandfather was standing near the desk, while his hands roamed at the certain documents, diaries, DVDs, which made him almost doubtful.

“G-grandfather, did you just call me? Mom said you wanted to walk about something urgent..”

Lucas didn’t beat around the bush and then, he looked from the corner of his shoulders to find that the butler had called the door.

He had no idea why this heart was not helping him out in this matter but surely, his mind was against all things.

And without any other formalities, Grandfather’s pertained black eyes rose, stealing Lucas’s glance. “You gave my precious Ruby..didn’t you?”


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