Chapter 507: Culprit!

“About the transfer of shares?”

The words awestruck everyone. They were bowled over, finding no meaning to the current sentences. Meanwhile, Lucas was raging up with fury inside his brain, “Jack, don’t talk in puzzles! Come straight to the point!”

“I’m telling the truth, Lucas Smith. Have you forgotten the papers which you had signed when you were drunk?” Jack didn’t hide anymore. He took his glass of whiskey in his hands to walk to the other side of the bar.

Walking much closer to where everyone stood, he watched his sorry state of Lucas. “When I returned, I held a very few shares, almost negligible. But all thanks to you that you had given me such power to make decisions now. All your shares are now under my name, which makes me the largest holder of the shares in the company. Since the major flow of cash is through the company, it entitles me to make decisions regarding the money.”

“...And I don’t allow you to use the money for your own filthy use. So, officer.” Jack motioned his head to glance at the cops with the same smirk, “...You aren’t getting a penny from us Don’t come into their foul lies.”

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” Lucas immediately attacked Jack. He held his collar, trying to almost kill him and snap his neck right now, “TELL ME! Why Did I even sign the documents for you!? Tell me!”

Defending himself, Jack had hit Lucas in his stomach. The officers took the car to hold Lucas back from fighting.


But the aggression didn’t subside in Lucas’s body, “When did you cheat me, Jack!?”

Whereas, Jack covered his collar in a better way. Behind him, Veronica came over to hold him down tenderly, cautious of seeing his animal look of Lucas.

But Jack didn’t fade away, “On the boat. Do you think that the man who came from abroad was the real man?”

“He was real, maybe. But at the end of the day, my relationships with him were stronger. My instructions came to you to sum a deal. There, you were drunk and didn’t even take a look at the papers? So foolish of you! Those papers weren’t of any foreign contract with any international client forward, but you had actually transferred all your share under my name now.”

“With this, your mother and your grandfather don’t hold the right to dictate to me. Any decision without my agreement is not possible. So..” Jack’s aggressive tone changed and, once again, there was a bright grin on his face.

His smile was as cold and lonely as frost on a windowpane. It was like a sealed envelope, holding too much satisfaction. “How’s my surprise, my little stepbrother? That’s nice to see a legitimate son failing against an illegitimate one. nice...”

At this point, Lucas’s brain went through the trunk of the sentiments that were harder to describe. He was burning with the sentiments. He loathed Jack to his blood!

Because at this moment, Lucas was soaking red with anger.

His teeth gritted, putting a hostile glare, “You have done something worse than that, Jack..You will suffer for this...I will make you suffer!”

“Making a suffer?” Hearing this, Jack started to laugh. The laugh echoed in the giant hall, which didn’t put an end to the conversation, “Think about yourself first. You are going to be worse than me. So, don’t worry about my position right now at all...”

When Lucas’s eyes were still not able to overcome the power of anger, he decided to face the officer. Lucas understood that engaging in conversation with Jack would be a waste of time.

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And right now, each minute was precious.

Lucas’s confidence didn’t reduce due to his setbacks, “Anyways, do you have the proof against me? If not, then I’m not going anywhere. No solid proof. I will not go anywhere without talking to my lawyer!”

The officer’s face twisted when he hear Lucas’s words. A soft grin appeared on the man’s face and he can’t help but feel the light sympathy.

“Mr. Smith..I think you are being too yourself. We have proof and that’s why we are staying on your premises.”

“Proof of those fake clips?”

“Not just clips but something more concrete than those.” The officer replied and then, he moved his head. Looking at his other mates, the other officer took out the knife that was there in the plastic transparent bag to show to Lucas. “This is the key factor, Mr.Smith. the one..who had your fingerprints.”

At this point, Lucas’s mind almost burst. He couldn’t believe that the knife he was seeing was exactly the same one he had used last night. ‘H-How is this possible for them to have this?’ it didn’t make sense.

Recalling the night, he had thrown the knife far from their house. In fact, that knife is lying somewhere in the forests within a four-hour drive from here.

‘This new knife has my fingerprints?’ When the disbelief took on Lucas’s face, he suddenly recalled some incident of the past.

As the memory flashed by, he can’t help but feel that the sudden imagination came and went.. as he realized how and when the knife got his fingerprints on them!

Unfortunately, at the same moment, Olive had stepped inside the mansion. She had noted the police were standing here and the first glance she met was with Lucas’s, who also passed her the bloodiest gaze possible.

‘ didn’t do good by choosing the wrong side in this battle...’ he can’t help but think, when he raised his voice to say, “Olivia...that wasn’t expected of you..”

To this, Olivia had lowered her eyes. She had no change outlook back into those eyes, which were gazing at her with the murders ins ever.

“A-All..I did it for myself. That’s your crime, don’t bring me into this, Lucas.”


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