Chapter 510: Never show your face!

“I prefer to hear, Jack Smith. Words help me decide things better.” Grandfather Smith finally addressed Jack as a Smith, which was a rare scene to witness.

At that point, Jack was too taken aback. His shocked expressions didn’t leave high eyes.

But at the same time, he was able to overcome and cover up his excitement. There was no doubt that he found himself in a very tight spot.

However, that didn’t stop him from saying further, “Finally a Smith....?”

“When I remember and calculate how manipulative you are, I can easily say that you are a Smith. While Lucas does everything in a hurry and in messy ways, you are calm and composed. Lucas expressed his anger too vibrantly and wait for the right opportunity to find your ways. And the way you struck..will not leave a person any option to recover.”

Jack was impressed, ‘He really thinks highly of me?’ That was a rare sight.

But surely, he will not gain his mercy regarding what he is planning today. Taking a deep breath, Jack cleared his thoughts, to finally put forward his thoughts into words


He slipped the file on the desk towards the old man, “These are the papers. Since you already know that Lucas’s shares are now under my name, which counts me as the largest holder of the company.”

“I haven’t cut your money yet. Cash flow is going on. But for Lucas? My aim isn’t the same. I will not let the company’s money go to waste. Your illegal things need to come to an end and this will happen in my region.” Jack finally told Grandfather Smith keenly.

“Since I want my control over everything, I will also need to go and make some changes. Lucas is bent on bars. But I have solid proof that can actually take him out on bail. His bail application can be processed if you fulfill what I want.”

Hearing this, grandfather Smith’s brows raised into a curve. He was somewhat excited but also nervous since he knew how bad this cunning man could be. “How come this will solve my loneliness?”

“You Will get your favorite grandson out from the bars. What else do you want right now?” Jack can’t help but ask with a slight smirk, “Moreover, this mansion is empty. A butler and you..don’t tell me you don’t want Luas here?”

“After all, Amara isn’t here anymore. She has left for heaven. It leaves you with Lucas who can actually talk together and tackle these sites.” Jack gave in to the offer

Yet despite the old man not being interested in the politics of their games, understood Jack too well.

There is no doubt that Jack will never go for any option that will never benefit him. In fact, he might say that Jack’s words contained hidden meanings.

“You will actually let Lucas out and unite him with me? Surprising...” grandfather Smith muttered when he took another sip from his liqueur glass. “That is least expected of you. Will you let two powerful men reunite with their extreme powers? I don’t think so.”

“Why?” Jack inquired again, with the same level of a smirk on his face.

“A smart man like you will actually not let two of us reunite Who knows if we both plan something against you? What will you do then?” The old man commented and this made Jack’s things obvious.

Hearing this, Jack only smiled and even the smile had reached up to their eyes, “Since you already know about this, then let me apprise you.”

“If you wish to get your grandkid back, you will need to give up your shares to me. Don’t take me as a fool because after Amara’s death, you have taken her shares into your account too. So, you have two options..Mr. Smith.”

At that point, Jack stood from the chair. Getting out of the place, he started to roam in the blackened cabin room, while narrating the two options left with the old man, “Either you actually live your life like this, and I exercise my powers.”

“I will make Lucas’s life worse and you more lonely. You can reside in this empty house all by yourself.” Jack told him honestly and this made the old man’s lips turn into a smirk, “You are threatening me.”

“Showing you a brutal reality,” Jack said.

Afterward, he stopped at one place and faced the sitting grandfather, Smith to say, “ can give you your rights on the shares, on the company entirely and the assets and transfer them to me. Afterward, I will let your grandkid come out on a bail application. The decision lies with you.”

“I don’t like to take my opponent so lightly. If you both are armed with any power, that will be my disadvantage, as they say, never trust a snake. I don’t trust people like you.” Jack didn’t hesitate to tell the truth.

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Knowing how cunning the old man is, he surely can know that if Lucas comes out, he will still use Lucas as a chess piece against him.

Despite knowing how many qualities Lucas possesses, there will be tough competition.

And when he can easily swipe him out of his way, why shall he take the high road?

At last, grandfather Smith didn’t mutter anything for the next few minutes. He kept on taking his wine, which went through his throat and body.

Straightening up his back, he finally opened up the pile of paper that Jack had brought with him. Going through the pages, he had seen the content and read them thoroughly

At this point, even Jack was doubtful. ‘Will he sign?’ This thought was still evolving in his brain like a maniac.

However, he held his breath to find that Grandfather Smith finally took the pen and had left the signature on the required pages without any further conversation.

“Here are the documents. I want my grandchild out by tomorrow morning.” Grandfather Smith finally said, to which Jack took the papers and nodded his head, “You will get him by tomorrow.”

“And Jack..” Elder master Smith called his name, to which Jack responded by lifting his chin, “Never show me your face ever in this lifetime...”

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