Chapter 524: Glad to be kidnapped!

“So, was it all for money?” Jennifer sneered at his words but Lucas didn’t gave her any glance on this, “I planned to get what I wanted. You already know about this now.”

“But I’m still curious.You wanted to make me sign the documents but have you thought that I would have let you go so easily once you transfer all my properties under your name? If I was in that position, I would have the same share in your properties and this will ultimately make it impossible for you to divorce me. So, what had you panned to solve this issue?”

Knowing how technically Lucas thinks and how far sighted he is, she was very much sure he will not think it as a cake walk. In fact, his brain runs via thousands of directions and this thought must have struck his mind. Right now, Jennifer folded her hands in front of her body when she stared at Lucas whose glares were’t less then threatening.

“I had planned to dispose you.” was the simple words he gave to her but Jennifer hoped for more, “Explain, Mr. Smith.”

“I planned to kill you once your property comes under my name. There was no way I would have you let you survive because there were very high chances that you will seek share in my property after divorce.” Lucas didn’t hesitate to reply back on her face and this made Jennifer’s blood turn cold.

In the middle of their conversation, she wouldn’t turn down the possibility that there was hints in her heart which guessed it right. Moreover her instincts told her that he must have thought of some more unethical way to deal with her if the situation was to arise.

Indeed, she was grateful that she didn’t marry him. For the very first time, Jenifer was glad she got kidnapped by Javier on her wedding day. Otherwise, her life would have turned out to be horrible in the hands of this criminal.


However, her calmness was in total contract with how Javier felt after hearing Lucas’s words. His mind wandered and he snapped out of his daze. “YOU bastard!” Javier walked to Lucas and threw a hard punch across Lucas’s face. A wound appeared on the man’s cheek which turned purple and blue

“You wanted to kill my wife?! All you know is it to kill..Let Me remind you how it feels to be a killed now..”

“JAVIER!” Jennifer’s yelled his name to bring him out of his fury. At the same time, Jennifer turned her face and casted a look to Ellen. He understood and stepped up and helped her to tackle Javier as both of the pull him away from Lucas. Jennifer already noted his face that turned red from anger. She sensed that it was impossible to keep a control over Javier’s anger and this sent her hints about time restraints in her hand.

As Jenifer looked at Lucas,she asked, “Who are my parents then?”

Jennifer didn’t receive any answer from Lucas and this made her furious too. She used her leg to kick the man in his private area which gained a loud yell from the man, “OH F+UCK ” His eyes widened as the sudden break turned his mind upside down. The sharp kick almost rebounded from breaking down so far and the arrogance slipped down from his face.

On witnessing him going through such a pain brought a wide smirk on Jennifer’s face. But her cold attitude dind’t vanish instantly “You are telling me, who are my parents? tell me. Who is the King and which kingdom’s princess am I?”

“I-I...I..Don’t know at all...” he coughed blood out his mouth on the floor before lifting his face one again, “I really don’t is your parents who were involved in kidnapping you as a child. They know who you are. All I know is that you aren’t their daughter and not a Taylor either. In fact...I..found out about your past through your parents....'”

Hearing this, Jennifer’s eyes narrowed, “How does Amelia and David Taylor occupied in this?”

“They were the ones who sent your wedding proposal at my house and told us. We-we had no idea, but I secretly checked your information to find your heritage and property under your name so I agreed..” Lucas wasn’t telling a lie and Jennifer could easily predict that.

She glanced at his face which was at the edge of fainting due to the weakness that curled under his skin. The smug on his face ripped out and was replaced with hope and restlessness. He was totally alone at this point, pleading for some mercy to behold on his head.

However, before Jennifer could proceeded to ask,she heard the soft sigh from Javier. He broke free from Ellen’s grip as his eyes were burning with fire which were ready to gulp Lucas at any moment, “Who has ruby right now, Lucas?”

Lucas didn’t answer immediately until Javier haunted him again, “I-I don’t have it. Y-Your father has the one...”

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Jennifer didn’t try to shed light on the Johnson’s private matter. She was done questioning, as she guessed that there are very less chances to extract much information from the man in one of her. In fact he didn’t seem to budge from his words despite experiencing a blow on his body. He was stubborn but that didn’t mean he lied.

Yet when Jennifer was standing in the series of her daze, Lucas shifted his attention on her as his face appeared to be absolutely lacking any soul. But his next words were a bit alarming for her as she heard.

“Your parents have something to do with your disappearance as a kid and your past. Ask them..they know everything about you, no me.”


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