Chapter 538: Past insecurities!

After coming out of the room, Javier and Charles were walking without any strain of thoughts. They were already feeling numb to all emotions after learning about true identity.

“Don’t you think that it is too much of a coincidence?” Charles can’t help but say to which Javier didn’t react. “Coincidence?”

“Amaira went against Shirley and now we are getting to know that Shirley was never her mother. In fact, he himself killed the child who was born out of Shirley’s womb.” Charles repeated Shawn’s words and this was the ultimate truth that was slapped on their faces.

No one could believe that someone like Shawn, who was more or less stubborn about his lineage, went to such lengths to kill his own child. No doubt, no one was able to disclose this incident that occurred in the past.

However, Javier didn’t show his true emotions. He was still as hostile as before.

Shrugging his shoulders, a cold glimmer passed through his eyes, “She also doesn’t know that the child whom she dominated is not her child. What do you think, will she hate Shawn after knowing that he killed their child?”

“Absolutely. A lady like her will not tolerate such a step.” Javier smiled as his eyes turned into a crystal shape on hearing the answer, “Then, it’s perfect if this was disclosed to her. I want to see her expressions.”


Charles also agreed and both the brothers exited the building. They walked out and went back to their cars, ready to go back to their houses. But in between Charles took the mission to ask, “What are you going to do about mom’s killer?”

Javier, who was usually silent, lifted his eyes to gaze back at his brother, “I know what I’m going to do. Two more days and I will be able to crack the footage that I found from Mr. Johnson’s laptop. I will revert back to you within the next two days.”

“So are you and Jennifer living together now?” Charles didn’t strike the conversation from their personal matters ever. But once he realized that now, only both of them were left as each other’s support, there was no score left for him but to seek the care of his younger brother.

Javier didn’t say a lot but only passed a nod.

“That’s good. Let’s make an arrangement to meet. Sierra and children will love to be with her.” Charles suggested, in order to bring harmony and live a few days of peace.

“I don’t think we should do it right now.” was the blunt answer from Javier’s side, who was still high on his guard, “Let’s fight the issues of Shirley first of all, and then we both inform Amaira about the reality. When everything settles down, we can plan a meeting between the ladies.”

Hearing what Javier suggested Charles had no control. He simply agreed to his brother’s words and both the men went in their respective ways.

While Javier returned back to his apartment, Charles decided to go and spend a night with his family, the family whom he recently reconnected with.

Driving in the direction of Sierra’s apartment, Charles didn’t think twice and entered her apartment with the spare key. Inside, darkness welcomed him into the living room, ‘Looks like everyone is asleep till now...’

With this thought, Charles quickly removed his shoes to relax. Loosening his tie, he walked towards the master room’s door and opened it without making any noise.

Straightway, Charles’s eyes fell upon the trio who were sleeping in deep slumber.

A small, yet gracious smile greased his lips. He was filled with joy, and happiness and all his previous anger despised into the sea. ‘And this is the family that I will need to protect..’

Charles didn’t try to disturb them and closed the door again. As he was passing by from the kitchen, his eyes fell upon the small note attached to the refrigerator that caught his eye.

‘Food is ready and is inside. You can eat that if you come late at night.’

A small yet meaningful sentence that conveyed all the emotions which were required. It brought a smile to Charles’s face and he quickly opened the refrigerator to find the food that Sierra must have stored for him as his dinner.

There were no words to describe his happiness and Charles quickly took the food out to heat it and start eating. Despite sitting alone at the dining table, he was still contempt of her gestures

‘At least she is making a few efforts...’ and he was already grateful to God for such a blessing. Charles finished his dinner without leaving a bite on the plate.

He couldn’t recognize if the food was tasty or if was he simply enjoying his actions of Sierra.

Charles didn’t press his mind on such a thought and after washing his utensils, he walked back into the other bedroom adjoining the big one. It was tidy inside, exactly how he expected Sierra to keep it.

While Charles changed into another piece of clothes, he sat on the bed and went through some mail that flashed on his laptop.

At the same time, the door of his bedroom was opened and he quickly rotated his head, “Sierra? Weren’t you already asleep?”

She bit her lower lip and entered the room without saying a word. She closed the door from inside to sit with him and stare at him deeply, “Where were you so late? Your office hours don’t take long.”

“Are you suspicious?”

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Charles couldn’t help but ask on witnessing her serious tone. But in contrast, he received no response from her side which made it clear to him that her past insecurities were acting up.

A sigh escaped from his lips.

Charles removed his tablet to hold her shoulders firmly, “Yes, I left the office long ago. But I wasn’t with anyone else but with my brother. There were few things which need to be settled and we both went to ba-”

“Your family is still in the underworld?”


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