The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 76 - Demands(1)

The suspicion grew more in his eyes yet he kept it under wraps and stood there with a straight back, waiting for his sir to decide the further plan and give him appropriate instructions. 

Deep inside, he was already feeling sorry for this tab. All he wishes, for now, was that Lucas makes a call to the other party keeping his high ego aside for some time.

At the same time, Olivia stood there with a high chin. A smirk plastered on her lips when she noticed how deeply Lucas thought over her words, thinking about how much influence does her words carry for him?

"Lucas? We don't have enough time. Decide quickly..'' She once again reminded him when he finally nodded his head and faces both of them with a distant and serious look. 

He coughed in the starting and lifted his eyes with a kind of dangerous glint, "let us call them for once and see what they are asking us. At least we should be aware of their demands and then work on them." 

The smirk on Olivia's face widened when she passed a warm and assured smile to him. Vlas nodded his head and brought his phone to him.

But at the same time, Olivia passed Vlas look and then looked at Lucas, "This needs privacy.." 

Vlas nodded his head in understanding. 'This lady is driving me away now...woww..' he was someone who has all the information related to Jenifer's kidnapping. Somehow, this irritated him quite a lot but at the same time, he has to do what they all say and agrees to the orders.

"I Will be down sir. Please call me for further instructions as well.."

With this, Vlas made his way down in the living room when he closed the door behind him, leaving both Olivia and Lucas alone.

She gave him a look when he took his phone out and dialed the number. 

"Is it the number of the Johnson heir or his father?" she asked carefully because as far as she heard, it was his son who kidnapped Jennifer from the wedding. 

"Father. Children...must be arrogant. I don't wish to talk with someone lower in position when I can have direct contact with someone, who is higher and way more of my league." Too much overconfidence, Olivia thought but stayed silent. 

She watched how he dialed his number, despite his heart wasn't entirely convinced by his actions. Yet it was important because his and Jennifer's alliance is all that matters.

Many things are dependent on the same marriage which can't be delayed much more. 

The ring went through the other side and finally, Shawn picked up the call. But without greetings, he spoke, "I didn't expect that you would call so soon. Expected some more time from your side." 

Lucas put the phone on speakers and Olivia's lips twisted. 'He is too aware of how self-esteem and egoistic he is..' 

But Lucas stayed silent for the first few seconds and didn't say anything further. He clearly saw the sarcasticness in the tone and was somewhat reconsidering his offer to call from his side. Was the initiative even worth it? 

He cleared his throat to lay back, "I too didn't expect that you will take the initiative to break the peace treaty which was signed by our elders. You see, we abide by our words, so I never charge on your states, until now. Showing my sympathy with you guys but... your threatening is just making me think twice if I should let you go so easily." 

"Haha.a.a...Mr. Smith, you are in the position of begging me. Your bride is in our state. Still, you are thinking of charging on us with your arms? Trust me, it will never be beneficial because our army is way wider. Moreover, do you want Ms. Jennifer Taylor to die as a single?" 

Single? His foot! Lucas's face was getting worse with each conversation. It wasn't easy to control his emotions and sentiments, But Seeing him once again growling due to the fury, Olivia kept her hand on his thigh and while massaging his shoulders slightly. 

"Mr. Shawn, I saw your video. What are the terms and conditions that you're putting forward? Be straight, because neither I nor you have much time to waste on this useless conversation."

With a lot of patience and self-control, Lucas finally ignored and focused on Shawn's previous words and asked him for the main point.

Olivia didn't show many sentiments on her face, but her heart skipped a beat when she heard the demands.

"Lucas, my wishes are quite simple for you. I have your bride with me. If you wish to have her back, then you will need to follow some rules and agree to some of the major conditions. Remember, I'm ready to compromise a lot, and we can seek out, but don't take my words lightly." 

The warning was straight to his face. Closing his eyes once again, Lucas's hand was formed into a fist already. He dug it deeper than the bed's mattress and spoke, "Go ahead. I'm listening." 

On The other hand, Shawn smirked when he heard Lucas agreeing to hear them out. Since he knew this man is cunning, it was very much new for him.

"My first wish is for you to clear the FoxFing area and give it to us. I want your army to move back and we resolve the issue of the land now. Grant my army to take it over and I shall take it into my states now." 

Lucas's eyes shimmered with coldness and aloofness when the first demand was put forward.

He too, was amazed at his hearing ability because if this was one of his sons, he might have spouted his anger on them, until now.

Olivia never left his side and stood beside him, hearing everything through her sharp ears. 

'The man is cunning for sure..FoxFing land? That is too dear for Lucas..' the fight for the land has been going around for the past ten years. Giving it up so easily and accepting defeat? In her eyes she found it insult and more likely, impossible to be agreed upon from Lucas's side.

Still, with all the due patient, he once again asked, "Your second request." 

"I want you to release my brother from your cell of bars. I know he has been in police custody for so many years, give him back to me now.."

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