The Kind Death God

Chapter 113: Holy See sends troops

Looking at Xuanyue's calm face, Ah-Dai took a deep breath and urged the golden body whose Dantian had recovered some energy to practice.

With the movement of the golden vitality in the body, Ah Du’s mind gradually disappeared from the outside perception, and he was completely immersed in the golden ocean in the body. The golden body was trembling slightly under his deliberate stimulus. As it continued to run and merge, the energy Gradually increase. When the true energy was condensed to a certain level, the golden body suddenly lit up. Dumb was surprised to find that the volume of the golden body seemed to be a bit larger than the original, but the second golden body shrank a little, and both golden bodies remained in place. About three and a half inches tall, the golden bridge between them gradually appeared, and the flow of energy was clearly visible. Dumb knew that the increase in the volume of the golden body indicated that his skill had increased a bit, his consciousness gradually blurred, and he was completely in joy. The realm of forgetting things. The energy of the golden body is constantly increasing in its own cycle, the divine light is flowing, and all the vitality in the body is gradually revived under the effect of the vitality.


Oliveira walked outside the room where Dah was resting. It has been three days since he came back from Bilu Canyon, but Dah and Xuanyue have never left the room. The skill displayed by Dah and Xuanyue that day was full of incomparable shock in his heart. , He knew for the first time that magic could produce such a powerful power to destroy the sky and the earth. The entire Billou Canyon was almost destroyed in the final collision between Lardas and Dumb, if it were not for the fusion of many magicians. Boundary blocked the shock wave, I am afraid that no one can come back alive./In the Mainland Mage Guild, no elder can compare to the cultivation bases of Ah-Dai and Xuan Yue, especially the silver dragon summoned by Ah-Dai. Lardas, the magister with the strongest attack on the mainland, contends. The strength he possesses is unimaginable. Oliveira made up his mind that no matter what, he would worship them as teachers and learn from them the true knowledge of magic. He secretly I swear that one day, I will also reach the realm of dumb and lardas.

Before he walked to the door of the room where Dah was resting, Oliveira clearly felt the huge energy contained in the room, and she couldn't help being slightly surprised. In order to let Dah rest at ease, Elder Fengzhi specially arranged him on the mainland. The quietest room in the wizards' guild, and ordered any wizards not to disturb them, Oliveira also sneaked over. He cautiously walked outside the door, feeling the huge energy contained in the room, impatient with curiosity, and couldn't help but gently open the door to a gap.

A sacred breath hit his face, almost making Oliveira hard to breathe. He hurriedly applied a few low-level wind defensive magic to himself, which stabilized his figure. Look inward. The situation in the room made him almost exclaimed. Duan and Xuanyue sat on both sides of the big bed, respectively, wrapped in white and golden light. Because the light was too strong, he could not tell which side was Duan. It's Xuan Yue. That surging energy is only radiating from those two beams of light. In the golden light, there seemed to be a pair of golden feathers flapping gently, and every rhythm would cause fluctuations in the room. The sacred breath gave people a feeling of incomparable tranquility. The white light on the opposite side of the golden light circulates continuously in a spiral shape. Although it does not have the strong sacred aura of the golden light group, the thicker energy shows its intensity. The vision is so magical in Oliveira's eyes. The complex feelings of admiration, admiration, and reverence are constantly filling his body and mind. His desire for power has never been so strong as now.

Oliveira knew that it was Dumb and Xuan Yue who were meditating, and they should not be disturbed. My heart moved, since the two teachers are cultivating, I'm afraid they won't be able to wake up in a moment. In order to show my sincerity in apprenticeship, why not stay here and protect the law for them? In this case, when they wake up and see my existence, they may accept me as a disciple. Thinking of this, Oliveira couldn't help showing a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth. He found a chair from the trade union, and took his wind **** rod to guard the law piously outside the rooms of Ah-Dai and Xuanyue.

The Holy See, the Hall of Light.

After listening to Ba Buyi's narration, the pope's expression was unusually solemn, Xuan Ye and Na Yan stood respectfully on both sides of the pope, their surprised eyes flickering, and the reappearance of the Dark Demon greatly shocked the upper echelons of the Holy See. How can they not pay attention to the race that brought disaster to the mainland thousands of years ago?

The pope groaned: "It seems that the thousand-year catastrophe is approaching, and we cannot sit and watch. Perhaps this catastrophe was caused by the dark demons. Since they dare to reappear and kill humans, then our guardians of gods We must defend the dignity of mankind. At the beginning, the benevolence of His Majesty Divine Feather did not exhaust the dark demons, but only limited their ability to reproduce. Now, after thousands of years of recuperation, they will bring new calamities to the mainland. We must not Watch. Xuan Ye, Na Yan."

Hearing the pope's call, Xuan Ye and Na Yan hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully saluted the pope, waiting for his instructions.

The cold light flashed from the Pope’s eyes, and he said faintly: “Since the Dark Demon has not given up, let’s complete his mission for His Majesty Divine Feather, pass on the Pope’s order, and order the red clothes to worship Xuan Ye. Na Yan, led six white-clothed rituals, presiding judge Xuanyuan led deputy presiding judge Baburon, four holy judges, twenty bright judges, and 200 ordinary judges, and led a thousand holy knights to Sooyu The Tianyuan Clan of the Federation is looking for the whereabouts of the Dark Demon. Once they find the Dark Demon's lair, they will clear all their clansmen, and they must not let one go." His low voice has already determined the Dark Demon's fate in a brief command.

Xuan Ye and Na Yan trembled in their hearts at the same time. The Pope’s words were equivalent to imposing a death sentence on the Dark Demon. Two sacrifices in red, six sacrifices in white, and the presiding judge personally acted, equivalent to dispatching nearly half of the Holy See’s strength. For many years, the Holy See has never taken such a big action, not to mention there are a thousand holy knights. Although these holy knights are not as strong as the judges, they are also much stronger than ordinary humans who practice martial arts, especially their self. The sacred vindictive spirit cultivated under the guidance of the Holy See is even the guest star of the Dark Demon.

Xuan Ye hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, are you sure we want to wipe out the Dark Demon?"

The pope closed his eyes and said faintly: "I will pray for their blasphemous souls. For the survival of mankind, we cannot have reservations. When we break, we should be broken. Xuan Ye, you must understand this truth, we cannot give the dark Whenever the devil can take advantage of the opportunity, the great **** will approve of my approach. Okay, act now. I will give you three months. If there is any abnormal situation, I will report it immediately. At the same time, send my order, He ordered the red clothes to worship Manxiu and Yuma immediately return to the Holy See to wait for orders." After a pause, he turned to Babuyi, his deep eyes showed approving eyes, and smiled: "No, this time you reported that you did a good job in time. , You also participated in this operation, hope you can do something, don’t humiliate your grandfather and your father’s reputation. I am waiting for your good news. As for the Yueyue side, I will take care of it."

Ba Buyi said respectfully: "Yes, Lord Pope. Actually, thanks to Yueyue’s discovery of the Dark Demon, I dare not take credit for it. My Lord, Pope, if Yueyue returns to the Holy See, please help me tell her and just say , Just say..." He flushed, brewing for a long time, but still didn't have the courage to say what was in his heart.

The pope smiled and said: "Okay, go, I understand what you mean. Xuanye, this action must be done in secret, and the dark demon must not be prepared in advance, understand? This is related to the Holy See. Prestige, this action is based on the chief judge Xuanyuan, and you and Nayan offer sacrifices. As for the supply, Brother Nayan is in charge, and the power of the Holy See on the mainland is up to you to mobilize."

"Yes, Lord Pope." After the three bowed and bowed, they withdrew from the Hall of Light, Xuan Ye and Na Yan felt extremely heavy. They clearly understood that this action was too important for the Holy See.

The pope sighed slightly as they looked at their leaving back, and said to himself: "Dark Demon, Dark Demon. Is it because I am too sensitive? Why do I always think that the appearance of Dark Demon is not so simple." For the first time since the Pope, he felt uneasy in his heart. As the person closest to the gods, he knew clearly that without the aid of the savior, the thousand-year calamity would not be able to survive, but in order to preserve the heritage of the Holy See in the catastrophe, he had to kill the Dark Demon with all his heart.

A dumb figure emerged in the pope's heart. Is that dull boy really the savior? He has been worrying about this problem all the time. If it is, then there is nothing wrong with letting Yueyue go to him. Dumb, I hope you don't live up to my expectations of you. As long as it can be proved that you are indeed the second savior of His Majesty Divine Feather, I will do my best to support you with all the power of the Holy See, so as to survive the thousand-year catastrophe.

It was already evening when Babuyi returned to the Holy See. At this moment, the sky was already dark, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, bringing a ray of light to the dark night.

After leaving the Guangming Hall, Xuan Ye smiled and said to Babuyi: "No, you did a good job this time. The Pope seems to like you very much. You have to work hard."

Ba Buyi said respectfully: "Yes, Uncle Xuan Ye, I will."

Xuan Ye nodded in relief, looked at the handsome Ba Buyi, and was very satisfied. This is her ideal son-in-law candidate! I really don’t know what my daughter thinks. What’s so good about that stupid dumb? How could it be better than the shangba not according to young age, "No, this time you see Yueyue, what did she tell you? That's dumb. How about your kid?"

As soon as he heard the name of Dui, Babuyi frowned, but he felt relieved when he remembered that Xuanyue was about to leave that silly boy who was nowhere to be compared to him, and quickly explained what happened when he saw Xuanyue. .

After listening to Ba Buyi’s narration, Xuan Ye’s heart moved. His daughter knew best. He faintly felt that Xuan Yue said that the disappearance of her feelings for Dumb was not true. I must not let Yueyue get entangled with that stupid boy again, sighed, and said: "This girl! She is too disobedient, not, I know you have been very good to Yueyue. Let's do this, this You must do some credit for the action of destroying the Dark Demon the next time. Your uncle will help you. After returning to the Holy See, I will immediately explain to the Pope, asking him to give you Yueyue as his wife. In this way, I have a piece of cake. What's up is to explain to your father, so I don’t need him to keep asking me. Father-in-law, what do you think?" He has secretly decided that even if Xuanyue is unwilling, he must not let her stay with that dumb again. He is right Dui's prejudice can't be changed. He absolutely doesn't want to see his daughter with someone who holds the sword of the world to the evil underworld, and may turn into a demon at any time. What's more, how do you deserve your own daughter as a dumb? With only Yueyue's words, he couldn't believe that Ah-Dai was the messenger of the gods. What's more, the savior is nothing but a vague thing in his heart. Even if he is a loyal believer of the gods, he does not take it seriously. He has absolute confidence in the huge strength of the Holy See. He firmly believes that even if the Dark Demon had recovered thousands of years ago It is impossible to confront the current Holy See.

Na Yan smiled slightly, and said: "We watched to grow up with Buyi. Among the younger generation of the Holy See, he is the only one who can accompany last month. I agree with your opinion. I think the pope will not object. of."

Ba Buyi was overjoyed and fell to his knees with a thump, and said in a trembling voice: "Buyi will definitely take care of Yueyue for the rest of his life, pity her, love her, and prevent her from being hurt in any way."

Xuan Ye helped Ba Buyi up and smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to promise me anything, as long as you treat Yueyue sincerely in the future, you can still believe in your uncle. Go back and pack your things first, this action It depends on your performance. I am looking forward to being able to play with your father again! It is a pity that we are going to wipe out the enemy this time. Dark demon, why are you so obsessed with killing? —"Xuan Ye did not shy away from killing people, but the practice of destroying a race and completely eradicating their marks still made him feel a little uncomfortable, but this was the order of the Pope, and he had to execute it.

After Ba Buyi respectfully saluted Xuanye and Na again, he unfolded his figure and quickly ran to the house. His mood at this time could no longer be described as excitement. He finally got Xuanye's approval and was finally able to talk to himself. The combination of the beloved, this unspeakable sense of happiness made every cell in his body boil, and he couldn't immediately kill the Tianyuan clan to solve those dark demons. He returned to his home at an extremely fast speed and slammed the door in.

In the room, Babylon was washing his wife's feet, and it seemed that he was ready to fall asleep. Although he is the noble deputy presiding judge of the Holy See, in the heart of Babron, there is nothing in the world more important than his wife and son. His wife’s glorious task of washing his feet every day, as long as he is at home, will definitely complete it himself. , He didn't feel that this was a shame to his identity, but felt it was a kind of happiness. However, this kind of scene is usually done with Ba Buyi behind his back. At this time Ba Buyi suddenly broke in, and immediately embarrassed Babulun and his wife Luoshui. Babulun became angry and said: "You bastard, Didn’t I teach you to knock on the door?"

Ba Buyi was in a surprisingly good mood. He hurriedly raised his head to look at the ceiling and murmured, "I, I didn't see anything. Sorry, Dad, I was so excited that I was so gloomy."

Babylon grunted irritably. Luo Shui looked at her red-faced husband, with warmth in her heart. Baburen's rough palms touched her tender feet and she felt a tingling feeling on her tender feet. She whispered: "My son is back, don't It's washed. It seems that he has something happy to tell us."

Normally, Luoshui seldom has a good face towards Babulun. The soft whispers at this time immediately made Babulun's heart happy. He could no longer worry about embarrassment, grabbed his wife’s feet, and insisted: "That Anyway, it's almost finished anyway." Turning his head to Babuyi, he said slightly angrily: "Smelly boy, if you don't give me a good reason, see if I forgive you, what happened?"

Ba Buyiqiang held back his smile and raised his head and said, "Dad, Uncle Xuanye has promised to mate Yueyue to me. You said I should be happy."

Hearing what his son said, Babrun was overjoyed. He laughed, and while buying his wife’s feet to wash his feet, he said: “Good boy, it’s great. With your dad’s style back then, I’ll get it done so soon. Tell me, how did you catch up to Yueyue." Ba Buyi lowered his head and looked at his father washing his mother's feet. He couldn't help but laugh.

Babulun said in embarrassment: "Laugh or laugh, you should learn from your father and me, this is a good way to please your wife."

Ba Buyi hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I must learn more from you. Dad, this time I went to chase Yueyue, and finally found her in the Tianjin Empire. She said that she was not sincere to that dumb, but thanked him. I saved my life in the first place, and I helped him complete some tasks in order to repay him. I will be back after a while. Moreover, Yueyue told me that the Dark Demon had reappeared and killed many people."

Babrun was shocked, and Luo Shui's feet in his hands trembled slightly, "The Dark Demon has appeared again. This is a big deal! Have you reported to the Pope?"

Ba Buyi said sternly, "I have already reported it, but business matters are important. I just returned from the Guangming Hall, and the Pope gave an order to let Uncle Xuanye, Grandpa Nayan, and the presiding judge lead a large number of people to the Tianyuan Clan and destroy there. The dark demon, and indicated that you and me will participate."

Babulun suddenly felt that Luoshui’s feet were slightly cold in the hot water, and he couldn't help looking up at her, and said with concern: "What's wrong with you? The Dark Demon is actually nothing terrible."

Luo Shui smiled reluctantly and said: "I'm fine, but I was a little worried when I heard that you were leaving again."

Babron used the prepared towel to dry his wife's feet, put on slippers for her, and said softly: "Don't worry, there are two red priests and the judge, how can we have anything to do? Will be back soon. No, you go on."

Ba Buyi nodded and repeated what Xuanye had said to him. After listening to his narration, Babrun said: "That guy Xuan Ye has eyesight, my son is so good, he is absolutely worthy of his daughter, and your life's major events have been determined, so I can rest assured. Okay, you Go back to the room and pack your things. Let's start with father and son tomorrow morning. You have been practicing for many years, this time it will come in handy. Once you have to spare no effort to take action against the Dark Demon, Dad will guard you, but don’t let these care about you. My elders are disappointed, not only for Yueyue, but also for our family. You must perform well, you know?"

"Dad, don't worry, then I won't bother you. You can continue to make friends with your mother." After saying that, before Babylon became angry, he immediately ran back to his room.

Babulun shook his head helplessly, and said, "This kid, when did you learn to be so glib, there is still a certain gap compared to me being honest and honest."

Luo Shui put on his shoes, surprisingly he didn't refute Babulun's words, his face was a little pale, and he said faintly: "No, let's go back to the room, you are going to leave tomorrow. I will help you pack things up."

Babron hugged his wife’s willow waist, he hehe smiled, “I don’t need to pack my things, and I have nothing to take. Let me make good friends with you today. I don’t want to sleep on the sofa anymore, let alone we have some time. I can’t see it, I hope I can bring the fragrance of your body to the battlefield. That will be more brave!

Luo Shui nodded softly, snuggled into Babylon's arms, and whispered: "You must be careful this time! I am at home waiting for you to return safely."

Babylon didn't notice the strangeness of his wife. He just thought she was worried about herself. He put his arms around her soft body and smiled and said: "Don't worry, your husband, I'm so wise, how can something happen? Let's go back to the room. It's business." He didn't even clean up the foot wash, so he took his wife back to the room.

Andis City of the Ajin tribe, in the mainland magician union.

Fengzhi stood outside the room where Ah-Dai and Xuan Yue were resting, looking at Oliveira with a tired face, and said, "It's been five days, why are they still cultivating?"

Oliveira smiled bitterly: "I don't understand either! The cultivation of these two teachers is indeed too advanced, but I can't understand them."

Fengzhi sighed and said: "Yeah! Don't say you don't understand, even I can't figure out what method they are using for cultivation. It is unimaginable that they have such a powerful strength at a young age, hey——, It seems that I am really old. Keep guarding, I'll go back first." After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but clearly felt the energy fluctuations in the room and couldn't help but stop. The original surging energy seemed to weaken rapidly, but after a short while, it had disappeared. Fengzhi looked at Oliveira and smiled: "It seems that they have finished their work."

Oliveira was overjoyed, after guarding for so many days, they were finally leaving.

Dui slowly opened his eyes, and after a few days of cultivation, his power was restored to its peak state. Because his Dantian golden body had absorbed part of the energy of the second golden body, he felt that his power had broken through again. The speed of progress made him full of joy, and he thought to himself: Brother Xuanri was right, and only through continuous experience can his skill improve rapidly. There is hope for revenge for Uncle Owen.

Xuanyue has been in a state of meditation, feeling the change in the energy of Dumb, and she has also awakened from the deep practice. Because of the baptism of the gods, every time she meditates, her mental power will increase, and her previous sense of weakness will be improved. Nothing was left, the powerful mental power clearly felt everything within a few hundred meters of the circle, and slowly opened the star eyes, just in time to see Duan staring at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Big brother, has your skill recovered?" I have practiced at the same time with Dui more than once. I don't know the reason. As long as I'm with him, my cultivation level will improve much faster than usual alone.

Duan nodded and said, "I have fully recovered, and it seems that I have made progress? It seems that I have benefited a lot from the battle with Lardas! Two friends outside, you can come in." He is now Although his mental power was not as good as Xuan Yue's, his six senses were far higher than Xuan Yue's due to his profound vitality, and he naturally found someone outside the door.

Oliveira and Fengzhi opened the door and looked at the two of them. Fengzhi said sincerely, "Elder Dah, your cultivation is really profound! The two have recovered."

A Duan floated down from the bed, the feeling full of real anger in his body was so comfortable, and smiled and said: "We have all recovered completely, Elder Fengzhi, Tianjin Mage Guild has no more trouble, right?" He was most concerned about It's a matter between the two magician unions, lest there be any conflict between the two sides.

Feng Zhi sighed and said: "Since I saw the last collision between you and Lardas, I have long since lost all the desire to win, let the flow go. Lardas was injured very seriously, I am afraid it will be back soon. It can’t be recovered, let alone the Alchemist’s Guild to mediate. Within a period of time, both of us should be able to get along well.”

Dumb breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "That's good, Elder Fengzhi, our skill has been restored, and there are still some things we must do, so let's say goodbye to you." After experiencing the entanglement in the defenders of Guangming Province, Dumb I know that if I stay here again, I am afraid the magicians here will be more enthusiastic than the defenders at that time.

Fengzhi hadn't spoken yet, Oliveira had already plopped and fell to his knees, begging: "Teacher Dumb, please accept me as a disciple. Let me follow you and receive lessons."

Dumbfounded, looking at Oliveira who was re-producing the old thing, she frowned and said, "But, I really have nothing to teach you!"

Fengzhi smiled and said, "Brother Dumb, don't be humble. We have all seen your strength. I grew up watching Oliveira. He has a pure temperament and his obsession with magic is even mine. If you sigh, just accept him. Since the two of you practiced, he has been guarding the law for you outside the door. He is the pillar of the trade union. Let him practice as you please, and he must have his magic cultivation skills. Very good help."

Dumb looked at Xuan Yue embarrassedly, and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Oliveira said anxiously: "Madam Dumb, you can accept me. Even if you don't teach anything, as long as you let me follow you, I will be satisfied."

Although Oliveira’s following will affect her and Da’s getting along, in order to be able to give Da’s a strong support, Xuan Yue still agrees with him, "Big brother, just accept him, even if you can’t teach, I’ll You can point him, his wind magic is not weak, and it is always advantageous to have one more magician." Turning to Oliveira, Xuan Yue said sternly: "However, I want to make it clear to you in advance that we are on this trip. The destination is the Mountain of Death. You have to think about whether to follow us. In that world of death, we may not be able to take care of you."

Fengzhi and Oliveira were shocked at the same time. Fengzhi frowned and said: "Are you going to the Death Mountain? It's too dangerous there."

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Only in dangerous places can we stimulate our own potential and improve our skill! Oliveira, do you have the courage?"

Oliveira’s firm voice sounded, "I am willing, I am willing to accompany the two teachers to the Death Mountain, even if I die there, I will never regret it. You are right, only in a dangerous place can I better improve myself. The strength of Indeed, only Death Mountain can attract two teachers to experience."

Oliveira's obsession moved both Ah'Dai and Xuanyue at the same time. Ah'Dai sighed and said helplessly, "Well, Brother Oliveira, just follow us. But let's say that, I am not you. What kind of teacher, we are just friends, we should be considered brothers to each other." As he said, he helped Oliveira up.

Oliveira showed a look of disappointment in his eyes, but he firmly believed that his sincerity would surely impress Dui, nodded and said: "Well, Teacher Dui, just let me follow you."

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "You are wrong again, this teacher will not call in the future. How old are you this year?"

Oliveira scratched his head and said, "I was born in August, 1997, in the sacred calendar. It is now in July, and I will be twenty in one month."

Xuanyue nodded and said, "Then you are older than me. I was born in 1979 and two years younger than you. You will call me Brother Xuanri from now on, brother, how about you?"

Dumb said: "I seem to be born in March 1977, a bit older than Oliveira."

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