The Kind Death God

Chapter 5: Osogamika (above)

     came to a large forest in the northwest of Varyan Province, Corris ordered the coachman to stop, paid for the car, and sent him away.

   Looking at the big forest in front of him, Corris is in a very good mood. Only when he returns here will he feel satisfied. Thirty years ago, he moved here mainly because there are many precious medicinal materials and minerals in this psychedelic forest. After living for a long time, he will get used to it. In the past 30 years, except for occasionally going out to purchase some necessities and special items, he rarely left here. After thirty years of experimentation, he is finally confident that he can fulfill his wish many years ago. And the key to fulfilling his wish lies in this silly dumb.

   "Let's go, we have to walk forward for the rest of the road." Goris said lightly.

   Dui has never seen such an endless forest, and said excitedly: "Teacher, do you live here? The air here is so good!"

  Gorris ignored Ah-Dai and walked alone into the forest. Ah-Dai hurriedly followed him, closely following him.

The main reason why this forest is called a psychedelic forest is that there are no continents in the forest. Due to the growth of many plants, it is difficult for people to distinguish the direction in the forest. In addition, the terrain is high and occasionally blows. The mist that comes will produce a sense of mystery, even people living nearby, rarely go deep into it, lest they can't get out. After Corris came here, many magical organs were arranged in the forest, especially an organ that attracts mist is his proud work.

After walking for a long time, Dumb was already tired and hungry. He gritted his teeth and followed behind Corris. The surrounding area was white and the visibility was less than three meters. A little behind, he could not see Corris’ body, fearing. The feeling stimulated the potential in his body, so that he never lags behind.

After entering the forest, Goris didn’t say a word. The thick fog around him made him feel very comfortable. No one who learns dark magic would like sunlight. So did Goris. Relying on the positioning magic circle he set up in his residence, he simply There is no need to discern the direction.

   Dumbly followed Corris tightly. Suddenly, he didn't know what was being stirred by his feet, and fell to the ground with a plop. As if he hadn't noticed it, Corris still walked forward.

ow! Dumb sat up to support him. The rush all morning made him unable to support him. He was black and dizzy filled his brain. He wanted to call Coris, but he couldn't make a sound. The fog seemed to revolve, and Dumb could no longer support it, fell to the ground and passed out.

   The eyes lit up, all the scenery became clear, and several small houses appeared in front of Corris.

   "Well, I'm finally back." Goris looked at the few unremarkable rooms in front of him. Who would have thought that this was the laboratory of his Pyromancer Goris. Looking down at the dumb under his armpit, the excitement filled Corris' body, and he was finally ready for the final preparations before the experiment. Years of hard work will be truly realized in one year.

After entering the forest, Coris deliberately ignored Dui and wanted to see if he would beg of himself. However, Dui's tenacity really surprised him. He even fainted after holding on for most of the distance. At his age, even After taking Jiuzhuan Yisui Pill, it is not easy to achieve this level. Well, it’s good to have a tougher character. Gris took A Dumb and walked into the southernmost wooden house. The wooden house was empty, with only a wooden bed and a few chairs. Throwing Dumb on the bed, Corris sat on the side, stretched out his hand to draw a six-pointed star in the air, the red light lit up, and he silently felt the wave of magic elements. After a long time, Corris opened his eyes, and he smiled with satisfaction. By using magic to probe the surrounding magic circle, he felt that no one had been here while he was away.

   Collis chanted a spell and drew a crack in the air. From the crack was a blue bamboo woven, which he bought in Nino City. When he left in order to find a suitable object, he didn’t have a certain destination, so he walked northward, and came to Nino City unknowingly. The reason why he chose dumb was because he felt it was a controllable one. child. If you don't really cooperate with yourself in the experiment, no matter how good the quality is, Dumb is stupid and looks very cheating, so I chose him.

Coris brought the bamboo blue and came to a fruit forest not far from the wooden house. There are many kinds of fruits in the forest. It took a long time for Coris to figure out what the names of these fruits are, which ones are edible and which ones cannot. . Picking some fruits that can satisfy his hunger, he returned to the wooden house, ate a few casually, and sat in meditation.

   Dui didn't wake up until the evening. The soreness of his whole body and the strangeness around made him feel fear. He sat up awkwardly, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, because he saw Corris sitting across the bed meditating. He didn't bother Corris, just looked around, the surrounding empty space was almost visible at a glance, there was nothing special around him, his eyes were quickly attracted by the empty chair beside Corris, no, to be precise , Was attracted by the basket of brightly colored fruits on the chair.

   The right foot touched the ground, and the piercing pain made Duan almost scream. However, the temptation of Guo Guo was too great. He endured the pain, limped carefully to the front of the chair, glanced at Gorius who was breathing evenly, and quietly lifted the basket and walked back to the bed. He carefully counted the number of fruits, and there were seventeen in total, with different colors, rarely the same. The hunger in the abdomen made Ah Dui put aside all his worries, picked up a rose fruit and bite it vigorously. The sweet juice flowed down his throat, and Ah Dui felt the indescribable refreshment all over his body, and even his feet seemed not so painful.

   Dui ate eight fruits in a row before stopping. Although he was not full, he still kept most of them and put them back carefully. Opening the open door, Dui walked outside, and what he saw was a white cloud. There are three rooms including the wooden house where he was just now. The one on the north side is the largest, which looks like five or six. Ten square meters. There are no fog or plants within 30 meters around the house, and 30 meters away, it is completely covered by fog. Tall trees can be seen vaguely in the fog, and even the upper part is covered by fog, making it impossible to see When it came to the sun, because it was already evening, the sky gradually darkened, and there was a strange feeling around him. Is this the teacher's home?

As soon as A-Dai walked out of the room, Gris opened his eyes. He was already awake from meditation as soon as A-Dai got out of bed. He knew everything that A-Dai had done. He looked at the remaining nine in front of him. A fruit, Corris's heart is constantly changing.

   stood up, Collis sighed lightly, walked out of the door, he saw Dumb there.


   "Ah! Teacher, you are awake. I, I just ate some fruits from you." Dumb lowered his head.

   Gelis said gently: "That was originally prepared for you. This is the teacher's home, and it will also be your home in the future."

   Dumb was taken aback by the sudden gentleness of Corris. In the impression, he had never seen Corris with such an expression. The cloak that had been covering the top of his head had been taken off, and there was a faint smile on his wrinkled face. "Old teacher, what can I do for you?"

  Gorris took a deep breath and said, "You don't need to do anything today. From tomorrow on, you can help me. The teacher will conduct some experiments."

   "Oh, good."

   In the early morning of the next day, before it was bright, Dumb was called by Coris. After getting dressed, Gorris took him to the woods where he picked the fruit yesterday, saying: "The fruit that grows here is our future food. You must remember that when picking here, you must not go far, otherwise you will be unable to Identify the direction. Do you understand?"

   Dumb nodded, looking at the large pieces of fruit in front of him, recalling the wonderful taste of yesterday, his mouth shed unconsciously.

Goris picked a few red fruits and handed them to Dumb, saying, "This is rice fruit. After eating it, he can provide most of the nutrients that the body needs, and it is also our main food in the future. You must remember it clearly. Look. Although there are many fruits in this forest, not all of them are edible. Some are very poisonous. I will tell you slowly in the future. Your task today is to remember the shape of this fruit. Understand?"

   Dumb carefully looked at the red fruit in his hand that looked like a gourd, carefully remembering its characteristics.

   "Come on, this is your breakfast. We have a lot to do when we go back."

   After breakfast, Corris took Dui to the largest wooden house in the north. Once he entered the wooden house, Dui was shocked. This house was very different from the one he lived in yesterday. There are all kinds of weird objects. What makes him most strange is the circle of large cabinets around the wall. Each cabinet is made up of many small drawers. There are labels on the drawers. However, for dumb, the words on these labels are just one word. It's just a symbol that cannot be identified.

Corris looked at these familiar experimental tools, sighed, and said, "From now on, you must remember the names of several things every day. I will test you the next day. If you can’t remember, I will punish you for eating less. A meal. What you have to remember today, UU Reading is all the signs on this row of cabinets." Then, Corris walked to the far left of the cabinet and pointed to the small drawer at the top: " The two words on it are saltpeter. Saltpeter is something that we alchemists often need. All the drawers here store various items."

   "Saltpeter? Saltpeter." Dumb kept muttering.

   Collis said the labels of the leftmost row of drawers from top to bottom, dumb followed by recitation, and Collis left him here, and started the preparations by himself.

   Dumb’s memory is really bad. During the whole day, he even asked Corris more than 30 times before he could barely remember the names of these ten labels. From this day on, Dumb also began his memory process. At the beginning, he remembered the things he remembered the first day, and he would inevitably forget the next day. Although Corris said that he would not give him food, he always gave him more fruit on the second meal. Duan felt the care of Corris, and worked harder to remember these words that he had never seen before. His daily task is to pick the fruits he and Corris need to eat and remember the names of these tags. And Gorius was fiddling with his experimental equipment every day, using magic to continuously integrate and configure something. At night, Collis didn't let Dumb sleep, but let him meditate. At first, Dui was still very uncomfortable. He would often fall asleep when he remembered the label the next day, but after a period of time, Dui's spirit became better and better, and meditation became his best sleep. Meditating can make him full of energy the next day. The only thing Duan felt regretful was that since he came here, Coris had never taught him any magic spells. When he was idle, he could only use small fireballs and flame spells to relieve boredom, and occasionally Corris would be happy and would teach him some simple words.


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