The Kind Death God

Chapter 14: Pluto has gone

The feeling of coldness continued to flow from the skin into Dumb's body. Owen's life experience deeply shocked his heart. He subconsciously decided to avenge his uncle no matter what. "Uncle, can you practice the four moves behind the Nine Finals?"

Owen solemnly said: "No, absolutely not. The evil spirit contained in the last four moves is too strong. If evil spirits invade your body, you will be controlled by the sword, and you will lose your mind and become its puppet. A murder demon. Therefore, you must not leapfrog and use the latter tricks. Dumb, have your uncle's eyes turned gray?"

   Dumbfounded, he looked at Owen's eyes, and sure enough, his eyes had been completely replaced by gray, which looked strange.

Owen sighed: "This is the backlash of using the sword technique of Hades to leapfrog. Fortunately, I am about to die, and I will never become a murderer. But you must be careful and you must not use the latter tricks easily. Although I have the ability The fourth trick of using the sword of the Hades, but the skill is not enough. If you continuously use Hades, Hades, Hades and Hades, the evil energy has completely assimilated my meridians. If it were not for many years of hard work, it would be early I have lost my mind. Child, there is no absolute thing in the world. Use good for good, and use evil for evil. You have to understand this truth." Just now, the blue light on Owen's face suddenly rose, his expression After a change, with a wow, he spouted a lipstick with blue blood.

Ah Dui was very anxious, and hurriedly injected the little life energy remaining in his body into Owen's body. Owen trembled all over, as if he was struggling with the poisonous holy water of Wueru. After a long time, his undulating chest gradually calmed down, but his eyes were Already dimmed a lot, and said weakly: "Dumb, tie the sword of the Hades to your chest, hurry up."

Dumb stupefied. How could he bear the heart to help Owen's last wish. He pulled off his coat, hung the skin bag diagonally on him with his right hand, tightened the belt, and the hilt of the Pluto sword was just touching his chest, it was cold As the energy was input into the body, Duan couldn't help but feel refreshed. The vitality in the body seemed to be mobilized, and it circulated quickly, and the energy that was about to be exhausted became stronger.

With the support of Ah'Dai's true qi, Owen barely held back the vomiting of blood* again. He knew that the poison in his body was about to be suppressed, and death was getting closer and closer to him, "Dah wants to...promise...uncle , Must not...abandon...the Hades sword, as soon as possible...learn...its...the first form, in this society and I cheat... …Go on. As for the last...four strokes of...the Nine Jues of Mingzi..., if force...and sacred aura...can reach...above the ninth rebirth... Power, you sure careful, don't...don' bitten by evil...killers will...wan...don' provoke them ...Power...too much, with you...kindness...but...they...yes, back then...I was...refined to...inhibit...unity holy want to...reserve Well..., although... can... cure... No two... Holy Fruit... You are... in... other dramas... by... using the same... method... Forcing...together, lead to...outside...Unfortunately...the not enough, if...the ninth stage...the ninth stage...the life and the decisiveness...the realm...the infinite holy water...the scattered... The poison gas is completely...closed to...the silver house...and your uncle's...the burns...using the...flame that you have been practicing... Surgery..., saving...the venom the harm...others,,'s return to root...child uncle...huan... cry, boy...zihan, must the future...can no longer...take care take care of...self, know...after this, Owen could not help but spout another mouthful of blood. His face is already densely covered with blue air. Excessive consumption of true qi combined with poisonous invasion and evil energy backlash, even the gods may not be able to save his life, vomiting blood, Owen's spirit seems to be better, blue There was a trace of blush on her face.

   Dumb’s tears had already wetted his breasts. He clearly felt that his uncle, who had lived with him for five years, was disappearing bit by bit. He can only keep nodding his head, agreeing to Irving's last instructions.

Owen coughed out another mouthful of blood, stretched out his hand that had turned blue, and gently stroked Dumb's head. The final flashback invigorated him a lot. He smiled and said, "Child, do you know? With you The five years of living together are the calmest and most satisfying five years my uncle has lived. After you leave here, don’t run away immediately, take all the food at home, and avoid the reef for ten days, and then Go, the organization will not let me go. You have to be careful in the future. You can be magical, at least at the level of a junior magician. If you walk westward from here, you will be able to reach the territory of the Red Hurricanes. , There, you find a branch of the magician union, register yourself as a magician, and put on a generous magic robe, it is not easy for them to spot you. Moreover, the magician is subsidized, which is enough for your daily life. That's right. Uncle ran too fast from the killing hand club at the beginning and didn't have time to get some property, so you will have to rely on yourself in the future. Returning to your teacher, Corris, you have to dive for a while and try to practice more skills The ninth round, and then go to the big 6 to make it safer. Apart from the younger sister, the most sorry uncle is to raise the master I grew up. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to the Tiangang Sword Sect. If you use the same sword as you, you must be polite."

The red light on Owen's face gradually dimmed, and the blood that turned completely blue continued to flow from his seven orifices, and the flashback completely consumed his last remaining energy. He could no longer support it, and his whole body was trembling. Said: In...big 6...quantity...don't come into contact with...three kinds of The...sword...what...fruit...I also...Chu...and...that's...killer...union...and thieves...people old...teacher Brother... Reese... for me... apologize to him... his... student... years old... hates me... staying... although... not... what... but... he On... the reputation of... the sound... is not... very easy to watch out... guard against him... a little,... don't... tell Ming... Wang Jian's... thing... tell him... insist really...burn...this...definitely...this...out...the few...the corpses...the body also...throw it in...and hurry up...leave...definitely... Hurry up...leave...want" The last one did not say, the "Pluto" Irving who has been around for more than six decades Passed away. His face always kept a concerned look, even if he died, he still worried about the boy in front of him.

Owen's hand gradually slipped off Ah-Dai's face, and Ah-Dai became completely dull. His heart seemed to be held down by a big rock. He was extremely uncomfortable. He didn't know how many tears had flowed, and his heart had become completely cold until Only now did he understand how deep his feelings for Owen were. This uncle, who cared for him in every possible way and gave him all his lessons, just left.

   The sacred calendar June 1994, the Assassin King, who has been around for decades, left with hatred and unwillingness.

   Owen’s corpse quickly became cold, and the toxicity of Wuer's holy water was completely evacuated. His body had gradually turned dark blue, his face had begun to rot from the seven orifices, and there was no sign of life. Dui stood up and wiped the tears from his face. Although he did not want to leave Owen's body, his mind was still sober under the icy energy of the Pluto sword. He knew that his uncle was most at ease when he was dying. It's himself, he can't let Owen down, he must live, and only if he survives can he hope to avenge his uncle.

Thinking of this, Dui ran back to his room, wrapped the silver ball and a few pieces of clothes in a package, and packed the food in the kitchen together, before returning to Owen, all of this, he was sleek I did it with tears and my dearest left. How could this only seventeen-year-old child bear it?

  Owen’s body has melted into a pool of blue water, and his handsome blue face has been corrupted by the noxiousness of the holy water. Dumb yelled. Uncle was dead. He never wanted his uncle's body to be destroyed by venom. It was extremely difficult. He chanted the spell of fire spell, "The fire element that floods the heaven and the earth! Please give me the burning one! Power, in my name, with your power, appear, burning flames." In the choking chant of Ah-Dai, a dark blue flame appeared in his hand. Ah-Dai closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and the flames flowed out. Owen's corpse was completely swallowed. Under the extremely high temperature of the blue flame, Owen's corpse had turned into a pile of blue ashes in a while.

   Dumb squatted on the ground and cried bitterly. While crying, he used a small porcelain altar to fill the little blue ashes on the ground with a small shovel. After closing the lid, Dumb carefully put the porcelain altar into the package, turned around resolutely, and ran out the door with two burdens on his back. The three dead corpses were still lying on the spot, and Ah-Dai took a deep look at the home where he had lived for five years. Once he gritted his teeth, it was another flame technique. A large blue flame was sprinkled on the roof under Ah-Dai's urge. In the meantime, the small courtyard had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and Ah-Dai lightly picked with his toes, and picked the three corpses into the sea of ​​flames, and ran into the distance with full of hatred and sorrow.

   Xier was sulking at home, and Dumb blatantly refused, making him the mayor feel very shameless. In any case, his own Mayfair is more than enough to match that stupid boy! Why didn't he hear that he had a fiancé before? I really don't know what this big brother Owen thinks, leaving such a good marriage together. Up to now, Xi Fei is still crying in the room, making him even more upset.

   There was a violent knock on the door, and Xier was annoyed when he heard the knock on the door and shouted out of breath: "Who, knock so urgently, hurry up!"

   I, you open the door soon, something happened. "It's the voice in Xi.

   Xier was shocked, stepped forward quickly, opened the door, Xi Zhong looked anxious, and panted: Go and see, something serious happened. "

   Schell frowned and made a fuss? What big things can happen in our small town. "

   Xizhong said anxiously: "It's Uncle Owen. I don't know why a fire broke out at Uncle Owen's house. My second and third brothers and I came back from fishing and saw that they had already gone to fight the fire."

   Searle was taken aback and lost his voice: "What are you talking about? If Owen's house is on fire, go take a look."

When they arrived at Owen’s house, the fire had come to an end. In this small seaside town, the sea breeze continued for many years. Coupled with dumb’s deep level of flame technique, the house had already burned and only the ruins were left. Thick smoke billowed into the sky.

   Sher looked at everything in front of him blankly, pulled his second son Xi who was fighting the fire, and asked: "What about people? Where are your Uncle Owen and Dumb? Have they come out yet."

   Xi shook his head sadly and saw that they were so powerful. If they were inside, I'm afraid, I'm afraid they will be more ill-fortuned. "

   Just as the Schills were mourning Owen and Dumb, several pairs of cold eyes in the crowd on the side kept watching.

   "Vice President, we have already gone in to see it just now. Except for the few dead brothers who were burned to dry bones, there is no corpse of the child that ‘Pluto’ told you about."

The strange voice of Yin and Yang was full of hatred, "I am so angry that I did not expect the vitality of the'Pluto' to be so strong, and the poison of the innocent holy water can still use the sword of the Pluto. Get up and say anything to clean him up. The'Pluto' may die, but the children with him must still be alive. They scattered to look for them. Even the corpse must be brought back to me. The Pluto sword must not fall on In the hands of others."

  President. "Several figures quietly disappeared among the crowd, and the fire in the yard gradually weakened.


Standing on the wooden pile, he was desperately smashing the waves that came up one after another. As early as half a year ago, Owen split the wooden pile from the center, letting Adai stand on top of the impact of the tide in order to practice his chassis. Stability, one by one, the waves were continuously divided to the two sides by the Tiangang sword in the hands of Ah-Dah. Ah-Dah's body was already saturated with sea water, and he kept venting, but the sorrow in his heart couldn't disappear.

   Boom, a huge wave rushed the exhausted dumb into the sea, dumb didn't struggle, letting the huge waves wash his body and the resentment in his heart.

   "Why? Why are you killing Uncle Owen, why—" Dumb wailed mournfully, but no one answered his question except the sound of the surging waves.

Ten days later, Ah-Dai gradually emerged from the sadness of Owen’s death. Owen’s death gave him a deep irritation. His sluggish face had an expression of resentment. After eating a piece of dry food, Ah-Dai would take the burden and Tiangang. The sword was tied to his body, he touched the Pluto sword on his chest, left the reef group, distinguished the direction, and walked towards the red hurricane tribe boundary to the west. Perhaps Owen’s death was too stimulating to him. Every word Owen said before he died was clearly remembered by Ah'Dai’s stupid mind. That was the last order of his uncle, and he must follow his uncle’s order no matter what. .

   What Dumb didn't know was that Owen's dying warning saved his life, and the people who killed the craftsmanship club left him after being unable to find him the day before.

  Three days, three days have passed, Ah Dai finally walked to the border of the Red Hurricane tribe, but he ate all the dry food from the house. He had not dripped in for a whole day, his lips were a little chapped, and he entered the city in a daze.

People wearing mercenary costumes can be seen everywhere on the street. Owen once described him various professional attire. He knew that the Red Hurricane tribe was the source of the mercenary union, where a large number of mercenaries and mercenary groups gathered. , His goal is to find the wizard's union, then, he can have money to buy food.

   This city is very prosperous, much larger than the Nino City where he lived when he was a child. After a few steps, the smell of steamed buns rushed over his face, and Ah Dui's whole body was shaken and he couldn't help but look over.

   "Mantou, selling steamed buns, sweet and fragrant steamed buns, two copper coins. Selling steamed buns..."

The loud yelling made Ah-Dai unknowingly walked over. The man who sold the buns was a short fat man in his forties. The only red and bald head left was the barbed wire around him. Every yelling made him face. The fat on the top kept trembling, and the steamed buns in front of him kept steaming up, obviously they were just steamed buns. Seeing Ah'Dai coming over, he smiled and said, "Brother, do you want to have some steamed buns? My steamed buns are famous far and wide, sweet and sweet, let you eat one and think two."

   Dumb looked at the chubby steamed bun owner, and thought to himself that his steamed buns must taste good, otherwise, he could not have such a figure. Mantou has always been Ah Dumb's favorite, not to mention that he hasn't eaten anything for a long time, but he doesn't even have a copper coin in his pocket, so how can he buy the delicacy in front of him.

   swallowed and foamed, dumb shook his head.

The mantou owner just opened his shop today, and he hasn't sold a few mantou yet. Although the dumb young man in front of him is dressed in plain clothes, he knows that he is a martial artist by looking at the big sword behind him. Anyone who studies martial arts has no money. ! Not to mention just the money to buy steamed buns. Therefore, when he saw Dui shook his head, he immediately said anxiously: "What? Brother, are you still not satisfied with my steamed buns? Buy two, only one copper coin. It's better to go early. Or, you first Try one, I won’t charge you for this one."

   Dui didn't accept any money. His eyes lit up and he nodded quickly. The mantou owner picked up a steamed bun from the steaming cage and handed it to Dui. Duan took it with both hands and bit off one third of the steamed bun in one bite. He hadn't eaten such a good steamed bun for half a month. He gobbled it up and swallowed a steamed bun into his abdomen in just a few seconds. in. The scent of steamed buns filled the whole body, and there was something on his stomach, and Duan suddenly felt a lot of energy. "Uncle, your steamed buns are really good, soft and fragrant, so delicious."

When the owner of the steamed bun shop heard that A Duan praised his steamed buns, he smiled proudly, and said proudly: "That is, you can inquire about it. There are several streets around here, but my steamed buns are the most delicious. Buy a few. Come on. Even if you don’t eat food, my steamed buns are very delicious."

   Dui lowered his head and said sadly: I really want to eat your steamed buns, I have no money. "

The fat boss stunned and murmured: "If you have no money, what are you doing in front of my stall? You ate a steamed bun from me. My steamed bun is for the person who wants to buy it. What are you doing? Is it free? Unfortunately, you go quickly and don't hinder me from doing business."

   Dumb lowered his head and walked to the side. He thought to himself that when he got the money, he must return the money for the steamed bun.

   "Wait a minute." Suddenly behind him came the voice of the steamed bun shop owner. Dumb was shocked, is it because the boss wants to chase him for money again? Turning around, he saw the steamed bun shop owner waving his chubby hand to him, motioning him to pass. Duan walked back to the steamed bun shop, still holding the head board down, really no money, sorry, I will come to you to buy steamed buns when I have money. "

The owner of the steamed bun shop looked up at Dumb, handed a paper bag, and sighed: "Young man, you are a foreigner. You must be troubled here. You have a few steamed buns for you. You can eat them first. It's not easy, take it."

   dumbly looked at the owner of the steamed bun shop, his eyes turned red. Since Owen's death, this person is the first to care about him. His heart, which was somewhat cold because of Owen’s death, warmed up again, and trembled: "Thank you, thank you, boss. You are such a good person." He took the steamed bun, immediately opened the paper bag and ate it, he really was. Hungry.

   The boss brought out a bowl of hot water bro, you eat slowly, don't choke, drink some water. "

   After a while, Dumb ate all the five steamed buns in the paper bag in one breath. He was suddenly refreshed, drank hot water into his stomach, and raised a blast of heating all over his body. Gratefully said: "Uncle, thank you, thank you, you are such a good person."

The boss squinted his eyes and smiled: "It’s hard to tell a good person. I was downhearted. I met a steamed bun shop and wanted to eat the steamed buns in it. But like you, I didn’t have any money. Later, the kind boss took in. He took me, and married my daughter to me as a wife, so that I have what I am today. We can also be regarded as depraved people. A few steamed buns are nothing. Boy, where are you going? Why did you go out without money? Seeing you are carrying a sword, you should be a martial artist."

   When it comes to learning martial arts, Dumb can't help thinking of the dead Owen, and feels sad, "Uncle, thank you for your steamed buns, can you tell me where is the Magician Union?"

   When the owner of the steamed bun shop heard that Duan mentioned the Wizards’ Union, his face suddenly showed admiration. Masters are all talented people. There is really a branch of the Wizards’ Union in our city university, why? Where are you looking for someone? Still looking for a job? "

   Dumb scratched his head as looking for a job. "After filling my stomach and receiving news from the Magicians' Union, Dumb's sad mood suddenly improved a lot.

The owner of the steamed bun shop said: "You go straight along this road, turn right at the second intersection, turn left at the end, and you will see it after another intersection. The Magician Union and the Mercenary Union are there. There are I’m afraid it’s not easy to find a job. I think you might as well be a mercenary. Now there are many mercenary groups in the city who are recruiting people, and the salary is relatively high. How can you earn a few gold coins a month? If it doesn't work, you can work here. Although you feel wronged, you can always eat enough. My wife can't help me with the children at home. I have to do it myself."

Dumb thanked the owner of the steamed bun shop for his kindness and walked towards the Wizards’ Guild in the direction he said. Owen’s dying last words must be completed. Since his uncle said that he should be registered as a wizard at the Wizards’ Guild, he must There is his reason.

   After a few turns, Dui came to a big road with many pedestrians. Here, people with weapons, light armors, and mercenary group emblems on their chests can be seen everywhere. Not far away, a tall house appeared in front of him. On the roof of the house, there was a huge sign. The sign was engraved with a shield and two long swords. Below the sign, there were four characters-Mercenary Union. There are people coming out or entering the house constantly, it looks very lively.

Dui glanced curiously, and just about to walk forward, suddenly a man dressed as a mercenary came to him. This person was taller than Dui, with a red short and fluffy head and wearing a set of brown leather. Armor, long sword hanging on the waist, and the mercenary logo on the chest is a red lion head, which looks very sturdy.

   "This little brother, please stay." The big man stopped in front of Dah.

   dumb, are you okay? "

   The big man laughed, brother, look at your costume, you must be a martial artist, do you want to join the mercenary group? Our Red Lion mercenary group is very famous in the city. Join us. The basic salary is three gold coins per month. If your mercenary level increases in the future, there will be a corresponding increase. There will be a certain share for each mission. This is the best treatment. "

   The big man said quickly, Dui didn't understand what he meant, and shook his head. I didn't want to be a mercenary. "

The big man froze, frowned and said, "Why? No, although you don't want to be a local, but the young samurai who came to us didn't want to be a mercenary and mixed up something. Boy, such a good opportunity If you don’t grasp it, you will regret it later."

   Dumb still shook his head, I really don't want to be a mercenary. Please let go. "

   The big man snorted, and murmured: "Fuckless boy." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the mercenary union.

   Dumb can’t help wondering, is it worthless not to join the mercenary group? Forget it, don't care about him, let's go to the wizards' union first. UU reading thought of this, he walked forward quickly.

   The Mage’s Guild is also a tall house, next to the mercenary guild, but it is obviously deserted, and few people enter and leave it. Just as Dui was about to go over, a voice came from behind, "Wait a minute, little brother." Dui looked back and saw that it was the big red man just now. There was another person next to him. This person was about 1.8 meters tall and looked like Over forty years old, with white face and no beard, black eyes, gleaming in his eyes, with a deep temperament, and on his back he carried a great sword of the sky like Ah Du.

   Dumb stood there dumbfounded, watching the two walk in front of him, the big red man said: "Little brother, this is the deputy commander of our Red Lion mercenary group. It should be your elder."

Dumbfounded, the elders of the teacher school looked at the sword hilt exposed on the opponent's shoulder, and suddenly remembered Owen's words, and suddenly thought, this deputy leader must be a member of the Tiangang Sword Sect. Uncle said that he encountered the Tiangang Sword Sect. People must be polite. Thinking of this, he hurriedly saluted: "Hello, uncle."

  The black middle-aged man smiled slightly, brother, I don’t know which brother you belong to? My name is Feng Ping, and I should be your senior uncle. "

  Uncle Master? Dumb shook his head. I have no master, only a teacher. "

   Feng Ping was happy, thinking that this silly boy must have never seen the world, just entered the big six to run around, and asked in harmony: "Then what is your teacher's name."

   Dumb hesitated for a moment, I can't say. "Owen told him, you must be careful when you go out, and you can't show your bottom casually. Uncle Owen's name must not be said, let alone Teacher Gris.

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