The Kind Death God

Chapter 37: Baturu Festival

The rock stood up. Although Nayalen was strong, his figure was much smaller than that of the rock. Looking at his appearance, he couldn't help but step back. Rock said: "Brother, we just passed by here. Excuse me, where are all of you here, have you all gone to herd?"

Nayeon has returned to normal from his surprise, grinning, and said, "Do you know what herding is today? Today is the Baturu festival of our Yayeon. The festival is about to begin. Everyone is running. I’m going to celebrate. Of course there won’t be anyone here. We gathered there with a few nearby tribes. I came back to get something, otherwise, you will not see it alone. The celebration is about to begin. Foreigners, do you want to take a look together? It's very lively."

Several people gathered around, and Dumb asked, "This big brother, what does Baturu mean?"

That humanity said: "You don’t even know this. Baturu means warrior in our Yayan tribe’s old saying. Therefore, this festival is also called the festival of warriors. Each tribe will select the warriors of their own clan to participate. Today’s celebration. Whether you are going or not, I will have to pass it quickly. The Baturu Festival is once a year and is one of the most important festivals of our Yalian people."

Xuan Yue said happily: "I want to go, we want to go, we also want to see. You take us there."

As soon as the Nayalian clan saw Xuanyue's pretty face, his eyes lit up, and he admired: "You are so beautiful, little girl! My name is Tubari. Welcome to our festival."

The rock and the rock force looked at each other. They had also heard that the Baturu festival of the Yayeon tribe was very interesting. It was the biggest festival of the Yayeon tribe. Since they have caught up this time, it’s okay to see them. I want to buy horses from the Yalian tribe. "Brother, please lead the way. If we foreigners go to your celebration, won't it cause you trouble?"

Tubari laughed and said, "Why? We Yalian people like to make friends the most. Since you are here, you are our friends." At this moment, there was a low horn in the distance, and his face moved. Said: "Let's pass quickly. The celebration is about to begin." After speaking, he greeted the four and ran to the east quickly.

Several people looked at each other and hurriedly followed. The most exciting thing is Xuan Yue, she is always so curious about novel things.

The four followed Tubari through the herd of cattle and sheep, and suddenly saw an exceptionally spectacular sight. The place where the oasis is located is relatively high, so they didn’t notice this side just now. Once they passed the herd of cattle and sheep, they suddenly saw mountains and plains. The Yalian people, these people are divided into three parts, and their costumes are very simple. Many young people of the Yalian people are naked and shouting constantly. Most people are riding high-head horses, with excited smiles on their faces. In the center of the Yalian tribe, there is a large empty field. Around the empty field, there are fires, and each fire is roasted with whole cows or whole sheep. The smell of meat is constantly coming, so that Ah Dui and others can’t stop eating. Big move.

Tubari said: "Let’s go, let’s go. It’s about to begin. I belong to the northern tribe, and I’m in the north. The other two are the southern tribe and the eastern tribe. Although our three tribes are not very big among the Yalian tribe. Strong, but because of the close relationship between the tribes and occupying this oasis, life is still very good." As he said, he took everyone to the Yalian tribe on the north side. The Yalian people were not surprised by their appearance. Everyone who saw them showed a simple smile and made a welcome look.

The horn sounded, and the tens of thousands of Yalian people suddenly fell silent. From the three Yalian tribes in the north, east, and south, dozens of fast horses rushed toward the center. When the three teams of men and horses were about to collide, the knights on the horses made a rein movement at the same time, and dozens of fast horses stood up almost at the same time and stopped in the horses. The superb riding skills are amazing. Dumb thought to himself, no wonder people say that the light cavalry of the Yalian tribe is very powerful.

Yanli pinched his palms and looked eager to try. Among the Puyan people, his riding skills were very famous. When he saw these Yalian people who are good at equestrianism, his heart was immediately tickled.

The three teams were concentrated in the center of the open space, and the surrounding Yalian people shouted at the same time, and the atmosphere was extremely warm. The leaders of the three teams are all men in their forties. They raised their sabers high and drank with the knights under them.

After a long while, the shouts stopped, and the leader on the north side shouted loudly: "Brothers and sisters, today is the annual Baturu festival for our Yayan tribe, and it is also the festival for the birth of our warriors. A year of hard work has passed. Our Yalian tribe has produced many new warriors..."

Tubari explained to the four: “This is the chief of our tribe. Among the three tribes, our tribe is the strongest. The Baturu festival is divided into two parts. The first one is a competition of various forms. In the end, the warriors of all races will be selected. The latter is a complete carnival. Only today, our Yalian tribe does not need to work or graze, and everyone can enjoy themselves. There are three main events in the previous competition, namely riding skills. , Wrestling and archery. Are you interested in participating."

The rock was shocked and said: "Can we also participate?"

Tubari smiled and said: "Of course. We Yalian people respect those capable people most. Moreover, competitions are rewarded. The reward for riding competitions is two horses. The rewards for wrestling competitions are the best, winning. Players can randomly choose an unmarried girl who is over 18 years old from the three tribes to marry home as a wife. Therefore, the competition is also the most intense. Many young people want to show it to everyone at this time, not only to win fame but also At the same time, win the heart of your beloved. The reward for the archery competition seems to be money. I heard that there are fifty gold coins."

As soon as they heard the reward for the steed, everyone's eyes lit up, and Yan Li couldn't wait to say: "I, I want to participate in a riding competition, man, take me to sign up."

Tubari laughed and said, "Brother, I didn't see your horse!"

Yan Li was shocked, and said embarrassingly: "It's a pity that my horse didn't ride. Hey—" he lowered his head with annoyance.

Tubari smiled heartily and said, "It's okay, so let me lend you my horse. If you can win the race, you will also win the race."

Yan Li was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Okay, thank you very much, brother."

Tubari took Yanli to pick up a horse to sign up. Rock shook his head, and said, "This kid! Whenever I hear that there is a horse race, I get overwhelmed." In the Puyan clan, almost every time there is a horse race, Yan Li will definitely participate.

Xuan Yue chuckled and said, "If Big Brother Yanli wins, we won't have to spend money to ride a horse, isn't it just right?"

At this moment, what rituals were being held by the leaders of the three tribes in the field. Dui and others could not understand. Dui's spirit was basically concentrated on the fragrant barbecue. For him, eating is always the most important thing. One of the things. Although Rock has become more cheerful in the past few days, he still has very little usual words. After the catastrophe of his wife's death, he appeared to be a lot more stable. At this time, he was focusing on the three chiefs in the center of the venue. The most excited of the three was Xuan Yue. She kept looking around, feeling the festive atmosphere of the Yalian tribe, and she was indescribably happy.

After a while, Tubari came back, "Brother Rocky’s riding skills are really good! At first glance, he is a horse-savvy person and picked the best horse in my family. I hope he can win this race."

Dumb asked, "Brother Tubari, how is the riding competition going on?"

Tubari said: "It's actually very simple. From here to the east, ten miles away, there is a red flag. Whoever gets it first and brings it back will win. Although the rules are simple, it is difficult to compete. It’s very good. Even if you can successfully get the red flag, you may not be able to be chased by other contestants. Therefore, the first person to get the red flag may not be the winner. I participated once five years ago and the result was even the red flag. I haven't seen the shadow, haha."

Tubari’s humility made the three of them feel good about him. Duan had experienced rock riding and said confidently: “Big Brother Yanli must be able to do it. He is the best rider I have ever seen.”

Tubari laughed and said, "I hope so. The riding competition will have to wait a while before it starts. I will take you to have fun. There are archery competitions and wrestling competitions over there. Let's go and take a look."

Sure enough, several open spaces have been enclosed in the empty field. The largest one has ten arrow piles, all of which are 500 meters away. The rest are covered by dozens of wrestling venues. The archery competition of the Yalian tribe depends on accuracy, while the wrestling competition is more complicated. Anyone can participate. As long as three people fall in a row, they can participate in the next round of the competition until the only winner is finally decided. Under the leadership of Tubari, the three of them stepped into the open space. Due to the large number of spectators, Dumb was afraid that Xuanyue would be lost, so he raised her little hand to protect her in his arms.

Sure enough, there are the most people here in the wrestling competition. It is difficult to squeeze in with three floors inside and three outside. The Yalian people's body odor made it difficult for the three of them to adapt. The rock rushed to Tubari and said: "Let's go to the archery side, there are too many people here."

Tubari smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Yes! Who doesn't want to be a warrior and win a beauties! These young people are like this." While talking, everyone crowded out the crowd and came not far away. Archery competition venue. There will be much fewer people here. There is only one black spot on the arrow stack 500 meters away. Not to mention that it is difficult to aim. Even drawing a bow and archery is very difficult. Even a bow that can reach a straight range of 500 meters It is also difficult for a person with a high level of grudge to pull away. Therefore, people who participate in the competition generally choose a relatively small pull force and use a parabola to hit the target. Although there are few participants here, everyone is a master archery, and a feather arrow rushes toward the distant arrow stack like a locust.

Tubari explained: "It seems that fewer than 50 people participated in the archery competition this year. In the first round, each had 10 arrows. The remaining ten people with the most accurate shots will participate in the second round and compete for the final winner. At the beginning, do you want to go and play." As he said, his eyes fell on the rock. The rock is tall and powerful, and Tubari also wants to see what these outsiders are capable of. However, to his surprise, Rock actually shook his head, as if he was not interested in this game.

On the contrary, Xuan Yue's interest was provoked. She kept swaying Ah-Dah's hand and said, "Why don't you try? There are fifty gold coins for the reward."

Dumb scratched his head and said, "Yes, but Yueyue, I don't know how to shoot arrows! It's impossible to get any rewards." Indeed, he hasn't even touched a bow, let alone archery.

Xuan Yue said without giving up: "No one is born with everything. If you don't try, how can you know that you are not good? Go try it. Just play it. If it's not for people who can't open the bow, they want to try. Try it."

Tubari smiled and said, "Yes, brother, you go try it. In fact, archery is very simple. You just need to aim at the target, don't shake your hand, and shoot the arrow over."

Dumb didn't want to participate, but he suddenly remembered Xuanyue's grievance because of lack of money before, and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will participate. Big Brother Tubari, please take me to sign up." Xuan Yue's decision immediately made Xuan Yue excited, clapping her hands and exclaiming, "Dumb is the best, you must be able to do it."

The rock smiled slightly, patted Dumb on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, later you pick the heaviest bow. The heaviest the bow, the bigger the Larry, the more stable the arrow will be, and the more straight it will be."

Ah Dui promised and hurriedly followed Tubari. Registration for the bow and arrow competition is very simple. Just register a name and get a number. The Yalian people did not embarrass him because he was a foreigner, but encouraged him to participate in the competition. There were 47 contestants before, so Duan was number 48. The preliminary round has already gone on for four rounds, and Dumb has finished reporting, just in time for the final round.

Tubari took Dumb to choose bows and arrows. In order to prevent cheating, players participating in archery competitions are not allowed to bring their own bows and arrows. This is mainly to prevent someone from buying magic bows at high prices to enhance accuracy.

Looking at dozens of hard bows, Duan couldn't help but feel stunned, not knowing which one to choose. Tubari was not a contestant and couldn't come to help him. He had already retreated to Xuanyue and Shishi, was looking at him not far away, and shouted cheering at him.

Dumb picked up a bow casually. In his hand, the bow seemed to have no weight. He remembered that the rock had told him to choose the heaviest bow, and he had an idea in his heart. He picked up each bow and weighed its weight. He found that the further back, the heavier the bow. At this time, the referee was already a little impatient and shouted: "Forty-eight, hurry up. The game is about to begin."

Ah Dui hurriedly agreed, ran to the last row, picked up a dark hard bow and ran towards his target position. As soon as I started with this bow, Duan felt very satisfied. Although the bow was not very big, and was smaller than other hard bows, its weight seemed to be heavier than his sword that day. Both the bow and the bowstrings It is dark, and there is nothing special on the surface.

The referee looked at Dumb who ran to the target position in surprise, and said stupidly: "Young man, don't you want to use this mysterious iron bow. It can weigh two hundred catties, and it's not easy to pull it away."

Dumb looked at the hard bow in his hand, and said, "I, I'll try it, maybe it will work." He had no confidence in his archery, so he could only listen to the opinions of the rock.

The referee nodded and said, "Well, I also want to open my eyes. I have never seen anyone who can pull this bow away." Even the strongest warrior of the Yalian tribe can only pull this bow. It's just a radian, the weight of the bow itself is quite terrible, without the strength of more than 500 jin in the hand, it is impossible to lift it flat. As for pulling it apart, no one can say how much strength is needed.

"When the game starts, everyone, please shoot out the ten arrows in your hand within twenty minutes."

Dumb is stupid, but he has seen Yueji shoot arrows, and he knows how to recognize the buckle and fill the string. He drew a long arrow from the quiver and draped it on the bowstring. His legs stood firm one after the other, and slowly raised it. The mysterious iron bow in the hand. Xuan Yue's cheering sound kept coming, and Ah-Dai felt the blood in her body seem to boil. The weight of two hundred jins is nothing to him. He easily lifted the mysterious iron bow in his hand to a position parallel to his shoulders, without a trace of tremor in his arms. Place the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger of the right hand on the bowstring and pull it back slowly. As soon as he pulled the bowstring, he understood why the referee had told him that the bow was difficult to pull. The bowstring's toughness and hardness are very strong. Without using the anger, it can only be pulled into a half arc with his strength, but even so, the referee and other players around looked at him in surprise. I have forgotten that I am playing.

Even when Ah Duan didn't use Sheng Sheng Qi, his arms were more than a thousand catties. He didn't pull the bowstring at this time, and he was shocked, and he felt a sense of victory in his heart. With a loud shout, "Open--" Infuriated anger suddenly burst out all over the body, and as the white light gleamed, the Xuantie bow was pulled away by him bit by bit. Dumb found that the more the bow was pulled, the more strenuous he was. The vitality in his body had been fully mobilized, and the muscles in his body were surging with powerful strength. However, when the mysterious iron bow was pulled to about three-quarters, Ah Dumb's true energy was no longer able to expand the bowstring. His left foot suddenly piled up to the ground, his body slightly moved forward, his whole body's potential exploded in an instant, a rush of heat rose from his dantian, and the white light was abruptly pulling the profound iron bow into a full moon.

"Okay—" Applause came from all directions, and all the surrounding Yalian people cheered. They all looked at this young man from a foreign race with excitement. This foreigner who was not very strong actually opened their minds. Divine Bow, how can I not surprise them. Dumb's hand was already trembling slightly. After all, he had tried his best. As soon as he loosened his right hand, the arrow flew out like a meteor and the moon, leaving only a faint afterimage in the air. Everyone's gaze couldn't help but look at Dumb's target. However, what they didn't know was that this was the first time that Duan had shot an arrow. The arrow was successfully shot out and kept going straight. But the goal has deviated a lot.

With a loud bang, everyone watched in amazement as the No. 7 target was blown to pieces. After shooting the arrow, Dumb was almost exhausted. After the arrow was shot out, he felt that his strength had been taken out. He squatted on the ground, panting constantly, overdrawing his strength so that he could not recover for a while. It is impossible to shoot a second arrow at all. Although the bow is a good bow, the arrow is too general, otherwise it would not be blown up without passing through the arrow stack.

Xuan Yue ran over excitedly, and no one had the intention to stop her anymore. She grabbed A-Dai’s hand and said, "Dia-Dai, you are great! You also said that you can’t shoot arrows. Look, even the target was blown up." The rock also followed, and he took the Xuan from the hand. Tie Gong stretched out his hand and pulled it lightly. He couldn't help but moved in horror. He exclaimed, "What a strong bow!"

The referee said with some difficulty: "Contestant No. 48, the first arrow has zero ring. Do you want to continue?"

Xuan Yue said in surprise: "What? You are not mistaken. Even if you blow up the target, it can't be Zero Ring."

The referee smiled bitterly: "If he blows up his target, I will definitely sentence him to the tenth ring, but unfortunately, he shot his target number seven."

Only then did Xuan Yue notice that Ah-Dai was in the eighth position, and she was speechless. At this time, Ah Dao had basically recovered under the influence of his anger, and stood up and said: "I'm sorry, Yueyue, the Larry of this bow is too big, I am afraid I can't draw the second bow." When I first came up, I didn't use my full strength, and my right arm was already injured. And even if he is physically strong, it is impossible to pull this hard bow twice in a row.

Xuan Yue looked at Ah Dumb, who was lowering her head as if making a mistake, and she couldn't help feeling distressed, and she took Dui's hand and said, "It's okay, it doesn't work, we don't have to win the game."

Dumb looked at Xuan Yue's concerned gaze, and resolutely rushed to the referee: "I abstained."

His words immediately stunned all the onlookers, and the audience was suddenly upset. The referee said: "Brother, you can try again with a lighter bow!"

Dumb smiled bitterly: "No, my arrow technique is really bad. It won't be good to shoot someone else at that time." After speaking, he ran out of the field with Xuanyue's little hand.

When he ran to an empty space with no people aside, Ah Dui stopped, sat down on the ground, and said, "That bow is really hard, the Yalian clan is really amazing!"

"Okay, brother, even I have to admire your strength! That bow is not something anyone can pull. I just tried it. I want to pull the bow completely. At least three thousand jins of strength are needed. . That’s something I can’t do. It seems that your skill has improved again. If I guess it’s right, that bow would normally not be used by anyone.”

Tubari also ran over, giving Ah-Dai a thumbs up with a look of excitement, and said: "Little brother, you are really good, the black iron bow is a treasure in our Yalian clan, I didn't expect you to pull it away."

Dumb blushed, "But my arrow skills are so bad, I'm really sorry."

Tubari laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to participate. The equestrian competition is about to begin, you guys look." Sure enough, hundreds of steeds stood on the side of the clearing and made a plan to go. Look like. With a clear whistle, the Yalian knights urged them to step down and rush out at the same time. Yan Li's figure clearly appeared in the sight of everyone, he was riding a maroon horse.

Yan Li looked excited and urged the horses to continue galloping, and rushed to the east. When the horses disappeared from the sight of everyone, Yan Li had already rushed to the top ten.

Tubari said in admiration: "Brother Yanli is really good. My Xiaohong is not the best horse in the clan. It's not easy for him to rush to the front."

Dumb's spirit recovered a little, and said, "Big Brother Yanli will definitely get the first return."

Since the start of the equestrian competition, many spectators in the wrestling match immediately ran to watch. There were fewer people in the empty court. Xuanyue took Ah-Dai’s arm and said, "Dah, Brother Rock, let’s take a look at the wrestling. go with."

The wrestling competition has also entered a fierce competition. Only the last four warriors are still playing in the arena. The winner of this game will be able to participate in the finals.

The four big guys in the venue are all naked. Except for one who is shorter and taller, the rest are tall and not under the rock. The techniques of pulling, pulling, pushing, shoving, hooking, and mixing have reached their limits. Time is stuck.

With a bang, a player was thrown out by his opponent and fell to the ground and couldn't get up. They could only participate in the semi-finals because they had gone through multiple games. Their physical strength was almost exhausted. Once they were hit hard, it would be difficult to climb again. stand up. On the other side almost at the same time, the slightly shorter player also won. He threw his opponent to the ground with a leg hug, and then pressed the opponent to win the game. The referee announced that the two had entered the finals, rested for a while, and waited for the end of the equestrian competition to start the final competition.

"Aguti, come on, you must win!" A crisp shout sounded from the side of Ah Dui and the others. Everyone looked intently. It turned out to be a girl from the Yalian ethnic group. The girl was about 18 or 9 years old. Although she had dark skin, But with a pair of bright eyes, in the Yalian tribe, she is considered a black beauty. A happy smile flashed in his eyes, staring firmly at the first winner, who was obviously her lover.

Tubari's eyes showed a fascinating look, and said: "Lan Ying is the first beauty in our tribe, and the daughter of our tribe chief. She grew up with Agutti's childhood sweetheart. Agutti has been practicing wrestling hard in recent years. I just want to win the game today and marry Lan Ying home dignifiedly. Agutti is an orphan with a poor family background. If you don’t use this method, you cannot combine with Lan Ying. Lan Ying is 18 years old this year. No matter who wins the final wrestling match, I am afraid she will be appointed as his wife. So, this is also Agute’s last chance."

Looking at the lively Lan Ying, the rock said idiotically: "I hope they can have lovers and finally get married."

"Look, it's Big Brother Yanli who is back." Xuan Yue's screams led everyone's eyes. Sure enough, in the thunderous sound of horseshoes, Iwali took the lead without pulling the reins. He controlled the hip horse with his legs, carrying a red flag in one hand, and waving a tomahawk in the other. He shouted loudly, even the nearest horse was about ten meters away.

Dui and the others all stood up and shouted the name of Yanli. The horses chasing behind him rushed to him several times, trying to **** the banner in his hand, but as long as he waved the Tomahawk immediately frightened those people back, and no one dared to get too close to him.

Tubari exclaimed with joy: "I'm going to pick up Brother Rock Li." After that, he ran towards the finish line. At this time, Yanli had successfully crossed the finish line with all his opponents behind and won the championship of the riding competition. With a look of excitement on his face, he kept waving the banner in his hand, and many Yalian people surrounded him and kept clamoring. It seems that he can't come back for a while.

Rock shook his head and sighed: "This kid, UU reading is still so pushy."

Dumb smiled and said: "Big Brother Yanli won the championship this time, so he has two horses to ride. We only need to buy two more horses."

Xuan Yue said: "Who said that you want to buy two more horses? One is enough. People don't know how to ride a horse. You have to take me with you."

Dumb smiled bitterly: "Yes, but my riding skills are not good!"

Xuan Yue said: "I don't care, anyway, you can take me with you. Don't you ride slower?"

At this time, the final of the wrestling competition had begun, and the girl named Lan Ying squeezed to the front, constantly cheering for her beloved Agutti. Agudi was similar in figure to Adu, and he was stronger than Adu. His dark skin was exposed with blue veins, and sweat was dripping on his handsome face. Obviously, the previous games had consumed too much energy. His opponent was the brawny man who was not tall. Although he was equally tired, he looked a little bit more energetic than Agutti. As soon as the referee announced the start of the game, the two yelled at the same time and rushed towards their opponent. The four arms were entangled together, desperately trying to throw his opponent out. The game entered a stalemate, and the strength of the two seemed to be similar, and no one could help each other for a while. Lan Ying looked at Agutti anxiously and kept shouting.

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