The Kind Death God

Chapter 40: God's Judgment

The three chiefs looked at each other with a painful expression on their faces. The chief of the northern tribe said: "These people should be bandits with the title of wolves of the grassland. They have been rampant on the boundary of our Yayan tribe for a long time, and they specialize in burning and killing those that are incompatible with the world. Looting. Many times we retreat under the rounds of several big tribes of our tribe. Their greatest feature is that they are very mobile. They are composed entirely of light cavalry with superb riding skills. The number has been maintained at about 3,000. Fighting to support their lives, their whereabouts are secretive, no one knows where they came from, wherever they attacked, there are always chickens and dogs not staying! It can be said that the grassland has changed the appearance of smaller tribes like us. It’s a deadly soul. I didn’t expect these **** to attack us while we are holding the grand Baturu festival. Thank you, warriors of the foreign races, if it weren’t for your time, I’m afraid our three tribes will be ashamed. Annihilated. But what happened to these people, why can't they move anymore, and their pupils have turned gray."

The rock shook his head and smiled bitterly: "These people's vitality is gone, it should be my brother who did it. All the prairie wolves here are dead. Since they have three thousand people, you should prepare quickly. If you are attacked again, you will not be so lucky."

The three chiefs were shocked, "What, did your brother kill all these prairie wolves? He, he is too powerful, and one person can kill more than a thousand bandits. Could it be that he really was the previous one? Is the **** of death mentioned by the members of the prairie wolf? Only the **** of death can kill all these **** in such a short period of time." At this point, all three of them showed horror on their faces. Before, they had seen the three mummy corpses, and their hearts had been in a state of anxiety.

The rock naturally saw the anxiety in the hearts of the three chiefs, frowned, and said: "What death is not a god, don't talk nonsense. We are just passing by you. Since the wolf of the steppe has been wiped out, so will your people. It’s safe for the time being. Don’t be afraid. We won’t hurt you. Now is the time to leave.”

The chief of the northern tribe hurriedly said: "No, warrior, we don’t mean anything else. Even if your brother is really a **** of death, he is also a kind-hearted **** of death! His appearance has saved the lives of thousands of our people. Are you afraid? You stay, even if you want to leave, you have to wait until dawn tomorrow!" Although he said a little reluctantly, there was a trace of sincerity in his eyes.

Although Rock wanted to leave here as soon as possible, Xuanyue and Ah'Dai were not optimistic. They were also very tired under the struggle with Yan Li, and couldn't drive for a long time. He nodded and said, "Well, please find us a cleaner tent as soon as possible. My brother and sister need a good rest."

The chief of the northern tribe happily agreed and hurriedly ordered someone to make arrangements.

"A few chiefs, you must quickly gather the troops in the tribe. Since there are still two thousand people in the wolf of the steppe, they may come sneak attack at any time. Be careful. Do you have enough manpower?"

The chief of the southern tribe patted his chest and said: "Warrior, don't worry, if it wasn't for a sneak attack, those **** wouldn't dare to harass us at all. There are three or four thousand warriors in our three tribes, whichever one. It will not be weaker than these bandits, it is not something they can deal with."

Rock said: "That's good, everything is careful, stay alert."

Surrounded by the Yalian tribe, the rocks and rock strength brought the collapsed Duan and Xuanyue back to the oasis. The chief of the northern tribe arranged a big tent for them to rest.

Xuan Yue was just simply letting off her strength, and she didn't suffer any injuries, all she needed was rest. However, due to the excessive overdraft, the exhaustion of physical strength, coupled with the back injury, the situation is not optimistic. In order to keep Ah-Dai, the rocks and rock power had to take turns to rest, using their fighting energy to dredge the meridians in Ah-Dai's body, mobilizing the vitality of life in his body to run. After being busy for half the night, Dui's situation is stable.

After being attacked, the three tribes of the Yalian tribe gathered their tribes and stood ready. Perhaps the wolves of the steppe discovered their tight guard and did not reappear. One night's time finally passed. For the Yalian people, this should have been a carnival night! Now, the tribesmen of the three tribes are full of grief, mourning for those deaths.

Early the next morning, Xuanyue woke up first, and the rest of the night had restored about half of her lack of magic power. Sitting up, she gradually remembered what happened last night, and she found out in anxiety. Dumb beside him.

Dui had lost a lot of blood, his face was a little pale, and he was still asleep, frowning, as if he was experiencing some pain. Xuan Yue felt a pain in her heart. Last night, if Ah Du wasn’t trying to save herself, she wouldn’t be cut by the enemy. At this time, Xuan Yue regretted for the first time why she didn’t practice well when she was in the Holy See. If so, her strength will never be what she is now, at least she can help Dumb.

Both the rock and the rock force were meditating on the side. Xuanyue put the head of Ah-Dai on his lap to make him sleep more comfortable, and gently stroked Ah-Dai's forehead with tenderness in his eyes.

After A Duan pillowed on Xuan Yue's soft thighs, his brows gradually stretched, and he fell asleep deeply. Xuan Yue was not idle either, closed her eyes and started thinking. If you want to use a larger light magic to help Dui recover, first of all, she must stay in the best condition.

At noon, several people, including Duan, woke up one after another. The rock and rock power have basically recovered after meditation and breath adjustment. Xuan Yue's lack of magical power has also been restored, only Ah'Dai's body is a bit weak due to excessive blood loss, and the wound on the back is even more painful. When he woke up, he found himself resting on Xuan Yue's lap. He was startled and struggling to get up. Xuan Yue was also sober because of his departure.

"Yueyue, me, how could I..."

Xuanyue blushed, and answered the question: "Is your body better, is there any pain?"

The corner of Dumb's mouth moved a little, and said, "No, no, I'm much better, but I'm still a little weak. I will recover in one or two days. Yesterday, after I fainted yesterday, did you not get hurt?"

Xuan Yue lowered her head, shook her head, and said in a low voice: "No, you tried so hard to protect me, how could I get hurt."

Yan Li leaned over, smiled, and said, "What's wrong with you? Why doesn't it look normal!"

Dui moved his somewhat stiff body and reluctantly said, "I, we are not normal! Brother Yanli, were you the ones who rushed back to save us yesterday? When I fainted, there were still many people around. These. The people in black are too hateful, they have killed so many Yalian people."

Yan Li didn't see the eyes blocking the rock, and smiled bitterly: "Why did we save you! Yesterday you really surprised us. When we arrived, the bandits known as the wolves of the grasslands were already stupid. Then, one by one died inexplicably. Dumb, what's the matter!"

Hearing Yan Li's words, Ah Dui's whole body was shaken. He clearly knew that it was the effect produced by the sword of Hades. The various things before he fainted kept appearing in front of him. He asked urgently, "Big Brother Yan Li, what did you say? Are a thousand people dead?"

Yan Li said, "It's almost the same if they are all dead. We killed the few who fled. These **** should have killed them long ago. Hearing from the chief of the northern tribe, they don't know how much blood they had on their hands. .Brother, tell me, what method did you use to kill those bastards, there are nearly a thousand people! Is it magic? But, how come there are no scars?"

Dui's face became extremely pale. He never expected that thousands of people were killed because of his momentary anger. The depression in his chest made his whole body tremble slightly, and with a wow, he spouted a mouthful of blood and fell soft. Ground.

Xuan Yue was startled, and hurriedly picked up Ah-Dai's upper body and swayed him and said, "A-Dai, Ah-Dai, what's wrong with you?"

Dumb's eyes were hollow, two lines of tears flowed down, and he murmured: "I, I actually killed thousands of people, am I a demon? Why is this? Why?"

Xuan Yue clasped Dumb’s head tightly, tears streaming out, "Dumb, you can’t be blamed! This is not your fault, those are damned people, there is nothing wrong with killing them, don’t think about it. Don't think too much, let's get out of here now, okay." After speaking, she gave Yanli a fierce look and chanted the spell of vitality recovery.

The rock couldn't understand the strength of the rock, and said: "Don't mention what happened last night in the future."

Yan Li scratched his head and asked in a low voice, "Big brother, what is going on! Isn't it possible that Brother Adu was not stimulated by anything. Why did he suddenly vomit blood again?"

The rock said irritably, "You think everyone is so thick to you! Dumb suddenly found that he had killed nearly a thousand people. With his kindness, how could he accept it, although I don't know how he did it. But don’t ask in the future. When he wants to say something, he will naturally tell us. You go out and take care of the chief and ask for a few horses, and then get some food. After eating, let’s leave here and get on the road. The Lian people will come and ask Dumb. It's better not to stimulate him now."

Yanli agreed and left. The rock looked at Ah-Dai and Xuanyue who were wrapped in white light, and sighed slightly. He also wanted to know what method Ah-Dai used to eliminate enemies that were much stronger than him. But how can he ask if he is like this now. Let's go with the flow.

With the help of Xuan Yue’s vitality recovery technique, Ah Du’s physical trauma was almost healed, but the depression in her heart remained unabated. She lowered her head and said nothing. Although Xuan Yue was anxious, she knew that she could not stimulate him, so she had to stay with him. Beside, waiting quietly.

After a while, Yanli came back, and he also brought back three horses and many foods unique to the Yalian tribe. A lot of rocks and rock power were eaten, but Ah Dui, who had always had the most appetite, only ate a little under Xuan Yue's encouragement, and his expression became more dull.

After the meal, after the rock went alone to say goodbye to the chiefs of the three tribes, the four rode on their horses and left the oasis where the northern tribes were located. Before leaving, the chief of the northern tribe, in order to thank the four people for their help, specially gifted a black iron bow weighing two hundred jin. This mysterious iron bow was actually obtained by the ancestors of the northern tribes by chance, and they didn't know the true value of the mysterious iron bow. As long as ordinary swords incorporate a little bit of black iron, black iron can be transformed from ordinary iron into a sharp weapon. On the mainland, black iron has always been a precious ore purchased at high prices by various countries. The value of so much black iron lies in Ah-Dai and Xuanyue. Above those few superb magic crystals. The rock gave the black iron bow to Ah-Dai, and Ah-Dai didn't care much, but put the black iron bow into the blood of the dragon.

Running on the endless prairie, the depressed Duan gradually brightened up. Although the shadow still exists, he is not so persistent anymore. After all, those killed are bandits with countless murders.

Taking into account that Duan was recovering from his injury, the speed of advancement was not very fast. Although the weather in the afternoon was a bit hot, Xuanyue did not complain this time. She just nestled her body in Duan's arms and enjoyed his warm embrace.

"Dumb, what did you want to say to me last night? Can you say it now."

Dumb froze, and while controlling the horse under his hips, he murmured: "Yueyue, I, I can't speak, but I think you have changed a lot now compared to when we first met."

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Then tell me, where did I change?"

Dumb said: "When I saw you for the first time, I knew that girls can grow so beautiful. At that time, your beauty almost suffocated me. However, your temper is really too big, and you are domineering and spoiled. It’s very, always look like everyone respects you. At that time, you looked down on a stupid boy like me."

Xuanyue couldn't help being proud when she heard the first sentence from Ah Dui, but she couldn't help but sink when she heard the back, pouting, "Am I that bad? Who is so pretentious? You are talking nonsense." , She also knew in her heart that what Dumb said were facts, but she didn't want to admit it. When Ah-Dai said that he looked down on him, there was obviously a trace of sadness deep in his eyes. Seeing this, Xuan Yue's heart ached slightly.

Dumb smiled bitterly: "I don't talk nonsense, and I don't tell lies. What I say is just my own psychological feelings."

Xuan Yue sat up straight and looked at Ah-Dai and said, "What about now? What is the difference between me now and when we first met?"

A faint smile appeared on Ah Du's face, and said, "Sit down first, and I will tell you. My riding skills are not good, so be careful of falling." After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and naturally embraced Xuan Yue's softness. Liu Yao hooped her in his arms.

Although Xuan Yue had a fever on her face, she did not resist, and a hint of sweetness rose in her heart.

Dumb remembered the sudden gentleness of Xuanyue last night, and the strange feeling in his heart completely dissipated the original depression. Holding Xuanyue's soft body in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, it felt so moving, he He whispered: "When I first met, I didn’t know why your magic was absorbed by me. Then you said I bullied you and made me your follower. In fact, I didn’t want to follow you, I was anxious to return Next to the teacher, but seeing your crying face, I don’t know why, but my heart softened. So, I agreed to your request. In the subsequent dealings, your temper will always change greatly. Suddenly it was good for a while, but after a while it was completely changed. I was stupid and couldn't figure out your changes, so I can only try to stay away from you and hide myself so as not to be hurt by you. Tingling."

Hearing Dui's words, Xuan Yue's body shook slightly, grabbing Dui's big hand on her waist, lowered her head, and whispered: "Sorry, I don't know that my relationship will cause you such a big trouble."

Dumb looked at Xuanyue's sad look, and felt a pain, and then said, "But then you changed. After entering the Puyan clan territory, you began to gradually change. You let me discover the kind side of your character. .You saved Brother Rock with magic. At that time, I was really grateful to you. If it weren’t for your calm light, I’m afraid Brother Rock would have already died, and there would be no murderer who killed his wife. From then on In the future, you will change, and you will not have the bad things you had before. Whether in the Elf Forest or in the Yalian Clan, you are already very different from before. You have learned to care for others."

Dui’s sincere words deeply touched Xuan Yue’s heart. She tightly nestled her body in Dui’s arms and murmured: "Dui, I don’t know what I was like before, and I don’t know what I have become now. What it looks like. But I know that there is only one reason for me to change."

Dumb froze and asked: "What?"

Xuan Yue raised her head, looked at Ah Dumb, and said softly, "It's because of you. You made me change. Do you like me now?"

Duan avoided Xuan Yue's scorching gaze, and nodded blankly. He kept thinking about why Yueyue changed because of himself. But no matter what he thought, he still couldn't figure out a clue. After all, he was just a child under eighteen.

Xuan Yue smiled slightly, and said: "You only need to like it, and I will definitely make you like it more and more." After saying this, Xuan Yue covered her hot pretty face and completely wrapped her body in magic. In the teacher's robe, Fang's heart trembled fiercely.

The rocks and rock power had been riding in front, and they had already felt the subtle changes in the relationship between Xuanyue and Duan. The two brothers had a tacit understanding not to disturb them.

After a long while, Xuan Yue suddenly grabbed A'Dai's big hand and whispered: "Dai, thank you for saving me last night."

Dumb froze, shook his head, and said, "You saved us first. Without your fire phoenix, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to help Rock and Brother Yanli rush out. Now I'm still a bit afraid, if yesterday If we die among the bandits, I am afraid that my soul will not forgive myself, because I am tired of you! But, I really regret killing so many people." He said, he bowed his head in pain .

Xuan Yue grasped Ah Dui’s big hand and said softly, “Don’t be sad. Those are bad people. Even if you don’t kill them, they will be met with retribution sooner or later. It’s not worth it to be sad for those people. However, Pluto Sword The power of the phoenix is ​​so great, my Phoenix blood can hardly protect myself."

When I think of it, Ah Dumb is also very scared, "I just wanted to fight with them at the time, and when my brain got hot, I used the Pluto Sword. If you are also hurt by the evil power of the Pluto Sword, I..."

Xuan Yue covered Ah Dui’s mouth and smiled and said, “Don’t tell me, am I okay now? Phoenix blood is a divine weapon after all. As long as you don’t use the Pluto sword to attack me, evil spirits can’t break the Phoenix blood protection. However, In the future, it is better to use the Pluto sword sparingly. It is too evil. I think, as long as there is no sacred aura or high-powered protection, as long as he is invaded by his evil aura, he will definitely die. It is easy to accidentally hurt others."

Dumb nodded solemnly and said: "I will never use the Pluto sword until the moment of life and death. Its power is simply terrible. When I think of thousands of people who have died because of it, I feel extremely depressed."

Xuan Yue said: "Then don't think about it, everything will be fine."

Just as Xuanyue and Ah-Dai were whispering, in the blood of the dragon on Ah-Dai’s chest, the dragon egg that was given to Ah-Dai by the fairy queen, because of the stimulus of the breath of death, had begun to be agitated. Life became active again, it was constantly absorbing the energy provided by the dragon's blood, and its attributes were constantly changing because of the evil energy it absorbed yesterday.

At noon two days after Ah Du and the others left, the red-clothed sacrificial Xuan Ye led the men and others to the northern tribe of the Yalian tribe. After leaving the fairy forest, Xuan Ye's mood relaxed a lot, as long as her daughter did not go to the Death Mountain, everything would be resolved. The only thing he worries about now is the dumb who owns the sword of Hades. Although on the surface, Dui was a kind-hearted boy and a little dull, he didn't dare to be careless, especially after hearing the Elf Queen say that Dui and Xuanyue were closely related, his level of worries grew deeper. The Pluto sword must be taken back by the Holy See. At the same time, he also decided to take his daughter back to the Holy See.

It was noon, and in the early morning, both the Eastern and Southern tribes of the Yalian tribe had left. For two days, they had been vigilant against the revenge of the wolves of the steppe, and they were fully guarded. Although hundreds of tribesmen were sacrificed, thousands of bandits were also eliminated after all. Most of the tribesmen of the northern tribes were in a state of excitement after the sadness passed. But two days have passed, but there is no abnormal phenomenon. The three chiefs realized at the same time that the wolf of the steppe should have already left. After all, their consistent style has always been a blow back, and this time should be no exception. However, they all forgot one thing. The wolf of the steppe lost one-third of the manpower here, and the 1,000 people who attacked were all annihilated. Can they give up like this?

As soon as Xuan Ye and the others entered the oasis territory, they were quickly discovered because of their strange attire. Although the Yalian people here have not seen much of the world, they still recognize the sacrificial costumes. After all, they are also loyal believers of the gods. The chief of the northern tribe personally greeted Xuan Ye and others into the tribe.

"Dear red priests, welcome to the northern tribe of the Yalian tribe. As the most loyal believers of the gods, we the Yalian tribe have always longed for the guidance of the Holy See. Do you know what we can do for you? It will be our northern tribe's greatest honor." The northern tribe chief said with a pious face. How surprised he was when the red priest came to them! He was full of surprises to see the closest person to the god.

Xuanye sees a lot of this kind of humility, he doesn’t have a lot of favor with these black people, he asks straightforwardly: "Chief, have you seen four people come here a day or two ago? There is a girl who is very beautiful."

The chief of the northern tribe was taken aback, and he still has lingering fears with the shocking performance of Ah-Dai. Although Ah-Dai eliminated the invading enemies, the terrifying death of the bandits gave him a deep sense of fear. No detention was made when he left the next day. When he heard Xuan Ye's question, his first reaction was that Dui and the others were important criminals of the Holy See, and he hurriedly explained what happened the day before to Xuan Ye in detail.

After listening to the chief's narration, Xuan Ye was shocked. Although he had heard that the Pluto Sword was so powerful, he didn't expect it to be so strong.

"Where are the dead bandits? Take me to see."

"Master Cardinal, those, those bandits have been buried. The weather is so hot now, I'm afraid the corpses are already rotting, I think..."

Xuan Ye frowned and said, "Well then, you can describe the appearance of those dead bandits carefully."

The chiefs of the northern tribes hurriedly added oil and vinegar descriptions if they were amnesty.

After hearing his description, Xuan Ye sighed: "The Pluto sword is worthy of being the number one evil weapon in the world. It can ingest the souls of ordinary people with only the evil spirit. It's terrifying!"

At this moment, a member of the Yalian tribe ran in in a panic, "Chief, Chief, it's not OK."

The chief of the northern tribe angrily shouted: "Well what? Didn't you see the Lord Cardinal there? Don't bother the Lord."

The Yalian youth first glanced at Xuan Ye, and then hesitated: "But, but the wolf of the grassland is here."

The chief was shocked and said: "What did you say? The wolf of the steppe is here. How is this possible? Shouldn't they be withdrawn?"

The young man said in his heart, you ask me, I ask who will go, "They seem to have two thousand people, they have rushed towards the village, our people have resisted, but our number is not dominant, I am afraid ,I am afraid……"

Xuan Ye didn't wait for the chief to speak, and said first: "It's just some bandits, don't panic, wait for me to see. God will bless you Yalian clan."

Only then did the chief realize that he was beside him, and hurriedly said, "My Master, please have mercy on us faithful believers."

Xuan Ye nodded slightly, he also wanted to see what these bandits who had been rampant on the grassland for many years had. It is also unlucky for the wolf of the prairie. They had just killed more than a thousand people under Ah Du's hand, but they encountered the evil star Xuan Ye. Xuanye never kept his hands on evil forces.

The northern tribe centered on the oasis has become chaotic. The two thousand cavalry soldiers of the wolf of the steppe have rushed over. Although the soldiers in the clan are desperately resisting, there is still some gap in the number and combat effectiveness. After a while, There were hundreds of casualties.

The northern tribe chief's face was pale, and he was hit like this again within three days, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"Are these bandits running across the grassland?" Xuan Ye asked lightly.

The chief hurriedly said: "Yes! Lord You must save our tribe. These bandits no longer know how many lives have been taken away on the grassland. They are definitely blasphemers of the gods. Challenge the dignity of God!"

Xuan Ye glanced at the chief impatiently, and said calmly: "God will punish these blasphemers. God's trial preparation."

Following Xuan Ye's order, the twelve high-ranking priests who followed him quickly surrounded him in the center, and the chief and the Yalian people who followed him were ‘invited’ to the side by the silver armor judge.

Xuanye is undoubtedly a nightmare for these bandits. He chanted faintly: "The wrath of the gods, with your divine power, infuse your heart, and eradicate evil." The golden light flashed, and the tower-shaped wrath of the gods fell on Xuan Ye's hands. The twelve high-ranking priests around began to chant the mantra of God's prayers, and the white sacred light surrounded Xuan Ye's body. The sacred breath suddenly flourished.

"Great God! You have endless divine power. As your loyal believer, I beg you to give me the power of God." At the feet of Xuan Ye, a huge white magical six-pointed star appeared and wrapped his whole body. Inside, the wrath of the gods kept shining with dazzling golden light, making Xuanye so conspicuous even in the sun. The wolf of the steppe obviously discovered the situation here, separated five hundred people, and rushed towards this side desperately.

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