The Kind Death God

Chapter 57: Deterrence

Seeing that the other party was so polite, Dumb hurriedly replied: "You, you are welcome, we are just passing by here, Uncle Orr didn't give any instructions."

West Africa was stunned. Hearing Dumb's voice, it seemed that he was not very old, and asked with some doubts: "Excuse me, which elder are you in the wizard's union?"

Yan Li proudly said: "My brother was just awarded the title of elder by President Kari."

Rock pulled his brother a bit. He understood that Yan Li's temper was too straight, and Dumb was too dull, so he stepped forward and explained: "Master, hello. We are indeed from Guangming City, but we are nothing. Messenger. I just want to go through the barracks and go to the sunset empire. While in Guangming City, the Lord Aldous once gave us a token, saying that with this token, we can pass through any military camp of the Huasheng Empire."

West Africa breathed a sigh of relief and thought, it turned out that it was not Governor Aldous who gave any new instructions. Knowing the identity of the other party, he was still very curious about the three of them, especially the one wearing the costume of the elders of the Wizards’ Guild, "In this case, I will order the three of them to leave the camp later. Please take a rest first. Let’s have something to eat. Come and prepare meals for three guests."

Dumb lifted the cloak on his head and said gratefully: "Thank you, Lord Commander." They were indeed a little tired after rushing for a long time.

The generals in the command center were shocked when they saw Dumb's young appearance, including West Africa, and West Africa lost his voice: "Elder, you are so young."

Duan smiled awkwardly, and said, "I, in fact, my magic level is not high. Getting the position of elder is just luck."

West Africa laughed and said: "Strength can prove everything and can be recognized by the Mage Guild, but how can the word "lucky" be explained? The elders are really young! Let's go to rest and wait for you to leave. At that time, I will send someone to **** you through the camp." As he said, he asked the soldiers on the side to take the dumb three to leave the headquarters.

After watching the three people leave, Xifei frowned and sat back in the main seat. He was cautious all his life. Such a young wizard union elder naturally aroused his suspicion. But the dumb three did carry Aldous's token, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

The staff officer on the side clearly saw the doubts in the coach's heart, and stepped forward and said: "Acting commander, I think these three people are suspicious. Although I don't know how to magic, I have heard of the difficulty of magic practice. That young man It seems that they are less than twenty years old, how can it be possible to reach the elders of the Wizards’ Guild? There must be fraud. Maybe they are the spies of the sunset empire hidden in our country. When they see our defenders are waiting, they think Hurry back to the Sunset Empire. I think they should be left in the barracks."

The staff's words happened to be in the heart of West Africa. He nodded and said: "It is possible, but how did they get Governor Aldous's token? I checked it before. The token is indeed true. This matter must be handled cautiously. If they really got the token from the Governor, we detain them without authorization, I am afraid that the Governor will blame it."

The staff was also embarrassed, frowning and said: "The dark forces of the Sunset Empire have many weird abilities, maybe they are stealing the Governor's token."

West Africa shook his head and said: "Although it is possible, the Governor's token has always been tightly stored. There are many experts around him to protect it. It is not easy to steal it. It is better to be cautious."

Rick, the commander of the Second Army Corps sitting at the head of West Africa, said: "Brother, it's easy. We only need to test their strength, don't we know whether they are true or false?"

West Africa froze and asked: "How to test? Can strength prove their identity?"

Rick smiled deeply and said: "Of course it can be proved, brother, don't forget, we also have people from the Mage Union! The strength of the elders shouldn't be too weak."

West Africa's eyes lit up and said, "You mean..."

Rick nodded and said: "Leave this to me. If they are spies, I guarantee that none of them can run away. You continue to discuss the matter of the Sunset Empire, I will deal with it." After speaking, he turned and walked out of the headquarters. . The magician group has a transcendent position in the group army. Even the Huasheng Empire with the largest number of magicians has only three hundred magicians. They have never participated in military meetings, and only take action when there is a war. They are more expensive troops than the heavy knights. The treatment of a 100-man magician group is equivalent to an ordinary ten thousand army.

The three duo received warm hospitality in a tent not far from the headquarters. After the three of them had a full meal, they were exhausted, and they were sitting together calculating where to start looking for the elves in the sunset empire. . At this moment, the curtain of the tent opened and two magicians walked in. Judging from the magic robes on them, one of them was a great magician of the water system, and the other was a great magician of the fire system. They were all quite old, about over sixty. When the two saw Ah-Dai’s attire, their eyes lit up. The great fire magician saw the six-pointed star mark on Ah-Dai’s shoulder, and then said respectfully: "The leader of the three groups of the magician. Rui has met the elders." After finishing speaking, he and the water magician saluted Adam.

Dumb was taken aback, and hurriedly stood up to salute them, "No, you are welcome, Commander Sri, are you looking for me?"

Sri glanced at his companion and nodded: "Yes, we heard that the elders in the union have come here. As a member of the wizards' union, how can we not come to meet?"

A Dumb hurriedly said: "Please sit down, please, you are welcome, I am just an elder."

The two of Sri were invited by the commander of the Second Legion to identify the identities of the three dumbs. He suddenly heard that an elder who was less than 20 years old had come, and he suddenly snorted. The cultivation of magic takes time. In the union, only magicians who have reached the level of wizards can become elders, and how can a young man under twenty years of age achieve this level.

With a little contempt in his eyes, Sri went straight to the subject, saying: "There is another elder in the union. We are all surprised, can you let me take a look at your magic card."

Dui said in embarrassment, "Don't call me any elder anymore. My name is Dui. You can just call me by name. This is my card." He said, handing over the golden card that Kari had given him. . Sri received the card with a look of surprise in his eyes. He had already determined that Dumb must be an impersonating elder. However, when he looked at the identity card, he couldn't help giving up his previous conjecture. The magic robe may be imitated, but the elder-level magic card cannot be faked because the method of making this golden magic card is extremely complicated. Only the elder and the president know. In order to make an elder-level magic card to be issued to the new elder, not only the president's approval, but also the approval of at least five elders, are all made by the president himself after passing the review. Judging from the energy contained in this magic card and the appearance of the card, it is indeed a genuine thing. Suddenly, there was a little more respect in his heart, and all the previous doubts disappeared. He handed the card back to Dumb, and said: "So you really are the new elder of the union. Sri had previously offended."

Dumb hurriedly said: "No, no, how could you offend me? To be honest, I still don't know why Uncle Kari made me an elder."

Siri said with some embarrassment: "Elder Adu, why are you going to the Sunset Empire? The situation on both sides is very tense now. When you get there, I am afraid that there will be situations that are not conducive to you!"

Just as Dumb wanted to answer, the rock rushed to say, "Head Siri, you don't need to tentatively test us. Do you think Brother Dumb is too young to believe that he is the elder of the trade union." Entering the door, the rock could see their purpose from their look.

Si Rui was dumbfounded by the rock's question, and continued: "No, no, no, we didn't mean that. It's just that the generals in the group army looked at the elder's young age and feared that he was a spy of the sunset empire, so let us identify Yes. Elder Adu’s magic card has proved his identity, and we have no doubts. However, those soldiers are all dead brains. Elder Adu, can you show your magical strength, let them see, and save them. doubt."

The rock said angrily: "That's not what it meant. The Huasheng Empire army just doesn't believe in friends? We came with the token of Governor Aldous."

The impulsive rock stood up fiercely, drew a double axe from behind, and said angrily: "Big brother, dumb, let's go, I see who dares to stop them."

Dumb was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed Yanli, and said, "Big Brother Yanli, don't be impulsive. In fact, it is no wonder they suspect that I am really not like the elder of the Wizards Guild. But, Chief Sri, my magic The level is really not high, how would you show me?"

Sri had already identified the identity of Dui, but after hearing what he said, he couldn't help but wonder again. Without strength, how could he sit in the position of elder, "Elder Dui, don't be humble, just show it casually. Strength, just let the generals of those troops take a look."

Dumb scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "But, but I only know ordinary fire magic!"

Yan Li said, "Who said, don't you know how to summon magic? Dumb, you will summon a dragon to show them and let them know how good you are."

Dumb's heart moved, and then he thought of the reason why he could become an elder. He thought that summoning the dragon is different from raising a dragon. Although it is also very surprising, it should be acceptable. He nodded slightly and said, "Well, S. Commander Rui, you let them make a quick place for me first. I'll give it a try."

When Siri heard that Yanli said that Ah-Dai had the ability to summon dragons, he immediately looked at him with admiration, and replied in surprise, then turned and walked out with his deputy.

Yan Li hummed angrily: "I didn't expect it would be so difficult to pass by here. We would have taken a detour if we knew it."

The rock, who had calmed down, shook his head and said, "In fact, they can't be blamed. The relationship between the Huasheng Empire and the Sunset Empire is tense, and their suspicions are not unreasonable. Okay, let's go out. Dumb brother, you are sure. Summon the dragon again? If it doesn't work, don't force it. If it doesn't work, we have to stay here."

Yanli said angrily: "If they don't let it go, we will kill them."

The rock glared at him, and sarcastically said: "You are capable, you go! There are 100,000 troops out there, how can your skill be no matter how high you are? Can you fight more than 100,000 trained fighters?"

Yan Li was suddenly speechless, muttering speechless.

Dumb hesitated in his heart. "Summoning" the dragon could not be simpler for him, but he was still afraid that he would summon the dragon in front of so many people, which would be too shocking. "Brother Rock, can we leave if we summon a dragon?" Rock froze, and said, "Dumb, are you not sure! If you are not sure, forget it. If it doesn't work, let's stay here, and they don't dare What about us, when they get news from Aldous City Lord, they will naturally let us go."

Dumb said: "I'm not so sure, I just summoned a dragon. It's too scary."

The rock shook his head and said: "What is scary? No matter where you are now, as long as you have the strength, everyone will respect you. The magician who summons the dragon, that symbolizes how powerful the strength is!"

Dumb smiled bitterly: "Okay, just'summon' again, the time has been too long. If you save the elves one day earlier, they will suffer one day less sin."

The three people walked out of the tent, and many people had already gathered outside, including all the members of the magician group and hundreds of sergeants. West Africa did not appear, as if he was afraid of being embarrassed by the three dumbs. Rick stood in front of the soldier with a sneer. He couldn't believe that a teenager who looked less than twenty years old could summon a dragon. Seeing that the three of Duan came out, Sri gave Rick a wink. Rick ordered the soldiers to disperse, leaving an open area of ​​hundreds of square meters in the barracks. Sri directed the magicians under him to chant magic spells together. Among the hundred members of this magician group, there are four great magicians, 27 high-level magicians, and the rest are intermediate-level magicians. Although they don't have too much magical abilities, they have cooperated for many years, and the group magic that they have combined to perform, even the magician will have a headache. Under the light shining, a layer of multicolored magic enchantment suddenly appeared in the open space, and the gorgeous colors were breathtaking.

Siri said to the dumb: "Elder, this enchantment is one-way, only inward defense. If you summon a dragon inside, it will not affect the outside. However, we have never seen a dragon attack. You should be careful. One thing, don't let him destroy it."

Duan nodded and walked straight into the barrier. When he passed through the barrier, he didn't get any obstacles, he just felt a wave of energy sweeping over him. Standing in the middle of the open space, Ah-Dai closed his eyes and sent a message to the holy evil in the blood of the dragon with spiritual power. Sheng Xie felt that Ah Duan was calling him, and he was overjoyed, "Brother, are you looking for me?"

Ah Dui told it through mental power: "Xiao Xie, I can only let you come out for a while, and then come back, okay?"

Sheng Xie said aggrievedly: "Brother, Xiao Xie is so bored! And it's been a long time since I have eaten anything, can you get me something to eat!"

Dumb froze and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Shengxie replied with a little embarrassment: "I am so hungry that I am not very hungry. But, but I am a little greedy." After all, he was only half a year old, and he was still a child. The desire for steamed buns. Ah Dui deeply understands this feeling, "Well, brother must try to get you something to eat. Okay, I want to let you out. You can't run around after you come out."

The people outside the barrier were a little anxious when seeing Ah-Dai standing still. Rick sneered at the corners of his mouth. If Ah-Dai couldn't use any magic that satisfies him in a while, he would order the arrest. . Muttered: "The spies of the Sunset Empire, you don't want to escape from me."

Dui suddenly opened his eyes. In order to do something more like it, he urged the vitality in his body, and his body suddenly emitted a white light. Under the cover of the sacred breath, Dui's simple and honest face looked so solemn and precious. He chanted softly: "Take the blood of the dragon as a guide, open the door of time and space." A blue halo spread from Dumb's chest, and a blue halo floated out.

The huge dragon roar resounded across the world, and in the blue light, the figure of Sheng Xie appeared. Under the sunlight, the gray scales on the four-meter-long body of Shengxie reflected the rays of light, and the seven pointed horns on the back of the head were even more golden. Its wings were wide open, and it roared up to the sky with golden eyes. Shining with a strange look. After finally coming out and letting out the wind, of course it has to stretch its body and refresh its spirit.

I haven't seen the holy evil for a few days, and Ah Dumb missed it very much. When he saw its huge and gracious figure, he had forgotten that he was being tested by those troops. He flew up and fell gently on top of the holy evil. Grasp one of its sharp corners to stabilize your body. Sitting on Sheng Xie's neck, Ah Du patted his big head and said, "Xiao Xie, I miss you so much!"

The holy evil groaned softly, and his voice sounded from the bottom of Ah Dui's heart, "Brother, I really want to see you too!"

Rick had already looked silly, Sheng Xie's huge and mighty figure had long been deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone present, and his radiant body was so sacred in everyone's eyes. Sri yelled: "Elder, it's okay, you can take the dragon back." The dragon power emanating from Shengxie's body constantly impacted the surrounding magic enchantment, which was enough to prove the strength of Duan. He already fully understood why Duan could become the elder of the union.

Sheng Xie groaned and shook his head, obviously not wanting to return to the blood of the dragon so soon. Dumb realized that there were still so many people around, and used his spiritual power to rush towards the holy evil way: "Little evil boy, there are too many people here, so you should go back first. OK?"

"Brother, it's okay, you just promised to let people eat delicious food, but you can't speak without counting."

Dumb didn't want to force the holy evil, because these people have already seen him, he floated down from the holy evil's back, and said at it: "Then you obediently be here, don't walk around casually, brother will find you food." As soon as Xie heard that he didn't need to immediately return to the blood of the dragon, his big head was excited, and he simply squatted on the ground, enjoying the warmth of the sun, closing his eyes with a freehand look.

Dumb shook his head helplessly and walked towards Sri. When he walked to the barrier, he suddenly encountered an invisible barrier, "Head of Sri, do you take the barrier first?"

Sirui looked at Shengxie hesitantly, and said, "But, your dragon hasn't taken it back yet!"

Dumb smiled and said: "Don't worry, it was summoned by me, it will obey my command, and its character is very docile, and it will never attack others easily."

Sri was relieved, and ordered his magicians to open the enchantment and greet the dumb. Seeing Ah Dumb stepping out of the enchantment, Rick immediately recovered his senses, ran over quickly, and said excitedly: "My elder, your magic is really amazing. Is this the first time I have seen the legendary dragon? It's so beautiful. If you can become a dragon knight, you should be so majestic! Elder, if your dragon can be sold or not, I am willing to exchange all the assets with you."

When he heard that he was going to buy the holy evil, Ah Du's face suddenly sank, "I don't sell it, it's my friend, it's not a commodity. What's more, it was summoned by me with magic, and it will disappear in a while." Rui said: "Head Sirui, this dragon is a bit hungry. Look, can you find something to eat for it."

Siri stunned. Although he didn't know the principle of summoning magic, he had never heard that the summoned creature needed to eat. He quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, Captain Rick, look... …" Although Rick was rejected by Dumb, he was not angry. He liked the silver dragon more and more, "No problem, I will find something delicious for it." , Turned and ran away excitedly. At this time, the news that Dumb had summoned the dragon had almost spread throughout the entire camp. For a while, the soldiers who came to watch had already surrounded the barrier. This is a bitter to those magicians, their magic level is not low, it is very difficult to maintain this enchantment, but seeing that Dui didn't mean to take back the dragon, for the safety of the barracks, Siri naturally could not let them Remove the enchantment. Only supported by hard work.

West Africa naturally got the news. As soon as he heard that Ah-Dai had summoned the dragon, he immediately cursed the former staff officer and brought all the generals out of the enchantment. "Ah! Elder, I'm so embarrassed. I heard that Captain Rick misunderstood you as a spy and was very angry about trying to test you. This is not what our headquarters meant. Don't worry, I will punish him. "Xifei is worthy of being an old traitor, and his understatement put all the responsibility on Rick.

Rick just came back with a large plate of food. He couldn't help but rushed up when he heard what Xifei said, but suddenly understood what Xifei meant. He hurried forward and said with a smile: "Yes, yes. , It’s all my fault, elder, don’t mind. I am also thinking about the Huasheng Empire. Now the situation is tense and I have to guard against it! You are abrupt again, I admit punishment, I admit punishment."

West Africa glanced at Rick with satisfaction. It was his old brother who understood his own mind and pushed everything to Rick alone. It was better than letting this powerful wizard guild elder misunderstand the entire Bright Tiger Army. Angrily said: "Legion Commander Rick, you have done too much today. The elder is our most distinguished guest. How can you misunderstand him? I declare in the name of the acting commander-in-chief of the army. Suspended for half a year."

Rick hurriedly accepted the punishment of no pain or itching, holding the food and rushing towards dumb: "Elder, look, is it time to give these food to the dragon you summoned."

Dumb looked at Rick holding the large tray with excitement, and couldn't help but feel a little bit ridiculous. The tray was filled with all kinds of chicken, duck and fish. I don't know where he got it. He nodded and said, "You give me the food. Right. I just take it in and give it."

Rick smiled and said: "Elder, can you let me go in with you? Didn't you say that it listens to your orders? I just want to leave and see what the dragon looks like."

Dumb nodded and said, "Okay. Captain Sri, you can remove the enchantment, I promise, the dragon will not hurt anyone, but don't let the soldiers get too close to it."

West Africa shouted, "Generals, immediately control your soldiers. What are they all around here? Don’t you let the elders laugh? Where is your usual rigorous attitude in running the army? Elder, rest assured, we are bright tigers. The army has always been disciplined, and they will never provoke your dragon. Elder, look, can I also go over with you and see." Westfir’s expression is almost the same as Rick, dragon, this legend Who doesn’t want to be able to contact him.

Dumb looked at Xifei with a look of eagerness, nodded and said, "All right."

The rock snorted, and said, "Now we are here to pretend to be people. When I suspected us, he made a tortoise with his head." He wouldn't be like a simple dumb, fooled by a few words from West Africa, without the highest command. Order of the officer, who would dare to doubt the elders of the wizards’ union with Aldous tokens casually.

West Africa has been a soldier for so many years and has already developed an excellent psychological quality. As if he hadn't heard it, he walked into the enchantment with Rick and accompany Duan.

Ah Dui walked to the side of Sheng Xie, patted his big head, and said in a low voice, "Big slacker, you are not asleep. Hurry up and eat, and I will go back after eating." Sheng Xie opened his eyes. , Seeing two strangers beside Ah-Dai, he immediately stood up, the cold light in Jin's eyes flickered, and a strong momentum appeared on his body. Its appearance really frightened Sifei and Rick. Although they both have good skills, who can guarantee that they can compete with such a huge dragon.

Dumb saw the unkind look of the holy evil, and hurriedly said: "Little evil, don't be angry, they are friends who brought you food."

Sheng Xie didn't seem to hear Dumb's words, and rushed towards Rick. Duan just wanted to stop it, but found that Sheng Xie didn't seem to be malicious. Sheng Xie's speed was trained by climbing the mountain with Ah Du, and the sudden eruption made Rick too late to stop him. He withdrew his body, only to find that Sheng Xie's huge dragon mouth had already arrived in front of him. He closed his eyes and said in his heart: It's over, it's over, curiosity kills people. A light in his hand, he didn't feel any pain on his body. When he opened his eyes, the tray in his hand had been taken away by the dragon. Shengxie put the tray on the ground, and he lay down in front of the tray, and ate it beautifully. After a while, except for a dried fish left in the tray, it swept away everything. Shengxie grabbed the dried fish with his front paws, moved his wings lightly, and flew to Rick again, supported his body with his hind limbs, stood upright, blinked at Rick, and stretched out his other front paw to pat He patted Rick's head, pointed at the dried fish in his hand, and finally threw the dried fish into his mouth, chewing sweetly. The dignified Second Corps commander Rick was completely sluggish.

Seeing that Rick was patted like a child by the dragon, West Africa was embarrassed about couldn't help laughing, "Brother, this dragon is so smart! He is telling you He loves to eat dried fish, so you can get him some more."

Hearing the voice of Westfir, Rick woke up from the sluggishness, looked at the holy evil who had already returned to Dui, and muttered: "Wow, you have to scare me to death!"

Dumb said embarrassedly, "I'm so sorry, I caused you trouble."

West Africa repeatedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll order someone to find some dried fish."

Shengxie ate 30 catties of dried fish before returning to the blood of the dragon to go to sleep contentedly. He was very friendly to both Xifei and Rick who provided him with dried fish, and he took the initiative to use his head. After rubbing them, Sifei and Rick were overjoyed, and they were reluctant to give up when the holy evil returned to the blood of the dragon.

Dumb can be said to have conquered the entire Bright Tiger Army with the appearance of the holy evil. Everyone admires him as a magician who can summon dragons. West Africa ordered a big banquet to entertain the dumb three. Dui didn't want to accept their invitation, but Yanli said that he had been framed by them for a long time, and he didn't eat what he could say. Less than two hours after the previous meal, they ushered in another sumptuous meal.

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