The Kind Death God

Chapter 67: Death is born

Dui’s consumption is too great. The silver golden body in his dantian has become dim, carefully stimulating the energy in the body, continuously running, stimulating his own potential, and repairing the damaged meridians. Restored skill. I don't know how long it took, and Ah'Dai's skill finally recovered 50%, and most of his injuries healed. He was worried about the condition of the ice, slowly regaining his strength, and awake from meditation. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the elf girl was shining with a faint green light all over her body, healed the ice. She just recovered not much mana, and she was very hard to support. There was sweat on her forehead. Dumb's heart was tight, and she hurriedly joined in. To the front of Bing.

Bing's wound has healed a lot, but his face is still pale, his brows are slightly wrinkled, as if he is experiencing endless pain.

The elf girl took a deep breath and dissipated the magic in her hand. She shook her body and almost fell. She stabilized her body only with the support of Duan. Ah Dai hurriedly asked, "Girl, how is she?"

The elf girl shook her head sadly, and whispered: "I have tried my best. In these three hours, I have used almost all of my mana, but it is still irretrievable. Not only was she severely injured by the catwoman, but also inside her There is a violent toxin in itself. The toxin has already invaded her bone marrow. It seems that she has been relying on some drugs to maintain her life. Now she has lost too much blood and the toxin has been attacked. It was only maintained by your zhenqi before. Now, I am afraid it is. Her Majesty came in person, and it is impossible to save her life."

Dui's whole body was shaken, and she stared at Bing's poignant and beautiful face, and tears kept flowing down, "Why? Why is God so unfair, I, I don't want her to die, there must be a way, there must be a way "A Dui took Bing's hand and hugged her in his arms, desperately inputting the innocence that he had finally condensed, and the white light enveloped Bing's delicate body, making her look like that. Holiness. Bing's face turned ruddy gradually, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and slowly woke up.

The elf girl sighed faintly, she knew clearly that Bing's life was exhausted, and this was just the last reflection. Standing up, she didn't want to disturb them in this last time, and the Rock Brothers winked, and took the two big hands and walked out three meters away.

Dui didn't know what was happening behind his back. He saw Bing's face become ruddy, he was overjoyed, and he continued to infuse Shengshengzhen Qi into Bing's body.

Bing finally opened her eyes, and the pale pupils showed no trace of expression. The first thing she saw was the anxious face of Duan, with a faint smile on her face, "I, are we out of the dark city? "Her voice was low and hoarse. Although the elf girl could not heal her, she still helped her to stabilize her lung injury, so that she didn't have to talk so much.

Duan nodded and said softly: "Don't talk, we are outside the city now, don't worry, I will definitely cure you. You won't have to stay in that dark place anymore."

Bing smiled slightly and said, "Silly boy, am I still not sure about my own situation? I am 23 years old this year. Although I am about to die, only today is the happiest in my life."

Dumbfounded, "I, I am not a child, I am only five years younger than you! You will not die."

Bing's eyes showed a confused look, and he murmured: "You are so stupid! But you are so stupid and cute. Did you know? You are the only person I have ever liked in my life. I am going. Would you like to listen to me? I want you to know my past and everything about me, so that even if I die, I can look down."

A strong sense of fear arose in Ah Dui's heart and shouted: "No, no, you will definitely not die, you must not, I will definitely save you, you have to hold on!" Tears poured out uncontrollably. Next, he suddenly felt that this girl who only spent one day with her but saved his life twice was so important to him.

Bing reluctantly raised his hand, stroked Ah Du’s face, and smiled and said, "People are always going to die. Sometimes life is more painful than death. Death is just relief for me. The only thing I can’t give up is that You. Do you think I'm so cheap? We only knew each other for a day, but I said this to you." She pressed Duan's mouth to prevent Duan from arguing, "Stop talking, okay? Listen to me. , My time is running out, but I still have a lot and a lot to say. This is the last wish of my life. Let me fulfill me, okay?"

Dumb's tears continued to flow down Bing's palm, he nodded gently, and tightly grasped Bing's cold little hand.

Bing sighed softly, looking at the silent night sky, with a confused look in his eyes, "Although I have only been together for one day, your figure has been deeply imprinted on my heart. I don't know why this happened. I I was born in a small village not far from the Dark City. Now that small village is gone, and the people of the Dark City have taken over their original land. Before I have any memory, I His mother was already dead, and his father’s temper became very irritable because of his mother’s death. One year after my mother passed away, he found me a stepmother. The stepmother was always cold to me, especially after having a younger brother. I am just a superfluous person at home. Whether it is a father or a stepmother, they will beat and scold me when they are angry. It seems that I was born to beat and scold them. At that time, I developed my cold personality. Eight years ago, when I was fifteen years old, a large group of people suddenly came to the village. They wanted to drive us out of our homes and forcibly occupy our land. Of course, the people in the village did not do anything, so they quarreled with them. But those people simply Unreasonable, they began to slaughter our villagers madly. I remember one of those butchers said that strength is justice. If you are unwilling to give up the land, go to hell. Yes, except for me, the whole village is big and small More than 200 lives, young, old and young, all disappeared within two hours. Father died, stepmother died, and younger brother died, but I found that I didn’t feel any sadness at all. I’m waiting, waiting. Those executioners killed me too. I was only fifteen years old, but I felt that death should be faster than life. However, they did not do that. At that time, I first met Viscount Horton, who was me. Later master." At this point, Bing's breathing was a bit short, and with the help of Ah Dumb's zhenqi, he gradually stabilized.

Dumb choked and said, "Bing, you, don't say anything, let's rest for a while."

Bing shook his head gently and said: "No, I want to say, let me go on. Later I learned that the group of people was brought by Viscount Horton. He didn't kill me because of my beauty. He took me back to the Dark City. How could I resist when I was weak. In the Dark City, he asked someone to dress me up, clean up my whole body, and give me delicious food. At that time, I thought I met a Good man, God sent him to save me from my father and stepmother. But, where do I have such a good destiny, the beast of Horton, shortly afterwards, when my body just got healthy, it was only ten. I am five years old. My body was already defiled by him at that time. I hate him, I hate him so much, I can’t wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but I am too weak to fight him. He can only fight silently. He told me that I will be his slave from now on and I can only call him his master. Maybe it is my cold personality that he appreciates, and he hired many people to teach me various things, including martial arts. , All kinds of talents and... how to seduce men. Remember what I told you? I said I was an unclean woman. For pleasure, to earn money, and to win over other forces, not only did he often possess mine The body also gave me to other dignitaries for their yin pleasure. I hate, I hate all people, I have thought about suicide, but I am reluctant to die, because I have to take revenge, I have to kill Horton For this faith, I have been waiting and waiting for the opportunity to avenge Holden. However, I found that I was poisoned by Holden. Not only me, but all of Holden’s cronies were shot by him. The poison is extremely toxic, and Horton will send us a certain antidote every month to suppress the onset of toxicity. If anyone goes against his will, he will die. Although terrible, how can it compare to his viciousness? In order to find opportunities, I deliberately pleased him and finally became his confidant. In this way, I stayed by Horton for eight years. Horton is a cautious person He never showed any flaws. There was always a master guarding him. Even when he was on the bed, he remained very vigilant. For eight years, I couldn't find a chance to assassinate him."

Dumb bit his lip. He was no longer crying silently. The sound of sobbing and crying kept coming from his mouth. He finally understood why Bing's eyes kept showing sorrow and vicissitudes of life. She was just a second. The thirteen-year-old girl had already experienced so much pain, it was pain that she could not even imagine.

Bing wiped away the tears from Ah Dui's face, and his resentful voice softened, "I heard your friend call you Dui, is this your name?"

Duan nodded, but couldn't say anything in choking.

Bing smiled and said: "It's such a silly name, but it looks very similar to yours. Don't cry, dumb, listen to me carefully, you are the only person in my life to talk. Ah! Yesterday, I received a notice from Jin Bo that he asked me to approach you and seduce you, saying that it was Holden’s order. When I first saw you at the entrance of the Fortune Hall, I didn’t realize what you have. In surprising places, I have seen a lot of magicians, but I have never seen you so young. My heart is already dead, so I approached you as Jin Bo said. Your embarrassed appearance made me see at a glance Come out, you are just a young girl who just debuted. I tried my best to seduce you, but I didn’t expect your will to be so firm, I’m not ugly, but you can stand up to my temptation. I really thought you were a man without that kind of ability."

Listening to Bing's relaxed tone, Duan's sadness was slightly restrained, his face turned red, and he said, "I, I..."

The rosy face gradually dimmed, but the smile remained undiminished, and he said intermittently: "You...what...ah! Later...come on, you...go gamble...roulette, fruit ...It's like what Huo...don turned out to be...a magic...master with martial control the wheel...pan The ball,...successfully...successfully, I...can't bear it...I want to deep is your...skills...that's , And you... but... weren't...wounded sneak attack...wounded, cough...cough, that time...I knew...bai, you actually...have...powerful reality ...Power. Originally... I wanted to kill me with... because you would be furious...but, you...but you don't have..., from your...that clear...eye... In my eyes... I only saw... a trace of... anger, your kind... kind heart is that I have never... seen... in the dark city... I can’t help but... It's... a little good feeling..., I can't bear to get here..., so...I usual...cold. Later...come in the holy...hall, I help... ...To the village...the family once lost...the same...nothing to blame...I, Jin... Bo me..., let...I use...seduce you..., make the midst of..., I also...want to see you... ...Can't be tempted as soon as...into the room...I started...before undressing...serving, said... I want to me...get out of here...and your...kindness is know...what...what is...when is it true... …I’m in love with… you… you…? Just when… you turn… turn around and see… to my… naked… body, with… nosebleeds… when… you ...The way it's silly...oh,, fell...fleeing...worried...looks...mine The heart...for the first time...really...happy...get up..."

Thinking of his embarrassed look when facing Chi Luo's ice in the room, Duan couldn't help but shake his whole body. Bing loves herself, Bing is the first girl to tell herself that she loves herself, feeling Bing's body gradually Stiff, Ah Dumb burst into tears, and tremblingly said: "Don't, don't tell me, I, I..."

Bing's big eyes closed slightly, her long eyelashes were almost on her eyelids, and she said dreamily, "After...come on, the meeting...,... Lean... …Your…that period of…time,…I really…feel…very happy…the temperature of your body…the constant…warming my…heart, I…I Much...think...rely...for a while...ah! But...yes, the cat...female...appeared and And...later,... …You leave…auction…after…, I found…that Huo…Dun took…people to chase…you…have, your heart…Central Africa…usually... …Heart, thinking of…with the means of…pre-Horton…, I know…,…you must…have…condensed frost…fortunately… He took away... a lot of... manpower, night... in the club... the guards... weren't tight..., because... my relationship with... his... is still... close... cut, ...And there is no...nobody's attention...I move...toward, finally...successfully...the antidote...stole...come out. were...sneak attack... I caught up with.... a moment..., my whole cold...sweat...through, I'm so...fear...ah! Such as... If I... come a little later..., I will watch... openly... and watch you die... go. Then... so... I will... more than now... pain……."

Dumb knew clearly how his life was returned. Bing's two lives were saved before he was still alive now. He tightly grasped Bing's little hand, while infused with genuine energy, his eyes showed gratitude. look. "Bing, thank you, you must hold on, you can't die, I, I will use my life to repay you."

Bing’s eyes were darker. She coughed a few times, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. She looked at Ah-Dai softly, her voice weakened, "I’m so... happy... to hear... you... what to say... ! But you...not...let you...grate...grateful to me. Stupid...boy..., I know...that worthy...not for you... extravagant...hope, long as, enough......I, I .......You take care of...behind...the emperor of the setting sun...the country is should...the place where you should come to...,... leave... early. I'm... so cold, hug... me, okay...?... I love... you, now... I'm more... love you..., my... soul..., I... will definitely ...In the sky...bless you...of, can...get the...real...fortune...fortune, Ah...dumb, Ah... …Stay…, how much I hope… I hope I can… survive… go, even if… every day… see you… it’s okay…" Bing touched Adai’s hand and slipped down, weak Falling down beside her, she quietly closed her eyes, leaning against Dumb's arms with a contented smile on her face, a drop of crystal tears flowed down her pale face, and the ice was satisfied, nothing Going without regret, she seems to have no regrets anymore.

Ah Dalai hugged Bing's delicate body, which had lost any vitality. He was completely sluggish, and just sat quietly, motionless. The sadness in his heart has reached its culmination. His heart is bleeding and his brain is blank. He does not want to believe that the ice that was still alive yesterday afternoon has now become a corpse.

The Rock Brothers and the Elf Girl stood behind Dumb. They knew that nothing could get rid of the sadness in Dumb's heart. They could only accompany him silently, feeling his silent sadness.

For a long time, Ah Dai carefully placed Bing's delicate body on the ground slowly, and said softly, "Bing, you are not an unclean person. In my heart, your heart is so pure. You can go with peace of mind, you I will definitely help you realize your wish. I will always take you by my side and let you look at me, okay? I think you will be very happy. Come, let me take care of all the filth for you first Clear it out and return your clean body. The fire element that fills the heavens and the earth! Please give me your warm power, condensed into a ball, and now in my hand." The dark blue fireball appeared in the hand of Dumb, "Ice, I To keep your perfection forever, go, my flame." He held the ice body off the ground lightly with one hand, and released the fireball with the other hand. In an instant, the ice floating in the air was already Surrounded by a deep blue flame, under the high temperature, it slowly turned to ashes. Dui used his anger to put a gas mask around the ice corpse so that the ashes would not fly away. Under the engulfing of the flames, Bing’s body disappeared, leaving only a piece of white ashes in the gas mask. Duan folded his hands, stimulating the true energy in the body, and continuously fusing the ashes together, and the ashes were growing and becoming huge. Under the pressure, they gradually condensed together, and the volume gradually became smaller. In the end, it finally became a small ball with the size of a fist. Dui closed his eyes, and his right hand kept slashing towards the ashes, flashes of yellow light, the ashes The group gradually changed shape. With a solid memory of ice, Dui portrays the ashes like ice. Dui, who has never had experience in carving, exhausted all his inner feelings in the depiction. The white head is so lifelike. , Dui opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to make a move towards the head, and the white head fell in his hands. Dui stared at the smiling head, looking at Bing's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little silly.

The skirt of the rock had already been wet with his tears. He walked behind A-Dai and put on A-Dai's shoulder, "Dai, let's be sorry. Girl A Bing is dead."

A Dumb shook his head silently, and said, "No, she is not dead. She will always live in my heart. I will take her across the mainland so that she can always see the beautiful scenery on the mainland." Cherish and cherish Bing's head in his arms. Turning around, there was no expression on his face, and he rushed to the rock and said: "Brother, let's meditate, let's get back to the body before talking. Elf sister, thank you for helping me keep the life of ice." After speaking, he sat on the ground. Practice.

The Rocky trio looked at each other. If Ah-Dai burst into tears, they wouldn’t be surprised, but Ah-Dai was so calm, giving them a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come to the building. It seems that something terrible is about to happen. The three of them were also exhausted and could no longer take care of the others, so they sat down on the ground and started practicing.

A day later, Ah-Dai was the first to wake up. The injury in his body was completely healed, his power was exhausted, and his whole body was full of surging vitality. At dusk at the end of the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun shone the earth red. Dumb stood there with a calm face, took out Bing's head from his arms, and murmured, "Bing, let me fulfill your eight-year wish for you. If it weren't for my cowardice, Catwoman would not have it. The opportunity hurts you, I swear in front of you, from today on, I will never let go of any wicked person, I will send them all to hell, so that their souls will never be exalted. I will become those The nightmare of the evil people became the **** of death who took away their evil souls." Bing's death completely changed Ah Dumb. Although his kindness still exists, the murderous intent in his heart has been raised to the extreme. A cold murderous aura exuded from his body, and his slender hand had already touched the Pluto sword on his chest subconsciously.

Sen Leng's murderous aura awakened the rock from the meditation, and the rock opened his eyes, and his whole body was shocked when he saw Duan. Although the red magic robe on Ah-Dai's body was already dilapidated, he stood there, and the aura of Aoyuan Mountain shook himself deeply, especially his cold expression, which made people feel chilly. The rock suddenly felt that the dumb in front of him was no longer the kind and weak dumb. Standing up, the rock walked over to Dumb, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Dumb said indifferently: "Brother, is your injury healed?"

Rock said: "It's okay, but the skill has not been fully recovered."

Duan narrowed his eyes and looked at the fading sunset, "Brother, I have something to do, don't stop me, okay?"

The rock froze and said, "What are you going to do?"

A cold smile appeared on Ah Du's face, "I want to go back to the Dark City to help Bing fulfill her wish."

Rock's heart shrank, and he said in a deep voice, "You want to return to the Dark City again? Do you know what you will face like this?"

Dumb nodded lightly and raised his head made of ice ashes in front of him, "Of course I know what to face? I have already swore in front of Bing, from now on, I will never do it again. For cowardly things, as long as they are evil people, I will definitely charge their lives and souls. Brother Rock, don’t stop me, you can’t stop me now, wait here for my return. Believe me, I am now No one can stop it."

Feeling the cold murderous aura on A'Dai, the rock sighed slightly. He clearly understood the feelings in A'Dai now. When Yun'er died, wasn't he crazier than him? If I could find the murderer right then, I'm afraid that a **** stopped him, and he would rush over without hesitation. He raised his head. He looked at Ah Dui's somewhat sluggish face and sighed, "Go, brother. Men sometimes, There are some things that must be done, but you still have many tasks to complete. Promise me that you must come back alive for us, for your teacher whom you haven't seen for a long time, and for Yueyue."

Dui's whole body was shaken, he had already embraced the mortal heart, and the words of the rock reawakened him to survive, yes! I still have friends, Teacher Gorris, and Yueyue, who doesn’t know if I can see each other again. I can’t die. I have to eradicate the evil forces in the world. I nodded solemnly, "Brother, don’t worry, I I will definitely come back alive."

Rock nodded and said: "Then you go now, we will wait here for your return, don't let us wait too long."

Dui gently stroked Bing's head, and whispered: "Bing, let's go. You have to watch carefully and see how I fulfilled your wish for you." The voice fell, and Dui's feet touched the ground, and his whole body rushed up. , Galloping towards the direction of the dark city.

Seeing Ah'Dai's back, UU Reading Rock murmured, "Brother, you must come back alive!" He also wanted to go with Ah'Dai, but he knew clearly that his skill was still worth it. If he doesn't recover, even if he recovers, if he follows along, it will only drag Ah-Dai. Ah-Dai is protected by the dragon, and he will definitely be able to come back. The abilities that Sheng Xie previously demonstrated made him still have lingering fears. But how did he know that Sheng Xie had entered a complete deep sleep because of over-stimulating his own potential. Moreover, in order to avenge the ice personally, Dumb didn't intend to use the dragon's power at all.

Dumb rushed towards the Dark City in a dash. From a distance, he had already seen the walls of the Dark City, and the sky was already dark. The silent night sky is dotted with stars. The destroyed city gate has not been repaired, only a dozen guards are guarding it carefully. Ah Dui had already taken off the broken robe of the magician, revealing the full body armor of the giant spirit snake inside. He carefully walked around to a dark part of the city wall, and wrapped his hands with solid vigorous energy with the transformation technique. Lightly vertical, he jumped up to a height of seven meters, his hands were like cutting tofu, and he silently inserted into the city wall. He cautiously looked around, using his hands, his body lifted again, and he rose another seven meters. . Using the same method, a few ups and downs, Duan has floated on the top of the city. Since it was already night, there were not many defenders on the city. He took advantage of the gap that the defenders patrolled the way before, carefully passed through the city wall and fell onto the tower. His figure flashed, and he had already hid in the shadow of the tower. A line of patrolling soldiers hurried past with torches, and their faces showed serious expressions.

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