The land of the territory is divided into [planting area] and [breeding area].

In the planting area, crops such as spiritual rice, demon plants, and magic potions can be planted.

The breeding area can be used to breed various wild monsters.

Before landing on the floating island, some of Lin Yu's classmates shouted that they wanted to raise fat pigs on the floating island, which was to borrow the function of the [breeding area].

There are countless wild boar monsters in the wild world of the floating island.

By catching wild boar monsters and putting them in the breeding area, you can realize your dream of becoming a pig farm owner.

However, Lin Yu is not interested in such a dream at all.

Even if he wants to raise them, he wants to raise the pure-blooded dragons on the floating island.

The seedlings of the black bone blood vine were planted by Lin Yu in a corner of the planting area.

This was to prevent the blood, bones, and filthy internal organs of the monsters from polluting other planting areas, which would be detrimental to the planting of spiritual rice or magic potions in the future.

Under Lin Yu's call~

More than a hundred goblin believers in the territory gathered.

A large amount of decomposed blood, bones, and internal organs were thrown into the corner where the black bone blood vine was.

It seemed to smell the sweet smell of blood.

The twisting of the black bone blood vine seedling became more intense.

Then, smaller branches extended from the body of the black bone blood vine seedling, like tentacles, piercing into the food.

It greedily sucked blood.

It devoured the bones and internal organs of the monsters crazily.

For the black bone blood vine...

These useless things decomposed from the monster corpses are all delicious delicacies.

Of course, it would be even better if it was a whole monster corpse.

Unfortunately, Lin Yu still needs to decompose the monster corpse to obtain [edible meat] and [monster materials] for making equipment.

At this stage, he is not rich enough to use the whole monster corpse to cultivate the black bone blood vine seedlings.

But even if it is just the decomposed things, it is enough for the black bone blood vine seedlings to eat happily.

After all, the quantity is enough.

And there are also remains from intermediate monsters and high-level monsters.

For the black bone blood vine, which is still in the seedling stage, these are all high-quality food, which can greatly accelerate its growth.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, the black bone blood vine seedlings grew to more than 30 centimeters.

The trunk is thicker and the branches are more.

Before planting, it was only a dozen centimeters high.

This can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

Lin Yu was also very satisfied with this, and turned to the goblin believers in the territory and said: "In the future, bring the decomposed monster blood, bones, and internal organs here to cultivate black bone blood vine."

"In addition, pick up all the bones that were thrown away in the past two days."

"Although it may have deteriorated, I think the black bone blood vine will not despise it."

In the corner of the spiritual field, the seedlings of the black bone blood vine fluttered in the wind, and kept waving their tiny tentacles, as if responding to Lin Yu's words.

"Yes, Lord!"

The goblin believers nodded in unison and said that they would take good care of the seedlings of the black bone blood vine.

In their eyes, there was also a deep admiration for Lin Yu.

Demon plants are very rare things.

The goblin tribe has developed for so many years, but has not found any demon plants that can be cultivated.

On the other hand, their Lord Lord easily took out a demon plant that seemed to be very rare and powerful. It was really amazing.

Sure enough, the great God is omnipotent!

Back to the territory.

Lin Yu suddenly felt that there was nothing to do again.

Over at the blacksmith shop, the sound of clanging and hammering was endless.

Under the leadership of the intermediate blacksmith, Goblin Devin, one piece of finished equipment after another was made.

In addition to the two low-level goblin blacksmiths who were helping, there were more than a dozen young goblins watching and learning.

These young goblins were very excited.

When he was in the tribe before, the old goblin Devin never let others watch the process of him making equipment.

He held the equipment making technology to a stern grasp.

If it weren't for the goblin chief forcing him, the old goblin wouldn't even accept an apprentice.

Now, they have the opportunity to learn technology and become blacksmiths, so they are naturally very excited.

Every young goblin is very serious.

Because they know that this is their chance to change their fate.

Become a leader

Blacksmiths on the ground can make equipment for the great lord, so that they can be reused, or even rewarded by God.

Two or three hours later, the blacksmith shop has produced more than ten pieces of equipment.

Most of them are level 2 and level 3.

Lin Yu plans to put them on the [island trading platform] when the number of equipment accumulates.

I believe that by then, it will definitely shake the entire floating island and cause countless combat professionals to scramble for it.

After all, equipment is still a scarce material at this stage.

Most combat professionals on the island only have the initial equipment given by the floating island, because the explosion rate of equipment is very low.

The listing of batches of equipment will naturally cause a sensation.

Of course, what Lin Yu cares most about is the price of equipment.

He plans to price [level 2 equipment] at fifty gold coins.

[level 3 equipment] at one hundred gold coins.

If there is top-quality equipment, the price will double.

Such a price is not low, it can even be said to be very high, only slightly less than the auction price.

Equipment is now a rare commodity, and it is normal to sell it at a high price.

When other lord professionals also have [Blacksmith Shops], various equipment will appear in large quantities on the island's trading platform.

At that time, the price of low-level equipment may directly fall below the single digit.

Lin Yu is now standing at the cusp of the storm.

He can pick up money with his eyes closed.

He just wants to make himself rich by selling various low-level equipment in bulk while [Blacksmith Shops] are not yet popular, so as to summon a large number of angels.

If you want to sweep the world with your own strength...

You can't do it without a large-scale army of angels.


Outside the territory.

From time to time, a team of goblin believers will return.

They are returning from the battlefield in the wild world.

On their backs, they all carry the corpses of wild monsters one after another, and they are concentrated in the small square of the territory, waiting for the next decomposition.

The hunting work of the six teams was very smooth.

The bodies of the monsters were continuously transported back.

The decomposition work was also ongoing.

Almost every once in a while, the meat and monster materials stored in the warehouse would increase a lot.

As for the remaining blood, bones, and monster viscera, they were all put into the spiritual field for the black bone blood vine seedlings to eat.

At the same time.

Lin Yu himself could also sense that a large amount of original power was gathering towards him.

When there were few types of soldiers in the past two days, his upgrade speed was very slow.

Compared with the promotion of Yieta and Sally, it was really as slow as a turtle.

But now it is different.

The six teams are hunting crazily in the wild.

A large number of wild monsters are killed every moment.

This means that even if his level has reached the fourth level of the intermediate professional stage, he can still feel that his own strength is increasing very rapidly.

Maybe he can step into the middle and late stage of the fourth level tonight.

Promote to level five tomorrow.

Looking forward to the goal of becoming a level seven professional, it seems to be just around the corner.

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