The first time, the second time.

There are two types of monsters on the floating island of Wanjie.

One is a beast monster similar to wild boars and wolves, with low intelligence.

The other monster is an intelligent creature like a goblin.

Generally speaking, intelligent creatures have strongholds, or tribes.

A lord once broke the news on the [Professional Forum]...

If you can capture the stronghold where intelligent creatures are stationed, you can not only harvest a lot of gold coins, but also obtain various resources, and even architectural drawings.

But if you want to capture the stronghold, you can't do it without strength.

"Only with strength can you do what you want!"

Lin Yu did not hesitate and immediately started a new round of summons.

Soon, the iconic black hole appeared in the air of the hall.

A moment later, a figure emitting holy light flew out of the black hole.

This figure was as beautiful as Yieta and Sally.

She had a flawless angel face, a tall figure like a nine-headed body, long silver hair draped over her shoulders, and wore the same silver-white angel armor.

There was also a pair of snow-white angel wings behind her.

After leaving the black hole, this holy and beautiful angel came to Lin Yu and saluted respectfully without hesitation.

"Praise you, respected lord! Thank you for summoning me and giving me a new life. I will follow you until eternity!"

"Very good!"

Lin Yu smiled.

And casually clicked on her information template to check.

No accidents happened. The information template of this two-winged angel was the same as Yieta and Sally's. The initial level was level five, and the potential limit was demigod.

Lin Yu wanted to summon a higher-ranking four-winged angel or even a six-winged angel.

Unfortunately, there are not enough gold coins, too poor.

Lin Yu said to the angel in front of him: "From now on, your name is Vina!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Angel Vina said excitedly: "It is Vina's honor to be named by you!"

Lin Yu accepted the compliment of the beautiful angel frankly.

Hearing similar words many times, it seems that he is no longer embarrassed.

"Vina, you team up with Yieta and Sally to go hunting outside the territory, and increase your level while collecting spoils!"

The level of the soldiers can also be increased by killing monsters.

After the monster is killed, the source power rewarded from the floating island will be divided into two parts.

One part belongs to the soldiers.

The other part belongs to the lord.

When a single soldier kills the enemy, the lord gets very little reward.

But it doesn't matter.

Because the lord has more than one soldier.

When the number of soldiers increases, the superimposed source rewards will be very considerable.

Even terrifying.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the lord only needs to recruit soldiers and expand the legion to rapidly improve the level.

"Yes, Lord!"

Without delay, the three winged angels formed a team and left the territory directly.

There were also more than 20 goblins with them.

The task of these goblins was to help the angel team, such as transporting the bodies of hunted monsters back to the territory.

After they left, there were less than ten goblins left in the territory.

All of them were level 3 goblin warriors.

As for the other goblins (more than 60 goblins in total), they had already left the territory, and their task was to bring back the monster bodies hunted by Yieta and Sally before.

The monster bodies are still useful.

After decomposition, edible beast meat and a few valuable monster materials can be obtained.

At this moment, the goblin warriors who stayed in the territory were decomposing the monster bodies piled up in the square, and soon a lot of beast meat, beast skins and other items were piled up on the side.


When it was noon.

Lin Yu waved his hand to call a goblin warrior.

The goblin warrior knelt down in front of Lin Yu, with his forehead close to the ground, looking very pious.

"Great Lord of Holy Light, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yu said, "I'm a little hungry, roast some meat!"

"Follow your orders!"

The goblin warrior got up quickly and went to roast meat.

Seeing this scene, the other goblin warriors showed envy.

It is such an honor to be able to roast meat for the God of Faith.

And it must be said that creatures like goblins have some means to solve the problem of food and clothing.

, and he didn't know where he got the dry firewood and tinder from, and he got the fire source by drilling the wood in a few steps.

Then he piled up the firewood and skewered the beast meat...

All in one go!

Half an hour later, a wooden plate of golden, oily beast meat was respectfully handed to Lin Yu by the goblin warrior.

Lin Yu was not afraid of being poisoned, so he took it and started eating.

The goblins' fanatical belief in Lin Yu was not just something Yieta said casually.

Lin Yu himself could feel it.

There was an invisible thread connecting him and the goblins.

There was also mysterious energy entering Lin Yu's body through these threads.

After asking [The Floating Island of All Worlds], Lin Yu learned that the thread was the thread of faith, and the energy transmitted was the power of the goblins' faith in him.

Faith is loyalty!

Since they are fanatical believers, how could they harm him?

Based on the facts, Lin Yu can fully trust these goblin believers.

At least, that's what [Floating Island of Ten Thousand Worlds] answered.

Lin Yu ate a few bites of the beast meat, and said to the goblin warrior standing by, drooling and waiting for orders: "If you are hungry, go grill some meat to eat, this is what you earned with your labor!"

The goblin warrior knelt on the ground, his body trembling with excitement.

"Praise you, great and merciful Lord of Holy Light, may your glory always protect the humble goblins!"


Lin Yu waved his hand.

Is he merciful?

No, he just did what a lord should do.

He not only has to feed his people, but also build houses for them.

If the people are not satisfied with the life in the territory, how can the territory develop?

"There are only three wooden houses in the territory, which can't accommodate more than 60 goblins. We have to build more wooden houses! After all, the number of soldiers and people will increase in the future..."

For the territory to develop, such basic buildings are indispensable.

However, the rules of the floating island stipulate that no matter what building is built, blueprints must be used.

What Lin Yu lacks most now is blueprints.

Just when Lin Yu felt troubled, a monster killing prompt appeared, which made him suddenly brighten up.

[Your angels Vina, Yieta, and Sally surrounded and killed the seventh-level lord monster Silver Horned Snake, and obtained ten gold coins, a leather armor, and a blueprint...]

"This is a BOSS explosion!"

"Not only did I get a blueprint, but I also got a piece of equipment!"

Lin Yu was overjoyed. What he wanted really came true.

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