The King of Crossover Entertainment

Chapter 398 0398, Champion (2)

"Let's see what Koster says next."

"Yes, after all, he is the king of fairy tales in the world, so he should be given the respect he deserves."

"Without a compelling reason, this champion will never get the recognition he deserves!"

"Take a good look, I'm a professional, don't I know better than you?"

"That's right, having fewer words doesn't mean it's bad. Do you know what 'short and concise' means?"

The keyboard war between Chinese netizens and netizens from all over the world is about to break out!

at this time.

Joe Del, deputy editor-in-chief of Century magazine, said: "The cycle of life is an eternal topic. A group of little ducks almost all encountered accidents and died in the growth of life. This is the story of animals, but it is also the story of human beings themselves. Stories, we keep disappearing and reproducing, generation after generation, aging from generation to generation, until death, but human beings are endless after all. This is as far as species is concerned, and for the ultimate fate of individuals It's death."

Having said this, he stopped, glanced at the judges present, and continued: "The fairy tale "All My Little Ducks" completely tells the story of life in a short 234 Chinese characters, and completed The education of life is clear, well-structured, and focused. Who can do it?

Many judges were lost in thought, and some were raising their eyebrows and chuckling.

What he says makes sense, but he may not be right; what he says is right, then he may not make sense.


Will make you re-examine the matter.

After Jodel spoke, the barrage suddenly became less frequent, because netizens felt that it seemed to make sense. Doesn't writing a profound philosophy in the shortest words mean that the level is higher? So I once again read Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks" without prejudice.

The literary giant Joyce saw that many judges were shaken and felt bad, so he quickly said: "Fairy tales contain the origin of the world and the eternal ideals for the future world. They should be positive, healthy, and inspiring. It’s empowering and full of hope. Rooting such things in children’s hearts is the real meaning.”

This is talking about the dark style of the fairy tale "All My Little Ducks".

"The beginning of life is 'life' and the end is 'death'. This is a law of nature. Saying this is not positive, unhealthy, inspiring, empowering, or full of hope? "Tang Yu expressed dissatisfaction with Joyce's targeting.

"Different people have different opinions, and it's normal to have disputes." Yunfeng felt that Joyce was right.


The problem is that the fairy tale "All My Little Ducks" does not hurt the hearts of children. As Koster said before, the story is "so dark and bright, so cruel and tender, so happy and sad." Ah." It goes hand in hand.

in the screen.

Wang Yan, a contemporary writer, stood up and said: "In traditional education, life and death are very heavy topics. We ourselves always avoid talking about it as much as possible, and we are even more afraid of leading our children to think about it."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was refuting what Joyce had just said, "But actually, I think we should not only talk about it, but also talk about it in depth, because only by understanding the limitations of life can children understand the value of life. , can inspire them to cherish themselves and others from the bottom of their hearts. Sometimes, an idea is worth thousands of words.”

Jodel continued what he said: "Yes, life and death, luck and misfortune, despair in life, hope in despair, everything is cyclical, everything is endless, isn't this the life of all of us? State, the dead are dead, the living are alive, laughing and crying at the same time.”

At this point, he smiled and continued: "In fact, with such stories, children will slowly know and understand life, and then respect and revere life."

New Century Literature Award winner Nakamura Yuichi also stood up and said: "Fairy tales are just fairy tales, but they are also the whole world, even beyond this real world."

In fact, he was originally going to recommend Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks", but he was preempted to speak, "Birth, old age, illness and death, happiness and sadness, are everywhere, with despair and hope, just like the two little ducks at the end of the story. Ducks, they know that the future will be full of cruelty and sadness, but they still choose to live happily. "

One after another, judges with great influence and status in the world of fairy tales and literature spoke for Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks".

Joyce couldn't find a better entry point for a while, so he clenched his fists hard and finally sat down helplessly.

The discussion did not end, but continued. The judges stood up and spoke enthusiastically, but the topic was more about Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks".

"Life is so desperate, but everyone lives happily. Isn't that what Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks" is like?"

"What else can I say? I looked lonely..."

"It turns out that fairy tales can still be written like this, I'm convinced!"

"Children are just small, and they are not stupid. They can understand the truth."

"After several big guys analyzed it, I suddenly felt that the story had become sublimated."

At this time, the direction of the barrage also changed.

Under the analysis of many judges, netizens seemed to have received a lesson on how to read fairy tales.

Unconsciously, many people have recognized Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks".


After more than an hour of intense discussion, the much-anticipated voting came to an end.

"A Pot of Water in the Desert!"

"The Story of Three Crows!"

"Pride and Prejudice!"

"The Sea and the River!"

"The Goodness of Angels!"


The barrage once again occupied the entire screen, and netizens from all over the world typed out their favorite and supported fairy tales.

At the same time, a barrage information box popped up in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, counting the number of appearances of each fairy tale in the real-time barrage, but only showing the top ten.

At present, the number of barrages for Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks" is leading by a huge advantage.

The judges' voting also began in an orderly manner.

The tense atmosphere spread from the screen to the outside, and many people put themselves in it, feeling the glory of the writer and the glory of the country.

"Huh..." Yunfeng took a deep breath. It was rare for him to be nervous. He really wanted to win the championship of this world fairy tale competition.

"Gulp..." Tang Yu swallowed his saliva and held Yunfeng's hand tightly, more nervous than his own competition.

The voting of the thirty judges ended quickly, and the counting of votes also ended quickly.

The president of the sponsor came up and announced: "The fairy tale story that won the tenth place in the first World Fairy Tale Competition is..."

To be honest.

Everyone couldn't wait to know who the champion, runner-up and third place were, but this was a live broadcast and couldn't be fast-forwarded.


After a short wait, the president of the sponsor announced: "The fairy tale story that won the third place in the first World Fairy Tale Competition is "The Story of Three Crows" by Thomas from Denmark!

The netizens in Denmark breathed a sigh of relief. They lost the hope of winning the championship, but it was acceptable to stay in the top three.

The next is the most exciting moment!

According to the discussion of the judges just now, if Charles's "A Pot of Water in the Desert" won the runner-up, then the champion would be Yunfeng's "All My Little Ducks".

"Who will it be?"

"I think Yunfeng has a higher probability. Many judges supported him just now. "

"Charles' chances are high, and many judges have recommended him."

"Could it be a deliberate smokescreen, and someone else is the champion?"

"You're dreaming, this is a professional and formal competition, not a variety show, there's no need to create topics in this way. "


Netizens speculated about who would win the championship.

This was the first champion of the first World Fairy Tale Contest, which was of great significance and would be recorded in the first line of the first page of the history book.

The leaders of the Cultural Bureaus of China and England were so nervous that they were in their throats.

In fact,

At this time, there was a saddest group, which was the netizens and leaders of the Cultural Bureau of the United States, because they were one of the two leaders of the World Fairy Tale Contest and the second largest cultural center in the world.


At this moment, they could only watch in front of the screen with gnashing teeth and sour hearts.

It's not that there were no fairy tales written by fairy tale writers in their country, but they were not selected when they entered the top 100.

Just listen, the president of the sponsor announced: "The fairy tale that won the runner-up of the first World Fairy Tale Contest is "A Pot of Water in the Desert" by Charles of England!"

At this moment, the netizens of England sighed, while the netizens of China widened their eyes.

"Next, it's the final champion, who will receive a prize of 10 million! "The president of the sponsor slowly opened the envelope, a faint smile rose on his face, and he announced ceremoniously: "The fairy tale story that won the first World Fairy Tale Contest is "All My Little Ducks" by Yunfeng from China!"

"Yunfeng is awesome!"


At this moment, the barrage scrolling across the screen was neatly filled with "Yunfeng is awesome!"

Yunfeng won.

Won in the fairy tale contest that gathered the strongest fairy tale writers from all over the world.

Leaving a strong mark in the history of the development of fairy tales in China.

See the final result.

"Heh." Yunfeng's lips rippled with a faint satisfied smile, which gradually solidified on his lips, revealing a charming and touching confidence.

"Yeah! "Tang Yu cheered, raised the corners of her lips almost proudly, and smiled like a flower, so beautiful that you could pick it with your hands.


In the corridor of the apartment.

Excited cheers echoed.

This came from Yunfeng's sister, brother and friends.

Walk a little further.

That was the Chinese netizens in front of the screen. Of course, this does not include "sprayers", "black fans" and "keyboard warriors". People like them can find thousands of reasons to "argue" even when the real honor is in front of them.

Even if you are dissatisfied, you can only hold it in now.

"Yun Da has reached the highest level of life at such a young age. Next, there is no way out except to end his life!"

"The person above, you can't say that. Yun Da still has many industries to cross."

"Haha, cross-border map success +1."

"Ah...too explosive and too exciting, I know Yun Da is great, but I didn't expect it to be so great!"

"Calm down, as a Yunda fan, you must learn to be calm, because there are too many such situations."

At the same time, Yunfeng's fans also posted posts in various places, making fun and showing off.

The Youth League forwarded the award-winning news on the official microcircle and commented:

[There are many people around us who seem to be simple, happy, and unremarkable. In fact, there are always some thought-provoking stories behind them. They put their suffering, frustration, and despair in a place where no one can find them. With perseverance, With hard work and persistence, we move forward bravely with firm beliefs and dreams.

Life is so hopeless, but we still have to live happily! 】

Last time it was a song, this time it was a fairy tale. The Youth League, CCTV, Radio and Television and other state media once again forwarded comments.

Yunfeng and "All My Little Ducks" were suddenly pushed to the top of the hot search list.

Take this opportunity.

Yunfeng posted a microcircle, recommending Yunlin's comic "Little Football Captain: Elementary School" and previewing the next movie "Green Snake".



"Is the novel "Captain Soccer: Elementary School" adapted into a comic book?"

"Have you written another script so quickly?"

"As expected of a person who is as productive as a sow!"

With such enthusiasm, how can we not promote it?


After the World Fairy Tale Competition ended, Yunfeng and Tang Yu also left the Magic City.

In the next two months, Tang Yu has three concerts to attend.

Yunfeng happened to have a vacation, so he thought of it as traveling to relax.


Chengdu, in this leisurely city known as the "City of Leisure", has neither the tension of life in the magic city nor the bustling streets of Yanjing. In such a comfortable and livable city, there is nothing missing in every season. Each has its own charm.

Autumn is a comfortable and pleasant season. Just as the idiom "autumn air is high and refreshing" describes, it makes people feel refreshed and cool.

Yunfeng and Tang Yu held hands and walked through the wide alleys and squeezed into the narrow alleys to experience the enjoyment and relaxation of the soul.

"It's so peaceful here." Tang Yu learned a few Sichuan dialects from Yun Feng and used them these days.

"Rongcheng is a good place to live. If you like it, we can buy a house here and you can come and live here from time to time." Yunfeng likes this city very much. In his previous life, he went out of the city and province for the first time. Chengdu is very memorable.

"Okay." Tang Yu thinks this is a very good proposal, and they already have a certain financial foundation.

Suddenly, the two of them passed by a tavern called "How to Relieve Worry".

Yunfeng stopped.

Memories emerge.

Although this is not Yulin Road, the song "Rongcheng" by Zhao Lei still comes to mind.

Tang Yu knew that Yunfeng didn't like drinking, so he stopped in front of the tavern. Did he want to buy wine as a gift? Immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Yunfeng smiled and said: "I remembered a melody."

Tang Yu was immediately overjoyed. The songs he wrote based on inspiration from his travels were all very nice, so he asked, "What melody?"

Yunfeng drawled out "Hmm", thought for a moment, and then said: "Sing the melody of 'Rongcheng'."

Tang Yu blurted out: "I want to listen."

Yunfeng said in surprise: "Here?"

Tang Yu looked at him with a smile and said softly: "I just want to write it down for you, and you will forget it after a while."

"Okay." Yunfeng smiled, held her hand and walked forward, humming as he walked: "La la la la la la la, la la la la la la..."

(PS: Chengdu is Chengdu)

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