The King of Crossover Entertainment

Chapter 421 0421, the Eternal God!

Fourteen outstanding horror, thriller and suspense novelists from all over the world compete on the same stage. Their true identities will only be revealed if they are eliminated or stand to the end.

The purpose of this rule adopted by "The Thousand Gold War" is to mobilize the curiosity of readers to the maximum extent, so as to gain higher popularity and topic.

Did it succeed?

It succeeded.

Many horror, thriller and suspense novel lovers, even passers-by, have posted analysis, discussion and prediction. Since the announcement of the activity information of "The Thousand Gold War" on October 15, it has occupied a hot collection position every day, especially when there are only three novels left, the popularity and topic have entered the top ten.

And what everyone is most concerned about is, of course, the author of "Death Note" who eliminated Jones, the sales king of suspense novels, and won the first place with "The Disappearing Footprints".

In those analysis, discussion and prediction posts, almost all the world-famous horror, thriller and suspense novel writers who have not appeared yet have been guessed.


In the eyes of countless readers around the world, the author of "Death Note" was announced.

【This "Battle of Thousand Gold" has come to a successful conclusion. Thanks to every writer for their hard work and readers for their support. The unfinished novels will also be put on the shelves next month. Please pay attention to the official WeChat dynamics for the specific time.

The champion information is announced below.

"Death Note" - Author Yunfeng! 】

After a short period of calm, comments and posts were all over the Internet.

"I said, how could there be no Yun Da!"

"There was a post before that made a comparison in writing style, sentence structure, and dialogue, saying that it was Yun Da, but it was ridiculed, and now it's slapped back."

"Everyone says that Yun Da is not qualified, so I ask which of "Cat's Eye", "Midnight Ring", "Broken Face", and "Bandage Monster Villa Murder Case" is not a classic?"

"Yun Da's "Death Note" can be enshrined in this type of novel."

"Yun Da, yyds!"


Readers in China cheered.

During the period when "Battle of Thousand Gold" officially started, when the mysterious veil of the big guys was unveiled, they didn't see their own country, and they felt bad.

Yes, the level of domestic writers of this type of novel is slightly lower, but the organizer is Weiquan, so they have to invite one of their own. Even if they lose, at least they have fought.

In fact, in the eyes of many readers, Yunfeng, the number one in the online literary world, is unquestionable, and they all hope to have him, but in the end, the chances have become greater and smaller.

Literary works, even if the author's name is hidden, can find clues from clues and make effective judgments.

Especially after writing a lot of works, you will gradually develop various habits, which can be very obvious or very subtle, and these can all be used as evidence.

Take Yunfeng for example.

When he writes novels, he likes to use side descriptions to set off the characters. When he writes short stories, he likes to "torture the protagonist". When writing the ending, he prefers "not very happy" or "open", so he is also nicknamed by fans as "he chose the ending with the most barrage and comments".


This "Death Note" can't find these habits. Most of them are positive descriptions to set off the characters, and there is no abuse of the protagonist. In the end, it is a satisfactory ending.

Therefore, even if someone analyzes, discusses, and predicts that it was written by Yunfeng, only a very small number of fans will believe it, and the vast majority of readers are skeptical.

When this result came out, they first breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were excited and excited, just like a flood that broke through the dam, pouring out from their hearts in a mighty and gurgling manner. A feeling of being released after being suppressed for a long time, the whole person was relaxed.

To sum it up, it can be summed up in three words-comfortable!

The important thing is that Yunfeng defeated all the masters with a super high-quality novel and anonymously.



Recently, Yunfeng has been editing "Green Snake" with Hu Haofeng in Legend Film and Television Company.

Because it will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year and compete in the Spring Festival period, the time is tight and the task is heavy.

In order to save time for lunch, I ordered takeout.

There are also Wang Defa and Ma Siyu in the office. After graduating from university, the two worked together to manage Legend Copyright Company and Legend Film and Television Company.

As soon as the delivery guy left, Wang Defa and Ma Siyu shouted "Fuck" at the same time, then looked up and glared at Yunfeng.

"What's wrong? No chopsticks for takeout?" Yunfeng said with a smile.

"You crazy guy!" Wang Defa gritted his teeth.

"Who said 'believe it or not' that day?" Ma Siyu said sarcastically.

Yunfeng suddenly realized that the truth had been revealed, and he immediately explained: "This is not my fault. There are confidentiality clauses written in the contract. We should have a spirit of contract."

Wang Defa beat his chest and stamped his feet, crying: "We trusted you so much, but you are so cruel to us!"

Yunfeng smiled indifferently and said: "The show is over."

"Really?" Wang Defa smiled and said: "If you can't say it directly, you can hint at it. Reveal a little bit, and we can save all kinds of analysis on the Internet all day long."

Ma Siyu squinted his eyes and said: "I won't say more. I know you are in trouble. Tonight, you treat me to Louwailou!"

Yunfeng smiled and said: "Okay, I treat you."

Wang Defa and Ma Siyu naturally wouldn't blame him for such a small matter.

"I said, who else can write a novel like Death Note, which has good ideas, good writing and good rhythm, except you?" Wang Defa said.

"Indeed, you are the only one who can write such a refined novel of more than 100,000 words." Ma Siyu said.

Yunfeng just smiled at the two people's flattery and did not respond.

In fact.

They are not wrong. Death Note is the novel he wrote most seriously and revised the most. It can be said that he has devoted his heart and soul to it.



Weiquan Novel Section Editorial Department.

Hu Guoting had just finished reading the finale of Death Note. He leaned back in his chair and was silent for a long time. He opened his lips and murmured: "This novel..."

At this moment.

As a person who has been working in the novel industry for more than 20 years, he was speechless and could not find a satisfactory evaluation word.


A stroke of genius?


Hu Guoting believes that the success of "Death Note" is not only due to creativity, setting, and wits, but also conveys a message of [endless desire + powerful ability = hell on earth] through the God's perspective of the god of death, Ryuk.

One person's justice, a group of people's disaster.

You know, the human world has its own operating rules. If a powerful Yagami Light comes out and wants to change the rules of this world, then the ending can only be a disaster.

It is not difficult to find that Yagami Light just wanted to punish the sins of this world at the beginning, and used the note to kill the sinners. In his eyes, these people deserved to die. Over time, the final result evolved into Yagami Light desperately killing those who hindered him, and none of his friends, family, and lovers were spared.

Is this kind of "justice" justice?

Hu Guoting sighed and murmured: "Human nature cannot be described, studied, or verified."

In his opinion, Yunfeng's "Death Note" is very profound and worth exploring, so he "crackled" on the keyboard and wrote a 3,000-word long review and posted it in the "Thousand Gold Battle" activity area.

Afterwards, he wrote another email to apply to purchase the copyright of "Death Note".

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