The King of Crossover Entertainment

Chapter 59 0059, What is coming will come

"Dear guests and friends, hello everyone! At the beginning of the new year, experts, scholars, teachers and students from all over the world are gathered together to participate in the 'Musical Instrument Academic Exchange Conference'. As the organizer, I first represent the Central Conservatory of Music of China to express my gratitude to I would like to extend a warm welcome to all guests and friends!

Music is the melody flowing in life and the most beautiful language of mankind.

Musical instruments and vocal music have the same origin and are important carriers of music culture..."

The nearly half-hour opening speech made Yunfeng sleepy. Fortunately, it was held in a concert hall and there was a place to sit.

What followed was another few hours, with representatives from major art schools taking the stage to give speeches.

When I was at the Six Arts Musical Instruments Store, I heard from Wu Zhongyu and Wu Zhenhui that this academic exchange meeting on musical instruments was a collision between Chinese and Western musical instrument cultures. I thought they would start competing with each other with their strengths. Unexpectedly, they still have to compete. Give a round of speeches first.

"It seems the highlight is tomorrow."

Yunfeng yawned.

Tang Yu on the side saw his lack of interest and gently tugged on the corner of his clothes.

Yunfeng tilted his head and looked.

Tang Yu opened the hand he was holding, and a candy appeared in his palm.

The corners of her mouth were curved, with a faint smile, and she whispered: "Eat one and you won't feel sleepy."

Yunfeng reached out to take the candy, smiled slightly, and whispered: "Thank you."

Sugar is very sweet.

Suddenly, the sleepiness was gone.

He caught a glimpse of Tang Yu checking his cell phone, and what was displayed on his cell phone was his (cross-border king) micro circle.

When Tang Yu saw him deserting, his face turned red, he raised his fist in a threatening manner and said, "Don't snitch on me."

Tang Yu seemed to be more like a good boy than he, the so-called "student master".

Yunfeng smiled and teased her, "That one candy is not enough."

Tang Yu grabbed a handful of candy from his pocket, stuffed it into his hand, and snorted at him.

Then she asked: ""The Bodyguard" has not been updated for a week. Do you think the crossover king plans to become a eunuch?"

Because in Tang Yu's impression, the short stories serialized by the Crossover King in the microcircle have always been updated every three days, without advance or delay, but now they have not been updated for a week.

Therefore, she had to think of cutting up the book eunuch.

Hearing this, Yunfeng suddenly felt a chill in his crotch and shouted in his heart: I didn't want to cut the book into eunuchs, it's just that I've been too busy in the past few days and didn't have time to type.

"The Bodyguard" is different from "Zhu Xian" and "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" in that he needs to conceive the plot himself. If the time is too late, the quality will be relatively reduced.

"Well..." Yunfeng excused himself: "Maybe I'm too busy during the New Year's Day. I think with the character of the cross-border king, I won't cut the book eunuch."

"I hope so." Tang Yu pursed his lips and said, ""The Escort" was very well written. It would be a pity if it disappeared like this."

Yunfeng said repeatedly: "No, no."

Tang Yu glanced at Yunfeng strangely.

At this time, Ling Yunnuo and Liang Xixi, who were next to Tang Yu, snorted in unison.

"This Alvaro is so irritating. He actually said that our country's ancient musical works are all monophonic music and not polyphonic music. The reason is that we don't know how to appreciate polyphonic music in which different melodies progress simultaneously."

"Who says it's not? They also say that our country's symphony of folk music is a kind of blasphemy against Western symphony."

Yunfeng frowned and looked up at the stage.

"The fundamental reason for the difference between Chinese and Western music and musical instruments is notation. We in the West are very mathematical. Starting from the twelve-well-tempered notation in Bader's era, the design of musical instruments has also reflected a standardized and mathematical style. , which is very different from the ‘non-standard’ or even ‘unstandard’ Chinese musical instruments.”

Alvaro had a arrogant smile on his face and spat: "Our Western instruments cover the full range of treble, alto and bass, focusing on harmony and matching, and the symphony produced by the ensemble is the most beautiful in the world. "

When Tang Yu heard this, his face gradually changed color, his eyebrows knitted together, and he said coldly: "He is still a professor at the Maro Conservatory of Music and a pianist in Italy. It is understandable to praise his own instruments and music, but why? What about demeaning our instruments and music?”

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an eternal truth.

Yunfeng sighed and said: "For the sake of comparison, this will more clearly highlight the advantages of one party and the shortcomings of the other party."

He had little knowledge of his country's musical instruments and music, and he wanted to refute Alvaro's point of view, but he didn't know where to start.

Don't act like a fool and just stand up and argue with others. Doing so will appear ignorant, rude and immoral.

However, Alvaro's speech just now has made the teachers and students of several major art schools in the country unable to sit still, and they are all so angry that they are itching their teeth.

"Xunzi: Self-cultivation" says: "The body is respectful but the heart is loyal, the skills are etiquette and righteous, but the love is love for others; it is rampant in the world, even if it is trapped in the barbarians, all people are noble."

And Alvaro is an arrogant and prejudiced person. He uses a disrespectful way of belittling the other party and exalting his own.

Then, this will create a "vicious cycle".

At this time, someone had already stood up, a teacher from Shuchuan Conservatory of Music.

He tried his best to control his emotions, but his expression was still full of dissatisfaction: "What Mr. Alvaro said just now is that Western instruments and music focus on harmony and matching. I agree with this, but I don't agree with him putting our instruments The problem of harmony comes down to notation. In fact, as early as the Ming Dynasty more than 600 years ago, our ancestors discovered the twelve equal laws before you in the West. "

Before Alvaro could speak, someone else stood up and said: "The gap between musical instruments and music is caused by backward science and technology. After your Western musical instruments were industrialized hundreds of years ago, their stability and accuracy are indeed far superior to other instruments, but This does not mean that we can belittle other musical instruments. Our country’s national musical instruments have a long history and a long history. These ancient musical instruments show people the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese nation and cannot be trampled upon by anyone.”

Seeing Alvaro being besieged, Daniel, who is also a Western representative, said: "Our Western musical instruments not only have better auditory "formal beauty", but also can be highly organized to produce more diverse and complex musical forms, with more The good expressiveness is unmatched by your Chinese national instruments.”

This person has a good background. He is a professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Ridema and a famous classical guitarist in the Kingdom of Spain.

The one who couldn't sit still was Wu Zhenhui. He took over Daniel's words and said: "Our Chinese national musical instruments and music don't need a hundred people, nor do we need a hundred people. A few people can match the instruments. That's it." A symphony orchestra is very individual for us Chinese people. Western musical instruments are common, such as violin, viola, and cello. It takes too many combinations, and often one or two just sounds the best.”

You said something to me, and the exchange meeting gradually turned into a debate.

Neither side will make any concessions. This is about the dignity of the country's music culture.

The professors and teachers were arguing passionately, and the students on both sides sitting in the back row were also at war with each other, staring at each other.

Looking at this formation, I'm afraid a fight will break out.

Fighting is not "fighting", to be precise, it should be "fighting".

What to fight for?

Fighting instruments, fighting music.

Sure enough, Alvaro, who was still on the stage, suggested: "There is an old saying in China that is 'all talk and no practice'. Since everyone has his own merits, let's compare them."

Things did develop as Wu Zhongyu expected, from a verbal fight to a hands-on fight.

However, Yunfeng sensitively captured the fleeting look of pride on Alvaro's face, which felt a little bad.

Then, just listen to Daniel say: "That's it, each of our two parties selects three student representatives, bass versus bass, alto versus alto, treble versus treble. For the same piece of music, the one who can't keep up with the rhythm will lose. how?"

It seems that he was well prepared.

Yunfeng thought to himself: I am going to fall into a trap.

However, even if you know this is a trap, you still have to jump in.

"Teacher, come down for us."

"Let's compete, who is afraid of whom?"

"Do you really think those of us who practice folk music are vegetarians?"

“We must let them know what it means to be ‘there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world’.”

"They were all ridden on their heads and shitted on them. It's tolerable, but what can't be tolerated!"

There was a commotion in the back row.

The organizer, the head of the Central Conservatory of Music, immediately shouted through the microphone: "Okay, everyone, be quiet!"

It became quiet in an instant, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded from the front row, it was Wu Zhongyu.

She said solemnly: "Mr. Alvaro, it shouldn't be up to you to decide how to compare, right?"

Alvaro frowned slightly and asked: "Ms. Wu Zhongyu, how do you want to compare?"

Wu Zhongyu said with a serious face: "I think that the students brought by each school have extremely high talent and top-notch skills in certain musical instruments. It is impossible to tell who is better simply by comparing whether they can keep up with the rhythm of the music. The strong and the weak."

When everyone heard it, it was indeed the case.

Alvaro narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "Since Ms. Wu Zhongyu said that, she must have other comparisons."

Wu Zhongyu did not deny it, and said straightforwardly: "You just said that your Western instruments and music focus on harmony and matching, then... we each write a new song, and then let the students rehearse it and perform it the day after tomorrow. Let's see Let’s see who is better, you or us!”

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