The King of Crossover Entertainment

Chapter 65 0065, perfect ending

Hearing this unexpected piece of music, Alvaro's short and thick eyebrows curved into an "eight" shape, and his eyes sunk deep in his eye sockets widened, as if they were frozen, and he sat there blankly.

"How can it be?"

Chinese national musical instruments and music are so good to listen to.

This is not the first time he has listened to Chinese traditional musical instruments and music, but what he has been exposed to before is just to play the music with the musical instruments, without putting emotion into it, and lacks the rhyme and soul that music should have.

But the song just now was different. It was melodious, melodious and touching.

The ensemble of guqin and dongxiao makes it possible for you to have me in you, and to have you in me. Emotions are integrated into the notes, making people resonate with each other as soon as they hear it.

The guqin is played with ease and ease, the dongxiao is full of vicissitudes of life, and the whole piece flows freely and happily.

Alvaro clearly realized that he had become a frog at the bottom of the well, thinking that the sky was only as big as the wellhead.

Looking at Yun Feng and Tang Yu with their immortal energy on the stage, he was secretly surprised. Is this what the Chinese people call immortal energy?

As for the other parties in this competition, Aonzo and Angelo looked at each other with the same question in their minds: Is this the effect that Chinese national musical instruments can produce?

Music is the melody flowing in life and the most beautiful language of mankind.

The beating notes open up people's memories and imaginations to discover the stories hidden in the melody.

The charm of music is that it gives people too much heartbeat. Every note is magical, and beautiful instruments are used to dexterously weave touching movements.

A piece of music and a performance are thoughts that can touch the soul.

It will make people feel sad, happy and happy, gentle and touching, and ups and downs with the music.

Aonzo and Angelo did it, Yunfeng and Tang Yu also did it, and they were even better.

"we lose……"

Aonzo sighed unwillingly, clenched his fists tightly, and then unclenched them.

Angelo opened his mouth, but no words came out. What could he do?

Arrogance and arrogance eventually paid the price, they could have been better.

In the audience, teachers and students from other domestic art schools all had red faces and were so excited that it was beyond description.

"My eyes are red."

"Our national musical instruments are finally not only used to play those few ancient songs and those originally played by Western instruments."

"Whoever dares to say that our national musical instruments cannot play high-end music in the future, I will fight with him!"

"They taught us a good lesson. Instruments are dead, but people are alive. Music is not in the instruments but in people's hearts."

"Teacher, I want to learn ethnic musical instruments!"

Teachers and students from other foreign art schools did not fall into the wrong situation, but they looked at Alvaro and his group with gloating.

Regarding the competition, they have always regarded themselves as bystanders. In their eyes, the defeat of Alvaro and others was not due to Western instruments and music, but because of inferior skills.

Their current mentality: If I go up, I can win.

Although Alvaro and Daniel feel that the upper limit of Chinese traditional musical instruments and music is very high and can rival their Western musical instruments and music, this does not mean that they have given up their inner pride and will not give in easily.

Alvaro stood up, lifted his collar, and said to Wu Zhongyu: "Wu, I hope there will be a more fair, just, and open showdown between Chinese and Western instruments and music. This time, you will win first." point."

Wu Zhongyu heard this and replied coldly: "Then you have to find a more classic song to adapt next time. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to get this 'point'."

The students from domestic art schools in the back row were all holding back their laughter and their faces turned red, and some of them even laughed out loud.

This person is very capable.

Alvaro heard the irony in the words, but he was not angry at all. He spread his hands and said: "There is no rule that an adapted song is not a new song, right?"

Wu Zhongyu showed a meaningful smile and replied: "I didn't say it wasn't, right?"

It was precisely this indifferent and calm attitude that made Alvaro feel very uncomfortable.

Just don't contradict him directly, just follow his wishes, but let him know that these words are contrary to what you said.

Alvaro is so angry.

As for Daniel, he had already taken his students and retreated far away.

The atmosphere in the concert hall suddenly became awkward.

The organizer, the head of the Central Conservatory of Music, hurriedly came on stage and said through the microphone: "First of all, thank you to Aonzo and Angelo from the Maro Conservatory of Music for bringing us a beautiful piano and violin ensemble. Secondly, Yun Feng and Tang Yu from the Shanghai Music Conservatory let us appreciate the charm of Chinese traditional musical instruments and music. Don’t be stingy with applause, please applaud their wonderful performance again!”

At the same time, Yunfeng and Tang Yu were still changing clothes backstage.

Yunfeng came out of the dressing room first. He didn't see Tang Yu, so he waited in the corridor for a while.

"It's strange. "Swordsman of the Swordsman" should be considered released like this. Why hasn't the system's incentive task been completed?"

However, just when he was puzzled, a prompt sounded in his mind: "Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the incentive task and obtaining one bronze career resource and one silver career resource."

Hehe, come as soon as you say.

Yunfeng thought and opened the system.

Virtual interfaces appear out of thin air.

【Cross-border system】

[Host: Yunfeng]

[Cross-border evaluation: Novice, trying his best]

[Main business, writer: 18010]

[Crossover, singer: 998]

[Cross-border profession to be activated...]

[Tip: When the writer achievement reaches 50,000 and the singer achievement reaches 10,000, the next cross-border career will be activated. 】

It seems that without the continuous release of new works, both main business achievements and cross-border career achievements will grow at a rapid pace.

Yunfeng still has a song "Invisible Wings" in his hand. After returning from Yanjing, he went to Chen Cheng to release it.

Then, he clicked on the system warehouse.

The bronze career resource rewarded this time is [Song "Swords Like Dreams\

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