"I heard that after the torii is... where the kingdom of God is."

Chiryu looked at the height: eight or nine meters, said Torii.

District [-] claims to be eight million gods. In fact, it counts all kinds of plants and trees, but Hachimangu is obviously different from those... Small shrine, the atmosphere is more quiet and solemn.

"The kingdom of God, does Qianliu believe that there really exist gods?"

Yang Cai followed behind him step by step.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, I'm not very interested in religion, just keep it at a distance..."

Qianliu thinks his attitude towards religion is very general.

in spite of....

It is the local Shinto religion in the eleventh district, or Buddhism, etc., all of which are only regarded as a kind of spiritual comfort.

"Hey, that's the way it is. If you're not very interested in shrines, let's take a look and go."

Yang Cai said kindly.

"No, follow your rhythm, not to mention that it is not right to say that you have no interest in the shrine at all. I am still very curious about the creatures such as witches."

Chiryu has never seen the existence of a shrine maiden in reality, so she remains quite interested.

"Hmm... Chiryu likes witches."

Yang Cai couldn't see the color of anger and anger, and looked rather plain.

Qianliu squeezed her soft little hand hard: "I'm jealous"

"Hmph, not at all."

Seeing the woman's insincere expression, Qianliu couldn't restrain the throbbing in his heart, he pulled her into his arms with all his strength, and kissed her for the first time under the torii.

A minute later, Yang Na lowered her head as if she had done something bad, and was led by him obediently along the access road. As expected, it was more important than words and actions, and she should not reason with women.

Walking on the section between the second torii gate and the third torii gate, cherry trees and azaleas are planted on both sides, which is like a tunnel of flowers, and the scenery is very beautiful.

However, Yang Na didn't have the heart to appreciate it. She didn't reject the kiss just now with full heart. She had long known that such a day would come, even a little later than she imagined, but doing it in a sacred place like Torii , let her have a kind of nervousness about blaspheming the kingdom of God.

"Come on, stand here."

In a trance, Yang Qianliu's voice is full of magnetism.

Obediently obedient, he stood under the cherry blossom tree, showing a charming smile against the pink and white cherry blossom petals, Ren Bihuajiao guessed that... to describe such a scene.

Qianliu did not hesitate to "click"

With a single sound, the scene in front of him will always remain in the camera, and at the same time, it will always remain in his mind.

"Wow! There is dancing music in the dance hall! Let's go over there!"

Going past Duan Ge, Yang Na, who had returned to normal, had sharp eyes and caught a glimpse of what a witch was doing at the dance hall.


Qianliu was also interested.

The two quickly walked to the periphery and sat down: watching, there were already some people sitting on the futon around.

In the dance hall, several geisha with pale faces as pale as ghosts were serving dance music, and a witch in the depths seemed to be holding some kind of ceremony.

Ignoring the geisha, Qianliu's main focus was on the shrine maiden. She wore a muscular undergarment and a white robe, with a red hakama like a skirt on her lower body, white foot pockets, and red sandals.

The witch's hair is a little long, and it is wrapped in white sandalwood paper at the back and tied with twine. Because she is not wearing Chihaya, she does not know whether it is a professional witch or a part-time witch.

"Witches with bare armpits, it's really impossible."

Qianliu muttered softly like a sigh, only to feel that the illusion in his heart was broken.

0 "what"

Yang Cai didn't hear clearly, she turned around and whispered in his ear.


Because it was a little itchy, Qianliu retaliated and kissed her cheek.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

She slapped him lightly and shyly, and Yang Na puffed out her cheeks in shame.

"Don't make trouble, concentrate on watching the dance music, you are disrespectful to the gods."

Qianliu slapped the rake and condemned.

"Damn guy."

There is no way to take him, Yang Cai hates to make a fuss.

In the end, when the consecration dance music ended, Qianliu couldn't help being disappointed.

Leaving aside the geisha for a while, that... Miko is not beautiful either, but perhaps the relationship between her clothes and her profession adds a bit of charm to her.

......From the dance hall, the two went to the Wakamiya, Dashiduan, the Palace, the Treasure Hall, the Peony Garden... "Satisfied"

Qianliu looked at Yang Na, who was clasping her fingers together with a happy face on her face, and asked, "Let's go to Mingyueyuan next."

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