"Something that can make money.."

Speaking and typing the last piece of code, Qianliu saved the data and opened the chat room.

Hanasegawa: "Ryunosuke, help me introduce two high-quality game studios, and there are some less important commissions."

Ryunosuke: "I've already found it. Here are the bills and specific information."

Seeing that a long list of subdivided jobs appeared on the interface, Qianliu was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect Long Zhisuke to move so quickly.

At a rough glance, about those... unimportant picture color design and other aspects are basically above, the money is not much, but it can save a lot of time, and the job that Ryunosuke is looking for room, he is more at ease.

Ryunosuke: "...I suggest that you open a studio ahead of time, you and Misaki are almost enough in the animation field, and the rest... are small problems. ."

Hanasegawa: "I will consider it."

Speaking of which, he is still a person who has done this thing up to now, and the industry is a little unbelievable.

Hanasegawa: "What do you think about the game server?"

Ryunosuke: "The game server can save a lot of money, and the high-defense computer room is maintained by professionals, so I recommend renting."

Hanasegawa: "Well, it's pretty much what I thought."

After a brief pause, Qianliu decided to talk next.

Hanasegawa: "By the way, remember to help me pay attention to the purchase channels of supercomputers."

Ryunosuke: "Are you sure"

Hanasegawa: "Of course, if you want to really create artificial intelligence, do you just rely on brain calculations?"

The reason why Ryunosuke was able to make the maid to this point was because he assumed there were large and medium-sized servers in his room, otherwise the hardware couldn't keep up, and no matter how powerful the genius was, there would be no use.

However, supercomputers are often tens of millions of dollars, which is really difficult, and the power consumption is also terrifying. Every day, the power consumption is just... tens of thousands of dollars.

But there is no rush for the time being, after all, Sakura Village can't be put down, and the current character data is enough for the game.

As long as he graduates, there is a lot of room for him to do.

Ryunosuke: "I understand, I will help you pay attention."

Hanasegawa: "If there is none, I will learn to build a quantum computer by myself."

Ryu nosuke: "..."

However, this is definitely not something that can be done overnight. Compared with the advanced version, the quantum computer necessary for artificial intelligence, the shortcomings of supercomputers are more obvious.

But if Qianliu really wants to invest in this aspect, unless all his energy is put into it, a year and a half may not be enough.

Ryunosuke: "Don't be in such a hurry, do what you need to do next."

Leaving a word, Ryunosuke goes offline.

I have to say that Qianliu's words just now surprised him.


Senior, it's amazing!"

Nayu's eyes glowed from the side, although he couldn't understand what they were talking about, he didn't realize it.

Rubbing Nayu's hair, Qianliu blurted out and asked, "Why did it take so long."

"Hehe, relatives I haven't seen in a long time, and my mother won't let me come back alone. By the way, senior, I brought special products."

Thinking of something, Nayu ran to the door again and dug it out of his suitcase: Bring a can of local specialty wine and hand it to him.

"Oh, and gifts"

Qianliu raised his eyebrows, pressed his thumb on the beer that was different from the general can, pinched it hard, and hit the ring at the corner with a snap.

pried open.

"Wow! Senior is really skilled at opening beer buds. Come and open it up too."

I don't know what is the cause and effect relationship. Qianliu raised his head and took a sip. He squinted his eyes and tasted it for a while. The taste is really good, right? Zhao Yikai is a little weird. Sweet and sour spoon.

"Senior, people are talking to you!"

The puffed Nayu pulled him and shook him.

"hmm what"

"When are the seniors going to marry me?"

"marry you"

Qianliu tapped Nayu on the head: "When did your strong desire for monopoly almost change?"

"in spite of....

in spite of....

in spite of....

! Senior is mine alone!"

With the head hammer twisting in his arms, Nayuta looked at him drinking: "Well, I want to drink too."

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