Qianliu Ding stared at her for a few seconds before he said, "Then please take out the storage room."


Liuhua ran in response.

At the same time, Dongma and Sha also followed.

"You too, little idiot."

She pinched her sister's nose, and she immediately clapped her hands away in dissatisfaction.

"I'm not stupid!"

Kouto argues righteously.

"Oh, who failed the mid-term and final exams last year and had to go to school for tutoring during the holidays?"

Qianliu teased his sister, and it was very interesting to see the cute little sister's little face bulging into a bun.

Obviously my brother is a genius, but my sister is an idiot, and Xiaodou has no habit of studying at home at all. He doesn't do homework during summer vacation. .

However, she is so cute, and her popularity in school explodes. Even if she fails in every subject in her studies, there are still many people who support her, no matter what...

men and women.

Sure enough, cuteness is justice, cuteness is everything! "Brother."

However, Kouto could only use her all-around tricks and shouted coquettishly.

"Okay, let's watch the animation with Liuhua, isn't that magical girl broadcast?"

Seeing Liuhua and Dongma come back with a shelf, Qianliu let go... Holding her little sister's ticklish hand: "Wait a minute: I'll call you when it's done."

Qianliu changed the TV channel to the animation channel, which happened to be the sub-contribution to "Magic Girl" during the weekend

The animation has just started.

"Ah! Really, that's not right... Kukuku, how can I watch animations that children watch when I have a long lifespan"

When Xiaojiu was excited, she suddenly realized that even if she has maintained the shape of a primary school student since she was ten years old, it does not mean that she is psychologically a primary school student! "If you don't watch it, it will end."

Qianliu delivers a blow to the soul.

"Ugh...I, I can't watch!"

"Good good."

Qianliu perfunctoryly put on his sister, and got up to take over the shelf from Touma and Liuhua.

Sakura Village has the experience of barbecue, so it is not surprising that there are shelves in the storage room. It is very good to match the barbecue on rainy days.

Qianliu skillfully assembled two small racks, and then instructed others to prepare the ingredients.

The ingredients warehouse of Sakura Village is always full except for special circumstances, especially on weekends. Generally, everyone will go to the supermarket to buy something and stuff it into the refrigerator when they come back.

After a while, the ice could not hold, so I had to replace it with a large refrigerator with six doors.

"I'm making coffee and can't get away."

Kasumigaoka signaled that he was powerless.

"Let me do it."

Dongma and Sha hesitated to speak.

"Forget it, you two don't come here."

It was only then that Qianliu remembered that these two black long straight beautiful girls were complete idiots when it came to cooking.

Rather than...let them help more and more, it's better to solve it by yourself from the beginning.

Just when Qianliu went to the kitchen to process all kinds of meat and vegetables, Kouto and Liuhua had once again acted in a sitcom.

"Oh oh oh! Calm down! My eyes!"

Liu Hua screamed in a pitiful voice.

Qianliu was startled, and couldn't help but look back. On the other end of her line of sight was a short-haired loli who was desperately covering the eye that was wearing a blindfold. Her expression was distorted by anguish.

The power lurking in her body seems to have finally gone beyond the limit, and I don't know what she has set for the evil king's true eyes, so Qianliu can only guess.

"Please...please, calm down!"

Liuhua begged her eyes with a trembling voice, and then stared at Xiaojiu, who was in the pose of a great devil, with her other intact eyes: "What the hell have you done to me! Evil Vampire True Ancestor!"

Chapter [-] Three Stages of Transformation

"Kukuku, have you finally realized that you have entered my space! The magic power can't be controlled and run wild!"

Xiaojiu extremely took a suspicious pose, in terms of terms, it was a look on his face, but unfortunately he didn't say "smashing, digging and laughing too much"

few words.


Liuhua knelt down on one knee, swaying, and she could only say that she was deeply involved in the play: "How...how can it end here...no! The evil king's true eyes are The strongest! Cut it off!"

I don't know what was cut off, anyway... Liuhua stood up again after speaking this line, leaning on her slender thighs: "The true eye of the evil king will never betray me! I have seen through your tricks. now!"

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