The man was about forty years old, with a head and a slender build, wearing a black jacket that fit him very well, and felt like a musician.

Immediately, the man introduced himself in a light tone: "Fortunately, I am Yamauchi, and I am the sound director of the animation of the headquarters."

His business card reads sound effects director recording Yamauchi.


Qianliu also introduced himself to the other party, which was the first time he had met.

Following him, was a middle-aged man with a good-natured expression, about forty-five years old, with a standard physique. He had a haircut and black-rimmed glasses: "I am a voice actor manager. George, please give me more advice."

A seiyuu manager is a position that handles various matters related to seiyuu, such as adjusting the seiyuu job schedule, and negotiating with various offices.

After Chiryu responded a little, she sighed that it was a hassle to go out once.

After about ten minutes or so, "Then, it's almost time, let's start."

After the director finished speaking, Yamauchi opened the door and went out.

Before long, a young woman appeared at the door of the room.

"I'm Kasumi Miyu from the office, please give me more advice."

The woman, after introducing herself at the door of the room, bowed and left first.

Qianliu didn't know this seiyuu, but she just thought her voice was clear and pleasant, and she had a pretty face. I looked up her profile and found that she had debuted for three years, although she had participated in a few There are many games and animations, but they are all small characters that are not very important.

After a while...the door of the radio room opened, and the woman just walked in.

After she stood in front of the microphone, the director turned on the microphone installed on the recording equipment and gave an instruction: "Then, please start."

"Okay, the role I'm going to play today is the second female 2."

Her voice rang through the loudspeaker in the main control room, and she picked up the paper with the lines and began to play the role she was fighting for.


"Don't give me that...!"

"It can't be like that, but... it's so comfortable! I... I've become: so weird."

The female seiyuu immediately entered the play at the beginning. In the animation, 047 is a relatively bad picture. The second female 2 is in estrus.

Watching the female seiyuu recite the heart-shaking lines in front of her face, Qianliu was indifferent, and she naturally developed resistance after seeing more.

I remember that he once participated in a seiyuu selection meeting, those...lines were even worse, the female voice actors opened their mouths and closed their mouths...on another level, the "younger brother"

and "sister"

,and also""

Such very obscene lines, those who didn't know it thought they were at the scene of Lifan.

However, for some people who like seiyuu, the preserved recording files can be said to be quite precious treasures.

There were not a few famous seiyuu who participated in the audition meeting, although famous seiyuu often received specified jobs, but basically they still participated in the audition meeting and competed with others.

Therefore, Qianliu would advise Qingshan Qihai to change careers and stop chasing dreams. The competition in the world of seiyuu is very fierce.

You must know that there are only so many animated dramas in each season, there are too many monks and few porridge, and many famous seiyuu will also be model workers, and they have won many animation roles in the same season, so there is less room for others to fight for it.

Therefore, the world of seiyuu is very cruel, and at the same time, a company like Qianliu that can produce and sell itself is of course a good choice.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter [-] The so-called scandal in the industry

A newcomer, who wants to compete in the selection of powerful veterans and popular voice actors, will fight a bloody path and win the only role, which is simply desperate and desperate.

If the world of novels does the same thing, it means that you have to participate in newcomers every time and get a prize before you can publish a book.

After the female voice actor's trial reading was completed, the director politely invited her out and let the next one continue.

How should I put it, her voice acting was obviously good just now, but it doesn't fit the character in some places. For example, the second female character is a little green, and her voice is too mature.

Of course, during the period, the director directed several times, and let her play with the feeling she wanted several times. She was indeed a professional-level seiyuu. She quickly grasped the feeling that the director wanted, and perfectly adjusted the interpretation style, but unfortunately the voice line And the sound is still lacking.

Next, there will be voice actors who are popular with fans, famous, skilled, beautiful or handsome, etc., and they will leave after playing the roles needed by the animation.

There are some seiyuu among them, regardless of their acting skills, just the voice itself does not fit the role. Except for those people, almost every seiyuu performed well.

After interviewing more than [-] seiyuu, Qianliu's energy is slowly being consumed. In fact, audition is a very tiring job, and it is the same for both parties.

But even though he felt bored, he still listened more carefully to every line and every pronunciation.

This is not only an important project to help the characters decide the voice of the work, but for every seiyuu who came to participate in the selection meeting, it is also a victory or defeat of your life or my life, and the party who holds the power of life and death also Laziness cannot be ignored.

"Thank you for the advice."

Another half an hour later, as a voice actor who had just finished recording left the studio, another girl walked in, and the eyes of the staff present lit up.

"My name is Yuansheng Baihua, a voice actress from Sakura Studio."

Qianliu was closing his eyes and resting, but after hearing this, he couldn't help but look up.

Standing in front of the microphone is a blond girl with double ponytails, her ponytail is a bit short, and her purple pupils sparkle like jewels.

She was wearing a blue and white dress, the neckline was meticulously laid flat, and with the black ribbon on the chest, she looked very elegant, with the atmosphere of a proud lady.

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