"Do you want to meet your boyfriend that much?"

"They said no!"

"Sister Yangcai, I know the details on your face when you lied."


Unable to refute, Yang Cai simply chose not to answer.

After cleaning up for about ten minutes, I changed into a denim shorts jacket and came out of the bedroom where the door was hidden.

"Okay! Let's go!"

She went to the garage and drove the car out. Before Ryu could fasten her seatbelt, Hina stepped on the accelerator and roared out.

Rui had never seen her sister like this before, even if she went to school and overslept in class, she was thinking, what kind of person can attract her sister.

Also, why do you hide it from your mother, it's strange.

Thinking like this, Yang Cai drove to the location of the premiere without realizing it, parked the car, and she and Rui quickly headed to the location of the premiere 987 premiere.

There were places given by Qianliu, and after waiting for a while, the two entered the venue for the premiere.

After entering, the front of the venue is... a huge poster - "Your Name"

, a pair of high school students, a man and a woman, looked at each other across a clear light.

The theme is simple and obvious, and the first impression it gives is... a story of love between men and women.

Combined with the movie synopsis, this is a story about male and female high school students who meet in a dream and find each other, and many couples are very interested.

It's a pity that after the premiere, it will take a few days before it will be released on a large scale. Those who did not qualify for the premiere are very disappointed.

"Look! Start!"

Yang Cai pointed to the stage, and the host seemed to be warming up.

First, a relatively official host language, and then an inexplicable animated short.

"I saw."

Rui didn't quite understand why she was so excited.

Yang Cai didn't notice that her sister was looking at her with a strange look, she was watching the special guests who appeared on the stage with the host's invitation.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the guests also changed one after another, but Qianliu was never seen.

"Hey, where did he go?"

Half an hour has passed, and the introduction and the like have reached the final stage, Yang Cai pouted and worried.

Rui pretended not to hear, and her sister's worries were completely unnecessary.

In the end, with five minutes left in the introduction, Qianliu walked out from the curtain next to him, and at the same time, the flashing lights under the stage became much more frequent.

In addition to him on stage, there are also some studio people and voice actors present, including Qingshan Qihai.

It is not the first time that Qingshan Qihai has participated in such a scene. If you don't say it, at least you know what to say when and what to say.

"It's...he's so young!"

Noticing the scene where Sister Yangcai was obviously more serious as soon as this person came out, Rui probably understood that the main lord appeared, and couldn't help looking at her brother-in-law.

How should I put it, her youth is beyond her expectations, and she feels like she has just grown up.

"Well, Hanasegawa Chiryu, a well-known genius in the industry."

Yang Cai smiled sweetly.


Rui has nothing to say, even if she is younger than her sister, it doesn't matter, the other party is better than [-]% in terms of appearance, ability, and economic level.

"That..., Rui, I think, I have to confess something to you in advance."

Seeing that her sister didn't react, Yang Cai knew that she would not object at all, and only hoped that she would not object in the future.


"Actually...he's still a student in my class."

Yang Cai said in a low voice.


Rui was stunned: "Sister Yangcai, you are serious"


Seeing that her sister was silent, Ruyi probably knew that she would not joke about this kind of thing: "No wonder you dare not tell your mother."

Finally understanding why her sister insisted on denying that she was in a relationship and hiding it, Rui looked at Chiryu again.

Well, his face is slightly green due to his age, but his temperament is very mature, and it is easy to deal with the host's problems.

Rui nodded lightly: "I see."


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