In order not to affect the others, Nayuta whispered in the ear of Kasumi Hill.

Xia Zhiqiu gave a warning: "Don't get along with me. My relationship with you is not that good."

"Are you arrogant?"

Nayuta stared suspiciously at her doing the same thing.

"so troublesome."

Kasumigaoka decided to ignore her in the movie, study Touma and Goblins, and focus on the movie.

With the passage of time in the plot, the audience also understands the farce of the exchange of souls of men and women, and the lighthearted humor is accompanied by the ridiculous daily life.

"It was fun."

Yang Cai praised her sister.

"Yes Yes."

Ruyi was perfunctory with her elder sister, thinking about it, she would say that even if she didn't look good, not to mention it was really good.

It's just that the comet "Tiamat" that the news has been reminding of

It should be the core of the story, Rui thought about it, it makes no sense that a movie with only more than [-] minutes will mention clues that are not important at all for no reason.

Sure enough, after chewing wine, shrines and holy places, men and women gradually realized the existence of each other and inadvertently fell in love with each other, and began to use tools to chat across dimensions.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and Rui's foreboding came to an end.

Comet Tiamat, which revolves around the sun once in 1 years, is visited by a powerful comet with an orbital radius of more than [-] billion [-] km.

Experts estimate that the perigee is about [-] kilometers, which means that it will pass closer than the moon, and once again in [-] years, the tail of the cyan comet will cross half of the night sky.

The arrival of Comet Tiamat can be called a world-class festival, but the core of the comet exploded near the earth, which no one expected at all.

Moreover, in the ice-covered interior, there are rock blocks with a diameter of about [-] meters hidden, and the fragments of the comet become meteorites, falling to the surface at a destructive speed of more than [-] kilometers per second.

The place where he fell is in the eleventh district, the town where the unfortunate people live, Shishou-cho.

On the day of the town fall, it happened to be the autumn festival, and the fall time was [-]:[-] pm. The place of conflict was the location of the festival booth near Miyazui Shrine.

The fall of the meteorite caused large-scale instantaneous damage centered on the shrine, not only forests and houses, but the impact caused the entire surface to deform and roll up, forming a crater with a diameter of one kilometer.

A second later 4 happened five kilometers away.

The 8-level shaking, and the storm raged after fifteen seconds, causing a great blow to the entire town.

In the end, there were more than 500 victims and [-] people, nearly one-third of the population of the town. It was also the most severely damaged stage in human history by meteorites.

.................................The crater was formed adjacent to the original Shishou Lake, and the interior was filled with water to finally form the new Shishou Lake in the shape of a scoop, south of the town. Although the damage was relatively small, about a thousand town residents who were spared from the damage moved out of the town one after another, and it was difficult to maintain the normal operation of the local government within a year. It has literally died.

......"how so"

Yang Cai was stunned when she saw this. She was not the only one who saw the heroine's death record. Many people in the theater were stunned.

As for the good love, the style of painting has changed too quickly.

But thinking of the appearance of the male and female protagonists growing up in the film, the audience guessed that there should be a turning point, otherwise Qianliu will wait to be sent a blade.

Fortunately, the thousand streams of believing in love did not let them down.

The foreshadowing line buried by the shrine holy place Kouchuu was recovered, and the male protagonist went back to the past again and began to save Sanye and the residents of the town.

The heroine Mitsuha's friends also participated, and with the concerted efforts of everyone, although Taki and Mitsuha's memories of each other were blurred, they knew that they were looking for someone for a few years, but they missed it several times.

This made the audience want to control the two to run directly to the showdown.

Until one morning, two people at work saw each other on the staggered tram, and in just an instant, the two were sure that the other was the person they were looking for.

Chapter [-] Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd

Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd.

Before meeting her, even though he didn't know what he wanted, Taki was still praying.

Just a little more, just a little more, the cherry blossoms are blooming and scattered, the rainy days wash the streets, the white clouds are rising high, the branches and leaves are colored, and the wind is as cold as ice.

And the cherry blossoms are blooming again, the days are accelerating, and Taki graduated from college and worked hard at the job, as hard as he was trying not to be thrown from a rickety vehicle.

Even if it's just a little bit, I will feel that I am one step closer to the place of desire. In the electric workshop, Taki opened his eyes and kept staring at his right hand. On his index finger, there seemed to be a small drop of water. The dream that had just ended made the corners of his eyes moist for a moment. tears have dried up.

......A little bit more, Mitsuha prayed "Nine Eight Seven"

, while facing the mirror, wrapping a hair tie, putting on short sleeves in spring clothes, opening the door of the apartment, looking at the Tokyo scenery laid out in front of you for a while, going up the stairs of the station, going through the automatic ticket gate, riding a mixed commuter train, crowded The small blue sky that you see over there is as clear as an expanse.

Taki may have sensed something looking outside, the windows of high-rise buildings, cars, and pedestrian bridges are full of pedestrians, vehicles with hundreds of people, trains carrying thousands of people, and tens of thousands of people are flowing on the street.

While looking at these, it's better to be a little bit better, Taki prayed.

At that moment, without any warning, Taki met.

... Mitsuha also met, across the window glass, the distance that could be touched by hand, and parallel to the tram, that person was there, staring at her, just like her, wide-eyed in surprise, And she knew the wish she had always held.

...really just one meter ahead, she was there, even if it was someone she didn't know, but Taki knew that it was her, the trams gradually drifted away from each other, other trains slipped between us, and never again. ...can't see her figure.

But Taki finally knew his wish, just a little bit more, if he wanted to be together then, just a little bit more, he wanted to be together now.

...running out of the stopped tram, Taki ran wildly down the street.

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