"with boyfriend"

Rui asked a question, but did not get an answer of rejection, and asked again: "Play for a few days"

"I'm not so sure either."

Yang Cai temporarily stopped taking out the suitcase: "Probably at least a week."

"I understand."

Chapter [-] The three women who finally met

The next morning just after 7:[-], Xiaojiu and Liuhua came downstairs with a white and a black suitcase each. The two loli slept very early last night, so they were full of energy at the moment.

"Brother! Get up!"

Xiaojiu immediately went to Qianliu's bedroom to wake him up, but found Shiro's figure in the bed.

Her face froze for a moment, and Xiaojiu felt bad when she saw Qianliu stand up with sleepy eyes and a cute sleeping state like a real white cat.

Everyone else is the husband's crime, you are the sister's crime! "Hey, Xiaojie, what's wrong with you?"

Standing on tiptoe, she just took out a carton of milk from the refrigerator. Liuhua was very curious when she saw her friend's soulless appearance after she came out of Qianliu's room.

Without answering, Xiaojiu sat on the sofa, with a sense of reality that my brother was finally taken away by someone.

She knew that Shinshiro had a certain degree of intimacy with her brother, but such a face-to-face encounter had never happened.

"Little Dove"

Liu Hua turned over from the edge of the sofa and leaned over to look at her.

"I'm fine."

Reluctantly showing a smile, Xiao Dou's preoccupied look is very suspicious.

Soon, Qianliu and Mashiro came out of the room, went upstairs and spent ten minutes helping Mashiro to pack up their luggage, and then came down to accompany the two little loli out.

"Little dove, unhappy"

Mashiro seemed to sense something, and deliberately slowed down to match Kouto, who was a few positions behind.


In fact, Kouto's perception of Shinshiro is not bad, mainly because the threat is not too big, and Kasumi Hills and Nayuta are completely incomparable.

"I'll accompany Xiaodou."

Qianliu is very aware of her sister's thoughts, so if she wants to coax Xiaojiu well, she is afraid that it is impossible.

Let Zhenbai go to the front with Liuhua, Qianliu came to his sister, took the initiative to hold her hand and asked: "What's the matter, suddenly unhappy"


Little Dove nodded awkwardly.

Knowing that her younger sister is being arrogant, Qianliu smiled and said, "Is it okay for my brother to be with you these days?"


To untie the bell, one has to tie the bell, and as expected, Xiaojiu reacted instantly as soon as he said this.

"When did brother lie to you?"


After two or three sentences, she coaxed her sister, and seeing Xiaojiu rejuvenated, jumping forward and whispering quietly to Liuhua, Qianliu couldn't help shaking his head.

After that, it was seven forty-five when everyone arrived at the station.

Shiyu of the Hill of Kasumi, Kernayuta are here, and at the same time, there is Ju Yangcai standing five meters away from the two of them.

"Hey, with so many things, are you going on a tour or"

Kasumigaoka was stunned to see Nayuta's large suitcase.

"Don't worry about me, huh, I have a lot of decisive weapons!"

Nayuta said proudly, "I will definitely eliminate you on this trip!"

"Then I'll wait and see."

Don't think that you are the only one to prepare.

"By the way, have you noticed that the woman next to you is very beautiful?"

Nayuta suddenly approached Kasumigaoka and whispered.


Xia Zhiqiu looked up and greeted Shang Yangcai's watery jewel-like eyes with a smile, and then bowed his head and agreed with her: "Indeed, what does it have to do with you?"

"I want to know how to keep in such good shape."

Nayuta is very confrontational, and compared to Kasumigaoka, she is completely at a disadvantage in terms of stature.

"It's really boring, you should just tangle with that kind of thing."

Kasumigaoka compared his body with that of Yang Cai, and found that he was in the middle of nowhere, so he felt at ease.

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