The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 28: Solomon's Ring.

Soul beasts  are monstrosities that are caused by mutations of the normal beasts or popularly known as monsters.

They are usually the boss monsters that are found in dungeons etc. There are many different types of demonic beasts.

Some are extremely dangerous while some like to be cared for so they willfully become pets. The one common thing is that all soul beasts have intelligence.

Some even have their own villages etc.

The auctioneer snatched the cloth away from the item.

My eyes widened as my excitement grew! I smirked from one cheek to the other. It was like a stupid grin of a dumb child.

"Finally an intriguing item!"

The item was trapped inside a glass box, it would better to call it a living being instead of an item. It was a gooey creature. It was clear and transparent and was constantly trying to bang the glass.

Many people freaked out when they saw the creature and started to complain about showing them such a disgusting item. Nobody liked it.

"Ladies and gentlemen! There are many soul beasts in the many different realms. Slime is one of the rare creatures as they are usually hunted by the creatures stronger than them as their cores provide good nourishment."

Everyone who looked down on the creature now had a different expression. Their mouths agape and their eyes were filled with greed.

"Bidding price starts from 200 million credits!" The auctioneer announced.

There was pin-drop silence in the auditorium, those who were looking at the slime with greed were now looking at disdain. Just who would buy a slime for more than 200million!

Well, the humans were not wrong, for them, it would be overpriced as they didn't even have an affinity for magic but the influenced people and the people from different realms who had come to the auction knew the true value of the slime.

The price was just an underlying hint to them that the slime wouldn't be sold cheap!

If an individual refines the core by providing nourishment to the slime and eats it then they would find a burst of power in their body.

If a cultivator absorbs it then their realm would increase by two stages and if a mage eats it then their mana capacity and control both would increase. It was like an exquisite elixir!

"205 million!

220 million!

230 million!"

"Derek! You wanted me to buy something right?"

Derek nodded looking at me, a smirk crept upon my face as I told him, "Then, I want that slime."

He looked at me dumbfounded, I pretty much knew that his mind had gone fully blank so I started to laugh inside.

"Master only likes expensive things." He sighed.

I couldn't help but give a bitter smile at his remark.

"300 million!" Derek shouted.

The entire auditorium fell silent, after hearing the price. Straight from 200 million, now the price was 300million!

The people in our room were staring at Derek with disdain on their faces.

The clan leaders glinted with anger in their eyes but they tried their best to calm themselves down.

The leaders looked at his father, but to their hopeful expectations, he didn't give a damn about Derek. It was like as if he had disowned him.

The leaders then signaled Jaselyn, his fiance to calm him down.

"Hey, Derek you really shouldn't waste your father's hard-earned money!" Jaselyn said in a caring voice as if she was genuinely concerned about him.

Derek looked at her with contempt and felt intensely annoyed by her.

"My master wants that slime! So nobody can buy it, and nobody can stop me!" He said in a low voice which had mana containing in it which let them all feel his emotions at the moment.

As soon as the human leaders heard about his master wanting it, there was a hint of respect for him but that overpowered the contempt they were harboring for him at the moment.

Jaselyn also kept quiet, she already knew who the master was and didn't want to show him an ugly side of her.

Unfortunately for her, to me, she looked ugly from all sides.

I nodded at Derek as he looked down at the bidders who were now no longer ready to bid. For them, a bid of 300million credits was just too much.

At that moment a voice came shocking everyone in the auditorium.

"350 million credits!"

Holy shit! This was just too overbearing. Some people even started to doubt and had a changed opinion on the slime so they all started to feel a bit jealous.

I noticed that the person bidding was in fact the King and Queen of Valencia. It seemed like they knew the true value of the slime.

Although the price was very high, Derek didn't back down. I wondered how much money he had with him.

"355 million!" He roared!

"400 million!" The King and Queen didn't fluster, they were ready to go at till any length to buy it.

Derek gritted his teeth as he shouted, "420 million!"

There was silence in the auditorium, many were excited because a bidding war between royalties vs the ones who helped organize the auction was taking place.

Most of them were happy, looking at both the parties wasting their money without any care.

"450 million!"

Everyone was astounded and was waiting for Derek to announce his bid.

At that moment our VIP door opened and a servant passed a note,

"𝘞𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘦. "

An estranged smile couldn't help but come across my face as my eyes turned a bit bloodshot. The people near me gulped their saliva as I said in a maniacal tone.

"Raise it!" I told Derek in a commanding tone, I didn't care if he went bankrupt, but I lost here then my ego would be hurt by these lowly beings. And if that happens I might maybe exterminate the entire human species by mistake!

Well, that may really happen since I need to collect souls, I am really just looking for a good excuse.

Derek himself had anger welling up in his heart! They dared to insult and threaten him and his master! Such humility! The way how they wrote in the note!! It was as if they were ordering his master!!

I could understand Derek's feelings, even though he was a human I felt like he was not human after staying with him for this short while.

"470 million!"

The King and Queen were a bit shocked,

"They didn't get the threat or what?" The king asked the Queen.

"Perhaps or else they wouldn't behave like this."

"We must get the slime, or else our future generations might not have the ability to feel mana if the mana capacity in our bloodline gets exhausted." The King told the Queen.

"Yes! But even the last item is very important! It will be a hard blow to our today's budget if we buy the slime." She sighed.

The King pondered for a bit before saying, "Hmm, you are right. We can just snatch the slime away from them later. Let's let them win and enjoy for now!" He said as a glint appeared in his eyes.

"But doesn't 'Shadow' control this country and have its own army?!" The Queen asked with a little fear.

"Do you think they can compare to us Royalties?! It should be a blessing for them to let us face slap and plunder from them!" The King snorted and said with scorn.

The Queen nodded, they were now not willing to bid anymore, despite having a lot of money in their royal treasure.

They were greedy and possessive, even for a long of money they would show their greediness.

They felt like everything belonged to them because all their demands would always be accomplished.

Little did they know that they were frogs in a well. A Human King and Queen didn't mean shit in this vast world.

"470 is the bid! Any higher?!" The auctioneer asked.

Everyone was silent and looked at the King and Queen to see if they would bid higher.

Their expectations were betrayed when the King and Queen didn't reply.

"Alright then! 470 million is the final bid to higher!"

I felt happiness from the bottom of my heart!

These pitiful humans could never measure up to me! Fuck you, humans! Hahaha!

Of course, I didn't say anything aloud and had an as expectant expression on my face.

At first, the leaders were shocked when the note came, then it turned into anger because the Royal Family was immensely looking down on them.

They even offered to contribute their money to Derek to which he promptly refused.

"Congratulations! Mr.Derek Yellow!" The auctioneer congratulated from the stage.

Derek simply nodded and then looked at me with an expectant expression.

I simply nodded and smiled at him.

The auctioneer smiled as she spoke,

"Alright! Ladies and Gentlemen! It is time for the final item of the night!"

The man once started to push a rolling table into the center of the stage.

I suddenly started to get vibes from the item and my ear started to hurt as I felt my earring getting heavier with every second. It had started to twitch immensely with pain but I still bore it.

I felt that it would fall off my face!

Then it stopped paining, it was like as if my pain was an illusion and that the accessory was trying to give me a signal about something.

An unclaimed legacy, a legacy belonging to a God.

That is what the item is!!

I am sure of it, or else there wouldn't have been a resonance!

Resonance is something that happens only when it is very familiar, my legacy is that of the Angels, so the legacy over there should be of Giants maybe.

Or even Titans, it is quite plausible.

The auctioneer snatched the cloth away from the item. Everyone who looked at it was in a daze, everyone was literally drooling over it.

They had never seen such a beautiful thing ever before in their life. It transcended everything! It looked angelic and lustrous that could shine brighter than even the Sun.

The Auctioneer herself was in a daze as she kept gazing at the item with a look of longing for it.

She immediately snapped out of her trance remembering her job and announced with a beautiful smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen! This is the last item of the day! This is the Ring of Solomon!" She announced with amazement in her voice herself.

Everyone snapped out of their stupor and we're back to reality. They had all heard about the Ring of Solomon, it was said to be a magical ring belonging to a human emperor, so they were all waiting for an explanation with excitement, unlike the other times when they would be bored.

The Human Emperor was a normal slave of the Demons during the time of enslavement and wars and was the first human to create his own kingdom and church, The Holy Theocracy.

But only I was aware if it's true worth since I was one of the peak Celestials who knew many secrets.

The Ring of Solomon is one of the most mystic items from legends. From the legends, it is believed that it was originally a part of the God-Emperor, Mahir El Novah.

It is said that the God-Emperor, Mahir El Novah, was an invincible divine existence who was said to be the 'Son of the Universe'. He would control all the realms and every world, from the lower to the God Realm.

My brother in a way...

One day he died suddenly, nobody knew how but before dying a part of his soul fused into many items that were near him. Then the countless fragments of the little part of his soul flew away, scattering into the many realms and worlds.

The Ring of Solomon fell into the hands of a Mage King, Solomon with what he dominated the entire celestial realm long before my birth before he transcended reality and ascended to Godhood!

The person obtaining or would be extremely lucky!

After all, it was said that Solomon had heaven-defying luck! Moreover, the ring was a part of the God-Emperor, Mahir El Novah's soul!

Solomon was a Giant, a Gigante to be correct.

The ring contains the legacy of the Mage King, the overlord of Gigantes, Solomon.

If my speculations are right after Solomon ascended to the God Realm, his ring fell down to the Lower World and was then picked up by a human emperor.

Everyone had an urge to buy it and waited for the Auctioneer to release the bidding price.

"The bidding price starts from 700 million credits!"

They were all just amazed by the price but nevertheless, everyone wanted the ring! Even if they were to go bankrupt they wouldn't regret it! After all, they would get heaven-defying luck right?

"750 million credits!

770 million credits!

800 million credits!

850 million credits!

900 million credits!

Although even I wanted to bid on it, I had already wasted enough money on Derek and could only look at the item with amusement in my eyes.

I can steal it anyway haha.

"1 billion credits!"

The bidding price kept on increasing until it reached the final bid of 3 billion. Three billion was not a meager amount, in front of three billion, the 470 million I spent was an ant!

"Congratulations! King and Queen!" The auctioneer announced with regret in her voice.

Although she felt happy about the 3 billion, still she didn't want to let go of the ring!

The King and Queen stood up waving their hands towards the crowd while all of them looked at the two royals with jealousy and intense anger.

"Please come and collect your items at the Item Hall!" The auctioneer said with a kind voice.

After that, the lights in the auditorium slowly started to light up and many people started to exit from the auditorium.

Some who won their bids were going to the Item Hall while the others who came for fun or lost despite their efforts were seen leaving.

One thing was common! They were all in awe! The Regent Auction would be something they would never forget! Now they were all simply waiting for tomorrow because the second night would be tomorrow...

Meanwhile, Derek hurried over to the Item hall to bring over the slime. There was a reason why I bought the Slime. It was not for nourishment but to make it my loyal slave.

A long time ago, my teacher, Moon-Goddess had told me something peculiar about slimes especially the ones in the God Realm.

Even over there Slimes were hunted as soon as they were found! But not for nourishment but because Slimes have unlimited potential!

They are like Saiyans but a million times better than them!

Once upon a time, a Slime dominated the entire of God Plains and many different worlds and dimensions!

Their unique attribute, Predator, would steal another person's attributes and would mimic to become fully like them!

People lived in fear as the Slime was hungry for power and prayed upon every powerful being to make itself stronger.

Because of him, there was a deep hatred rooted among the hearts of many. So everyone hunted slimes so that another power-hungry ruthless tyrant wouldn't be born.

Some slimes had even ascended past Primordialoty to enter Nirvana including the Slime King!

While Derek was bringing the Slime something unexpected happened!

Suddenly the entire Auction House started to shake, startling everyone present!




Blasts started to take place as entire buildings started to fall!

Countless people had fallen victim to the ruthless bomb blasts and their blood flow trickling like a river! Some bodies were deactivated while some were burnt!





The ground was drunk with blood and the moon shined its brilliant light upon it shamelessly.

Blood trickled onto my shoulder like as if it was a raindrop, I turned my head up and saw the body of a poor victim.

His body was half burnt and blood continuously trickled down.

I observed and saw that he was still alive although it was barely.....then I noticed that he had elvish ears and had an enforcer brochure strapped across his belt.

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