"Tezuka, the next step is up to you."

The two sides exchanged court, and it was Shengye's turn to serve. Fuji squinted his eyes and smiled.


Hearing this, Tezuka nodded lightly without any emotion.

Nioh Masaharu and Jackal Kuwabara are only two and a half steps ahead of the national level.

Opponents of this level cannot bring any pressure to Tezuka at all.

Ta da.

Ta da!

Tezuka He bowed slightly and hit the tennis ball in front of him.


The next moment, the tennis ball was suddenly thrown away.

Then, Tezuka twisted his elbow, and the racket was pressed down at an angle without leaving any trace.


An extremely tricky angle.

The tennis ball was like It fell like a cannonball, accurately hitting the half of Jackal's backhand.

"Just to this extent? Don't even think about scoring points from me!"

The jackal roared and stepped quickly.


It's just that Tezuka's batting cannot be judged according to common sense.

After landing, there was no sign of bouncing at all.

Even after the ground was spinning wildly, it rolled towards the middle net.

"This is! ?

The main candidates of Rikkai

They had information on Tezuka's Zero Chip.

But I never thought that even serving can prevent the tennis ball from rebounding after hitting the bottom.

Simply incredible!!

Da da.

Da da!

Tezuka didn't care about the external exclamations.

The hand movements are still calm, and the serving movement is as standard as a textbook. brush!

Throwing a tennis ball into the air is still the same familiar action and the same familiar formula.

As his elbow twisted, the tennis ball shot towards the angle of the Jackal's receiving area at a rapid speed.



Jackal Kuwahara tried his best to save the ball, but the racket still missed.

"Damn it!"Four seven seven"

"How do you catch a ball like this?"

The game rules that the serve must bounce doomed Tezuka's zero-style serve to be unsolvable.






"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, with a total score of 2-0!"

With a crisp zero serve, Tezuka directly won the service game.


The audience outside the court couldn't help but be horrified, it was so amazing!

That zero-style serve was simply incomprehensible.

"As expected of Tezuka, the master. If he meets such an opponent, it can only be said that Tatekai is unlucky."

"In fact, the two players, Li Hai, have performed very well, but Sheng Ye is too strong."

"Who would have thought that it would be such a powerful combination between Tezuka and Fujin?"

"This is simply the feeling of adults bullying children."

The audience couldn't help but sigh.

It's not like they have never seen Tatekai's match before.

Jackal and Niou's performances were absolutely outstanding.

It can be said that looking at the entire Neon Junior High School, they can be said to be tennis geniuses. It’s not an exaggeration.

But I’m afraid of comparing myself to others.

When I compare myself with Tezuka and Fuji, the gap becomes immediately apparent.

"Fuji, next time, it’s just you, okay?"

Suddenly, Tezuka looked at Fuji.

Hearing this, Fuji was slightly startled, and then said with a wry smile:"Did you notice?"


Tezuka didn't explain much, just nodded lightly.

"OK, I'll give it my all."

Getting a firm response from Tezuka, Fuji nodded seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Tezuka came to the corner of the backcourt alone.

Fuji Shusuke was alone in the midfield, which made it clear that one person could challenge two people alone. attitude

"Damn it, what happened to the Holy Night people? Are you ignoring us?"

"Too arrogant!"

The Tatekai Shoshou couldn't help but be angry when they saw this scene.

Only Yukimura and Sanada were calm, and they also noticed something unusual.

With the character of Dazaiji, it was impossible for anyone from the Tatekai Shoshou to be allowed to do so. There was chaos on the field.

Even Tezuka was cooperating.

This means that letting Fuji face Nioh and Jackal at the same time must have some hidden meaning.

"What is it for?"

Yukimura couldn't figure it out, and Sanada couldn't figure it out even more.

The two could only stare at the court, trying to get the answers they wanted through clues.

"department...Chang, Fuji, what are they doing?"

"No matter how strong you are, if you fight one against two, there will inevitably be some oversights, right?"

In the Holy Night contestant seat, Kikumaru was also very puzzled.

Is this for the limelight?

It's just Fuji, not such a character.

"Everyone watches carefully and learns as much as they can."

Without responding to Kikumaru's doubts, Dazai Osamu just spoke lightly.


All the Holy Night main players did not dare to neglect and responded solemnly.

At the same time, the Jackal on the court served.


His body was as bowed as a prawn, and the serve that exploded in an instant became more powerful.

As if out of anger, Hu Wolf's serve at this moment reached a speed of almost 200KM/hour.

Moreover, it also had extremely terrifying power.

Wherever the tennis ball passed, wind and waves surged wildly, blowing Fuji's clothes to a roar.

"very scary!"

The audience was horrified.

They didn't expect that Tatekai Dai's jackal would become more powerful every time.


Just the next moment, facing this powerful ball, Fuji Shusuke's whole body began to have milky white light surging.

With extremely fast speed The speed enveloped the whole body

"Is this the state of selflessness? Seeing this scene, Yukimura suddenly exclaimed:"Is this really the case?""

"Want to use the pressure of challenging two people at the same time to take the final step and understand one of the three doors deep in the realm of selflessness?"

At this moment, Yukimura finally guessed Fuji's purpose.

And the more this happens, the more surprised Yukimura is.

Because he has also opened the realm of selflessness and knows how difficult it is to further open the three doors in the depths.

"Has even Fengshen Fuji reached this point?"

Secretly clenching his fists, Yukimura couldn't help but look at Dazai Osamu with a shocked expression.

He didn't expect that he was trying so hard to catch up.

In the end, he was almost caught up by Fuji Shusuke, the weakest among the three giants of the Holy Night.

Dazai Jun, is the gap between you and me already so huge?


There is no time for Yukimura to think wildly.

Because on the court, Fuji who is displaying the state of selflessness has already moved.


After a muffled sound, Jackal's The violent serve was broken up again.

Whether it was against Tezuka or Fuji, it was difficult to have any effect at all.

"Keep up!"

Looking at Fuji's ordinary flat return, Nioh Masaharu's mind moved slightly.


Step quickly and arrive at the landing point of the tennis ball in advance.

However, Fuji's return of the ball had a subtle effect after landing. Change.

Originally there was only a slight side spin on the tennis ball.

After landing, the spin quickly became violent.

Chi... chi... chi...

After bringing up a burst of dust, the angle at which the tennis ball bounced was deflected and refracted directly. Flying towards Nioh Masaharu's backhand

"Change ball?"

His heart was solemn. Nioh Masaharu didn't expect Fuji Shusuke to return the ball like this.

But... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although he was a little surprised, Nioh Masaharu quickly adjusted his body.

He used his right foot as a support point.

His upper body quickly pulled sideways, and the racket in his hand was tilted backhand.


"Caught the ball!"[]

The main candidates of Lihai University couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"No, you can’t watch Nishusuke’s actions!"

Yukimura shook his head, breaking the illusion of the Tatekai Grandmasters.

Fuji stood on the court with his legs straddled, his arms stretched back slightly, aiming at the tennis ball that Nioh hit back. It was all fierce.

"This is the move, the flying swallow returns to its nest!"

Yu Renji was shocked.

Because the batting posture displayed by Fuji at this moment was almost consistent with the flying swallow returning to the nest in his data model.

"No, this move is faster."

Sanada frowned and couldn't help but shake his head. Fuji Shusuke has completed the transformation with this move.


The tennis ball spins with a rapid fall, and after passing the net, it falls quickly.

Then it is close to the ground, from Nioh Masaharu's feet flashed by

"This is a counterattack that doesn't bounce back, but it seems to be slightly different?"

Nioh Masaharu frowned and couldn't help but look at Fuji Shusuke opposite him.

"This is Phoenix Flashback!"

The ends of his maroon hair were fluttering gently, and his blue eyes were shining.

After Fuji spoke calmly, he continued to maintain a defensive posture.

This is a super counterattack that he can hit even if the tennis ball has only a slight spin.

Simpler movements, more Quicker landing, faster speed.

Like a phoenix after rebirth from nirvana, this is the tennis that Fuji Shusuke wants to pursue victory.

"Phoenix Flashback!"

Nioh Masaharu couldn't help being shocked.

Looking at Fuji's eyes, he was full of shock.

"Holy Night is really a monster concentration camp."

Obviously, Fuji Shusuke has officially started his own evolution of the tennis system above the national level.

"department...Chief, did you already know this?"

Kikumaru was amazed and couldn't help but look at Dazai Osamu.

Hearing this, Dazai Osamu nodded.

"Otherwise, with Tezuka's caution, how could he let Fuji face Rikkai's doubles team alone."

Hearing Dazai Osamu's words, the main candidates of Holy Night all laughed.

"It turns out that this is the double battle that Li Haidai used as a trial stone!"

On the court, both Nioh and Jackal quickly realized this.

"If you want to use us as a trial stone, then let's see if you have such ability!"


Nioh Masaharu continued to serve, and it was an unexpected straight ball from the bottom corner.

But Nioh Masaharu never thought that Fuji would not be able to catch the ball......

When Fuji ran quickly, Nioh Masaharu had already predicted in advance.

No matter how Fuji catches the ball, his next counterattack will be his chance ball! boom!

Then there was a muffled sound, and the tennis ball was lifted high from Fuji's back.

The next moment, a confident smile appeared on the corners of Fuji and Niou's mouths. boom!

A thunderous explosion sounded in the air.

Nioh Masaharu's silver-blue hair swayed lightly, and the expression on his face was wanton and public.

The tennis ball has been dunked hard from mid-air by him

However, the next moment!

"Qilin landed!"

A cold voice rang in Niou's ears.

At some point, Fuji's elegant figure appeared in the path of the smash ball.

Just like the back-handed ball just now, so did Fuji Shusuke at this time. His back was facing Niou Masaharu.

He shook the racket with both hands, firmly covering the smash ball with great force.


Fuji raised his hands fiercely.

The tennis ball was filled with a golden light like thunder, and it was magnificent. It passed over Nioh Masaharu's head.

Then like a giant beast, it suddenly fell towards the bottom line.

"Qilin landed!"

"Holy Night Academy leads, 30-0."

The referee scanned the landing point of the tennis ball and pronounced the decision accurately.

"Come again!"

Nioh Masaharu's eyes flashed, staring at Fuji.

He threw the tennis ball upward and behind his head, and swung the racket down with his strong arms.

The racket surface was directly along the middle and upper part of the tennis ball, and wiped hard towards the upper left part..


A special spinning ball that was completely different from the ordinary serve was hit by him.


A sharp tremor came from the tennis ball, and Fuji's eyes changed slightly.

"This spin."

The spin on the tennis ball is so obvious that you can feel it without the naked eye.

"A great topspin serve."

Qian looked at Nioh Masaharu's serve with some surprise.

He didn't expect that the opponent would use this very unusual serve.

"Damn, do you know this ball?"

Kikumaru couldn't help but asked immediately, and the other Holy Night main candidates also looked curious.

"If I read it correctly, he uses the rice spin serve"

"It is a topspin serve that is rarely used anymore."

"With its combination of power and strong spin, it can easily be misdirected into hitting a foul ball or touching the tennis ball."

Listening to Qian's explanation, the main members of the Holy Night were all stunned.

At this time, Nioh's rice-style spin serve had already landed in the direction of Fuji.

"Just waiting for you."

Facing this rice-style topspin ball that was different from ordinary topspin balls, a strong cyclone suddenly rose around Fuji's body.

The entire stadium was instantly swept by strong wind and waves.

Around Fuji's body, a circle with a diameter of half a diameter was visible to the naked eye. A special area of ​​​​meter.

When Nioh's serve flew towards the bottom line, it was instantly pulled back by the airflow and floated in front of Fuji.


Easy to swing the racket back, the tennis ball passed over the net, and after landing on the large court of Tatehai, it no longer bounced 0.7.

Instead, like a nimble sparrow, it slid forward close to the ground.

Whether it was a jackal or a nio, It’s too late to save the ball.


The spectators outside the field were stunned.

"What is that ability? Why have I never seen it?"

"Control the wind? Is this really something humans can do?"

"It turns out that Fujin, the God of Wind, is really the God of Wind who can freely control the power of wind?!"

Not only the audience was shocked, but even Tezuka's pupils shrank.


"I have to say, is it worthy of you? No two!"

Yukimura and Sanada were both horrified by the realm that Fuji showed. At their level of strength, they have actually begun to come into contact with many things.

Including the realm of selflessness, including the realm.

But contact is one thing, and whether they can comprehend it is another. It's the same thing.

At least until now, neither Sanada nor Yukimura has been able to understand the ability of the field.

But Seiya, there are already three such guys.

The absolute god - Dazai Osamu, the head of the three giants - - Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Now, there is another Fujin!

Holy Night is really a concentration camp for monsters!

This kind of professional tennis skills are as worthless as cabbage on Holy Night.

Dazai Osamu takes it for granted.As one of the three giants of Holy Night, Fuji has never slacked off.

He is talented and hardworking enough.

Now that he is still unable to understand the field, he really does not deserve the praise of genius Fuji.

"No wonder the department...Is it just for this scene that you want us to watch carefully?"

"The field of wind is so strong!"

"I seem to have some ideas in my mind, but they are still very vague."

The main candidates of Holy Night were dumbfounded, but quickly stared at the court calmly. They tried to open their way to the field through the field of wind.

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