On the earth, countless human beings who survived the disaster are cheering and praising, and many people cry with joy, but they don't know that all the terrible dark clouds have gathered into a body. Outside the earth, the megameter high and awe inspiring Thor!

At this moment, the great Thor turned into lacquer black and concentrated violently. At the same time, it was burning itself for a strange sacrifice.

Finally, the great Thor disappeared, and the power of sacrifice passed into an unknown world.

Suddenly, it seemed to wake up slowly from the dusty history. An unspeakable breath of antiquity and greatness appeared. The source was a trace of dark and profound energy.

At the moment when it was dark and deep, the surrounding void completely collapsed and turned into a black hole, and it was still swallowing. It was a kind of great disaster, the smell of great destruction and a terrible mess!

Originally, the great and primitive power gushed out of the earth can also confront Thor, and after this trace of energy appeared, it also trembled violently. This is an essential gap, as if civilians met a prince and dared not look directly.

"Those who steal the Tao should be punished!"

The dark and deep energy vibrated for a moment, and even issued an ancient and ignorant syllable, which made people know the meaning of this syllable. At the same time, it suddenly flashed into the earth!

For all this, the breath from the earth dare not stop. Even if it is blocked, it is futile and will be destroyed!

At the same time, Fenshen, who was suspended in the void, spoke with great dignity and said in a deep voice, "it's coming! Has it never succeeded? I... want to succeed! My master, hurry to urge the chaos golden pill away, otherwise it will be affected!"


Cui Hao's answer was very straightforward, because he knew that he could not participate in such a battle today. He avoided it to avoid adding trouble to Fenshen.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

The wings of the red fire behind him incited Cui Hao to flee quickly. A moment later, he felt a terrible force coming in his heart. He immediately knew that the last means of the scourge of thunder came!

So Cui Hao turned around and suddenly saw a dark and profound light falling from the sky, containing great destruction and killing, and suddenly killed Fenshen.

At this moment, Fenshen was shocked suddenly and burst into bright light like a round of sun. Fenshen was in it, hazy and with an extraordinary temperament.

It opened its mouth, and its voice had a high ancient and indifferent flavor. "Chaos nurtured me, and I was born to see the origin. The cage trapped all living beings, and one person broke through the ages. Swimming, swimming, where to find eternal life? I was bred from the origin of chaos. I knew my destiny at the beginning of my birth and broke the cage! You are the strongest means of punishment and killing that person. Today, I will destroy you and declare war on him!!!"

"Another Taoist thief tries to challenge the great master and is doomed to perish!..." the dark deep energy vibrates and syllables are emitted inside.

The dark energy and Fenshen collided together. It bloomed immortal brilliance and contained a terrible Qi machine, which wiped out everything, great slaughter and great destruction! This kind of Qi machine is really terrible. It suddenly darkened Fenshen a lot. It was unwilling and made a counterattack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Fenshen is also breaking out. It sends out bursts of strange syllables, like chanting mantras and chanting sutras. There is a huge and majestic breath all over the body. It is trying its best to resist the attack.

This is absolutely different from the battle in the general sense. It has risen to the point of extreme terror. Each other blooms brilliance, just like two towering mountains colliding, large collapses of the void, black holes everywhere, and the scattered energy fluctuations are as wanton as the ocean, with terrible power!

Cui Hao was shocked by such a battle. He tried his best to urge the chaotic golden elixir to protect his body, and he was still hit again and again. Fortunately, his body has become several times stronger again, just like diamond glass, but he was not really injured.

In the void, the area of the black hole is getting larger and larger. This is still the surge of the original power of the earth, which consumes a lot of power to offset the aftermath of the battle. Otherwise, the whole earth will be blasted in such a battle!

The war was white hot, and the dark and profound energy was broken once. However, Cui Hao's Fenshen was also cracked everywhere and the origin was damaged.


The chaotic golden elixir vibrated and sent out a sad cry. While trying to resist the attack of the afterwave on Cui Hao, it sent a wave to Cui Hao and asked him to run away. Then, it could free up space to help Fenshen.

"Run! Run! Run!..."

Cui Hao began to try his best to escape and want to stay away from the aftermath of the battle as soon as possible. He also felt Fenshen's crisis and dilemma. Since chaos golden elixir gave birth to it, I believe it must be very helpful to it.


At this time, the dark and profound energy, which was several times weaker, suddenly burst out. It suddenly became particularly blurred, just like a misty mist. It suddenly curled up and divided into small black filaments, such as a black net. It twined Fenshen at once, and then it was deeply pulled in!

"Hateful! I'm still weak and didn't destroy you! It's too unwilling!" Cui Hao's Fenshen roared with great anger.

"Hoo Hoo..."

With such a roar, Cui Hao's Fenshen also burst out a boundless light and tried his best to resist it.

"No! Fenshen is in trouble! Chaos golden pill, go!..."

Feeling all this, Cui Hao was surprised. He couldn't care about himself. The aftershock would hurt himself at most, but it wouldn't be fatal. He tried his best to urge chaos golden elixir to rescue.

At this time, Cui Hao's mind was filled with a voice, with a feeling of reluctance "I don't have to. I'm going to be silent and the source is seriously depleted. If you can reach the fifth level of chaos formula before this cosmic liquidation, you will be able to destroy this source destructive force and revive me! There are only 10 billion years left, too short, and my recovery hope is slim! In the future, you will face too many dangers, but it's a pity that I can't walk side by side with you After the war, practice the chaos formula well. It's your greatest hope. Don't get out of the cage. It's a mole ant after all! Remember, if the ten billion year settlement begins, you don't have the power to resist the dictator forever. Chaotic space is your only refuge..... Dormant, waiting for the opening of a new era...... "

Cui Hao's mind echoed with such a voice. At this time, in the void, Fenshen Xiaoguang fell down, dark and cracked everywhere. The most serious thing was that it was wrapped around by a black net and deeply strangled in. It seemed to be breaking it.

Both sides were hurt. This original destructive force imprisoned Cui Hao's Fenshen with the last force, so that he had to fall into silence. Even Cui Hao was caught off guard and didn't know what to do.


It seems that he feels Fenshen's state. Chaotic golden elixir wails and asks Cui Hao for instructions to make him enter the golden elixir and cultivate by his origin. This requirement is just in line with Cui Hao's mind. He urges chaotic golden elixir to include Fenshen Xiaoguang people in chaotic golden elixir.

At the moment, Cui Hao's heart is a little empty and firm. The birth of Fenshen is mysterious and powerful, which makes Cui Hao have the kind of strong help and can sweep invincible. Unexpectedly, it fell into this dangerous situation in order to defend itself from the scourge of thunder!

Cui Hao doesn't know if Fenshen will be born if the chaos formula breaks through the second layer, but he has a feeling in his heart that whether this statue exists or not is extremely important to himself!

Fenshen Xiaoguang man is very mysterious, especially the last words told Cui Hao, which shocked him. An arbitrary man? The great liquidation of the universe? The universe enters a new era ten billion years later?

The importance of these things is far beyond Cui Hao's ability. They are really "big events"!

Taking a deep breath, Cui Hao looked dignified. He realized in vain that the burden on his shoulder in the future was far heavier than he thought!

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