In Beimang mountain and his party, Cui Hao successfully rescued Wen Ruchu and Li Shaolong, killed the ancestor of the blood robe, and accidentally accepted an Linglong, a former ghost king. After she was Duhua, she told Cui Hao a secret, the mysterious door of the six samsara, the birth door, all closed! The news made Cui Hao nervous.

Finally, Cui Hao left beimangshan and returned to Jiangzhou.

At the headquarters of fraternity group, Cui Hao released Wen Ruchu and Li Shaolong for a few words of relief. They are not simple people either. Jiao Chu, one of the red second generation, soon regained his composure and thanked Cui Hao one by one.

Subsequently, Cui Hao held a core member meeting to understand the major events of fraternity group in recent times.

Everything is fine. Except that the whole earth fell into darkness, the industry of fraternity group has been affected and lost to a certain extent. There is no big problem. When they saw Cui Hao's return, they suddenly had a backbone. They were very happy.

With a shocked look on his face, Xiao Hui looked at Cui Hao and said, "brother, your breath... It's terrible! Your strength has improved a lot after you broke through!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled and said, "it's nothing. I'll completely recover and complete a trial in a few days. At that time, my strength should be greatly improved!"

The trial he mentioned is the trial battle to go to the prison world. As long as it is successful, Xiao Qi can get out of the difficulties. In addition, he will become the real controller of the first layer of the prison world and obtain the cultivation method of the second layer of chaos formula. At that time, his strength will be greatly improved!

Looking at Ruilin, Cui Hao looked carefully. He was very satisfied. He asked, "disciple, how are your six samsara Kendo practices? I heard that you used a sword to make the blood robe ancestor soar blood. Yes, I'm glad to hear about it!"

He stood up in a hurry and respectfully. Ruilin said, "master, the disciple's six samsara Kendo has just started. It's barely condensed his sword spirit. It's still far away from achieving real success and forming an invincible sword heart! However, the disciple is confident that he will share some pressure for the master in the future!"

"Good, good!" Cui Hao nodded, relieved.

It is indeed a great blessing in life that there are disciples. Cui Hao can almost foresee that as long as Ruilin doesn't fall, he will be a super strong Kendo that shocked all directions in the future!

Later, Xiao Hui asked about the scourge thunder robbery curiously. All the people present were trustworthy people. Cui Hao didn't hide it and told the story roughly. The near death was also very shocking to everyone at the moment, pinching a cold sweat for Cui Hao.

The darkness experienced by the earth is haunting everyone. Think about it, this is just the prelude to Cui Hao's scourge of thunder robbery. The danger of thunder robbery is just against the sky!


Just as everyone sighed and sighed, there was a wave. He took the initiative to get in touch with Cui Hao. He was the spirit of Skynet.

The spirit of Skynet sent out a sad voice, "Cui Hao, little friend, the big thing is bad. I'm going to collapse soon. The specific situation... You'd better go to the ninth floor of Tianbei world. The origin of the earth will tell you everything... The earth is in danger!"


Hearing this, Cui Hao was startled. It was incredible.

He can be sure that it is the spirit of Skynet that sends such fluctuations to himself. However, this news is too shocking, isn't it?

Since that war, Skynet has always existed, and Skynet guardian has been silently guarding the earth, trying to provide a good habitat for mankind and suppress all seals. Only in this way can the earth prosper for thousands of years and the fire of civilization be lit. Now, the spirit of Skynet suddenly tells Cui Hao that it can't work. Cui Hao feels unacceptable!

"Don't ask me the specific reason, I don't know... The mud board contract has collapsed. Sorry, you have obtained the fruit of Skynet. You were expected to become the controller of Skynet. Now you don't have a chance! I have only three days to support at most, and I need to arrange a lot of things! Just wait in Jiangzhou, and someone from Skynet will pick you up soon!" The spirit of Skynet answered, shielding the fluctuation.

Although the spirit of Skynet is very simple, Cui Hao feels the crisis of the situation. The mud board contract is a powerful weapon to limit the strength of the earth. It is its existence that the earth can be so peaceful. Now, it has also collapsed, which is equivalent to breaking the only keepsake of the human alliance!

At the same time, on earth, Skynet members, down to ordinary members and up to the top ten directors, all got a message. Skynet is about to collapse in three days because of the invasion of irresistible factors! All members' points must be converted into various treasures, money, etc. within three days.

In addition to this news, all Skynet members have obtained a detailed list, point purchase list!

Got it!

Getting such a news, everyone was stunned and felt incredible!

Skynet's existence is too long. It's omnipotent. Its power wraps the whole earth. Everyone has long been used to it. It's suddenly told that it's going to collapse. It's hard to accept it!

Although they were unwilling to accept it, it was a fact, so they hurried to get in touch with Skynet one by one. Many people began to use Skynet email to communicate, and more began to think about what kind of treasure points could be exchanged for.

At the same time, Cui Hao has once again come to the secret home of Skynet Guardian under the carrier of a strong Skynet guardian.

As soon as Cui Hao arrived, Zhao Rui led the crowd to meet him. He looked worried, because the spirit of Skynet had informed him in advance. Moreover, even the secret home where they lived was shaking and about to collapse! It exists because of the power of the spirit of Skynet. It is interdependent, symbiotic and prosperous.

As the ancestor of Skynet guardian, Zhao Rui is undoubtedly the most anxious. When he first got the news, it was like a bolt from the blue and he couldn't accept it!

Subsequently, the members of Skynet guardian also knew that they all returned home at the first time. They were very sad and talked about each other, trying to find a way to reverse this situation.

Just after seeing Cui Hao, Zhao Rui was very anxious. I said, "Cui Hao, little friend, are you here? The great spirit of Skynet told me that you are the Savior of our pulse. Everything. After you enter the Tianbei world, you will get the answer. Come on, you go with me!"

"OK, I'll go with you immediately!" without hesitation, Cui Hao nodded.

A moment later, Cui Hao came to Tianbei with Zhao Rui. At this moment, the Tianbei is also dark, and there are some cracks on the surface. It's like this, and the situation of the internal world can be imagined!

Looking at his own name at the top of the monument, Cui Hao was very moved by the past. Immediately, he was stunned to find that there was no name of offering sacrifices to heaven on the Tianbei! Originally, his name should be under himself.

Is this man dead?

Stunned for a moment, Cui Hao buried this doubt in his heart. At this time, the body of the spirit of Skynet appeared again. He was very weak and said, "go, I will directly open a channel to let you directly reach the ninth floor. I hope you don't disappoint the great origin of the earth!"

"Don't worry, I'll try my best!" nodded Cui Hao solemnly.

When he first entered the Tianbei world, Cui Hao knew that there was the origin of the earth, but he was not able to reach the ninth floor at that time. Now, I'm excited to witness the origin of the earth.

The spirit of Skynet roared, burst out a gorgeous color, rushed into the world of Tianbei, forcibly opened a mysterious channel, which could collapse at any time.

"Go in! I don't have much energy and can't support it for long!" the spirit of Skynet urged Cui Hao to enter.

Therefore, Cui Hao stepped into the channel. After a burst of dreamy confusion, he felt as if he had experienced a change of stars, rotating in strange worlds. Finally, he stopped, the channel disappeared behind him, and he came to a mysterious place.

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