Taking control of the earth temporarily instead of the origin of the earth, although it is only a relatively superficial control, it has also brought a lot of benefits to Cui Hao. For example, on the earth, he can teleport at will, feel some big energy bursts of the whole earth, and the heavenly heart of all things is becoming more and more extraordinary. He really understands the mystery of the heavenly heart. It is undergoing transformation, moving towards a stronger Road, transformation! Of course, now that the origin of the earth is weak, it is difficult to maintain the whole earth. Cui Hao naturally does not dare to mobilize his original strength to help him fight. Such an approach is accelerating the extinction of the earth!

He has the experience of the first level in the prison world, so he can quickly adapt to this role change.

Outside the holy monument, Zhao Rui and others are waiting here respectfully at the moment, and the front is an ethereal and almost collapsing body, which is the spirit of Skynet! At the moment, the spirit of Skynet is very dignified, because it can't sense the breath of the earth's origin. However, the earth hasn't collapsed, which means it's still alive, but I don't know what the situation is.

Soon, the holy monument bloomed, and it was Cui Hao who came out of it.

At the moment, Cui Hao is very strange. He seems to exist and doesn't exist. At the moment of seeing him, all the strong people of Skynet guardian, including Zhao Rui, were shocked! Because the breath on Cui Hao is lofty, noble and invincible. Moreover, they have a deep-rooted worship in their bones. It seems that they are facing a vast world that breeds all things and carries endless creatures!


At this moment, Cui Hao's breath has been intertwined with the whole earth. What they feel is the vastness and dignity of the earth.


Such a scene, even if it was the spirit of the net that day, was incredible. Then, it said solemnly, "I thought the great earth origin would let you be the spokesman. Unexpectedly, I underestimated you. Oh, no, it's you! I believe the great earth origin's choice, you can help it through the difficulties."

Nodding, Cui Hao said solemnly, "there is a great disaster on the earth. I, Cui Hao, as a member of the earth, should naturally try my best!"

With a gratifying smile, the spirit of Skynet trembled like a word of Tao. It suddenly emitted a kind of crystal brilliance, between illusion and reality, and suddenly rushed into Cui Hao's body.

Cui Hao was shocked. Immediately, Cui Hao felt the vast flow of information and rushed into it. It was like an encyclopedia of the earth. All kinds of knowledge shone in Cui Hao's mind, astronomy and geography, heaven and earth gossip, secrets, mysteries, national skills, and even many precious pure literary masterpieces, all rushed into Cui Hao's body.

"Great! Just increase my accumulation!..."

This situation is just in line with Cui Hao's mind. He is overjoyed, and his pure Yang soul is also shaking. The heavenly heart of all things quickly melts everything in it. Many of them are unknown to Cui Hao, turned into a little light of wisdom, and all of them are integrated into the cover of wisdom.

The majestic flow of information continues to pass. Cui Hao stands quietly. There is a strong brilliance of wisdom on his body. In his body, the cover of wisdom is shaking. The hole originally torn by the scourge is healing rapidly now

This situation lasted nearly ten minutes. When Cui Hao converged on the blooming wisdom of his whole body, a smile appeared on his face, and the tear of the wisdom cover had been made up. Moreover, he has a faint feeling that he still needs boundless and boundless wisdom, so that he can make new changes again. At that time, I don't know what kind of surprise will bring to Cui hao?

After touching his nose, Cui Hao said to himself, "I should be the most knowledgeable person on earth now? I also know the most secrets..."

Indeed, he has obtained the huge records contained in Skynet, various intelligence secrets and so on. He has a very deep understanding of the major forces and secrets of the earth. He is indeed the most knowledgeable and real know it all on the earth today.

The more you know, the more heavy Cui Hao's heart becomes, because there are really many secrets of the earth. There are also many big forces and countries. There are some big secrets, some of which even Cui Hao is shocked! Thinking carefully among these big secrets, Cui Hao finally had another guess in his heart. The pyramid, the lost city and the prehistoric Stonehenge may have a great connection with the behind the scenes man!

This is just a guess. He still has a lot of things to deal with. Moreover, today's strength is not the time to explore. Otherwise, he may not know how to die! These three areas were secretly marked as a particularly dangerous area by Cui Hao! Even now, he has mastered part of the earth, but he doesn't dare to go! The origin of the earth can't feel it, but it doesn't dare to go, but it can think of the possible danger.

After waking up, Cui Hao thanked the spirit of Skynet for a gift. He hurriedly avoided it and said, "no, no, your status is too noble, I can't afford it! In the future, please work hard and don't let the great origin of the earth down..."

"Sure!" Cui Hao nodded and solemnly responded.

After completing this magnificent message transmission, the spirit of Skynet became weaker and weaker. It looked at Zhao Rui and others and said "I'm going to die, but Skynet will never die! Lord Cui Hao in front of you was the owner of Skynet's original fruit, and now he has been recognized by the great earth's original source. Therefore, Skynet guardian will follow Lord Cui Hao in the future. Do you understand? My death is not the end of Skynet. Your battle will become more cruel as Skynet guardian I want you to tell me, "are you afraid?"

"Not afraid! Not afraid! Not afraid!..."

Zhao Rui roared. Many Skynet guardians behind him roared with tears in their eyes. However, their eyes became more and more firm!

Since their birth, they have shouldered the responsibility of Skynet protection. Now, they have witnessed the disappearance of Skynet, which is a great suffering and pain for everyone.

The spirit of Skynet said softly, "my children, I want you to turn grief into strength, follow Lord Cui Hao, protect the earth and your common home! It's my honor to have children like you guarding me! Lord Cui Hao, help me take care of them! In the last two days, I won't appear again, waiting for death..."

With this saying, the body of Skynet spirit suddenly disappeared, and I don't know where it went.

It has the last two days left. Many messages, secrets, knowledge and so on have been transmitted to Cui Hao and can wait quietly for extinction.

Looking at the void where the spirit of Skynet disappeared, Cui Hao was silent for a long time, depressed and sad! Although he had known the spirit of Skynet for a short time, he could also feel its true feelings, but at the moment, he could only watch it disappear!

After a long time, Cui Hao worshipped the void!

Zhao Rui and others also shed sad tears. Then, he led the guardian of Skynet to give a big gift to Cui Hao and meet the new Lord. Cui Hao naturally didn't dare to ask him to help them one by one. He told them that they would join the fraternity group in the future. Everyone was equal and didn't need to give a big gift to the master and servant.

In this regard, Zhao Rui insisted on refusing. He strictly respected the order of the spirit of Skynet.

The guardian of Skynet is a powerful and terrible force. Zhao Rui is an ancestor at the level of half magic. He joined the fraternity group, which makes Cui Hao feel like a tiger and overjoyed.

In the last two days, Cui Hao has been with Zhao Rui and others. While he is familiar with many strong people, he helps them complete their final work. Many Skynet members have chosen to exchange points. Therefore, in the last two days, the whole Skynet guardian is very busy.

Two days passed quickly. At a certain moment, all Skynet members on the earth were shocked, and the Skynet crystals in their bodies collapsed!

Everyone perceives all this and knows that Skynet has completely disappeared!

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