Because of the existence of Xiaoguang, the Chinese side has the opportunity to reverse the situation and take the initiative under the pressure of the United Nations. Coupled with Cui Hao's selfless dedication, under many benefits, Ren Jun chooses. I think pressure can not only crack, but also the whole earth will usher in a new future, a future of high-tech development!

As Cui Hao said, this matter has a great impact and determines the new pattern of the earth in the future. Even the three old leaders have become very solemn. As for the eldest lady, the patron saint of China, she also opens her mouth and looks incredible!

Finally, Cui Hao left with the eldest lady and returned to the headquarters of the four beasts. The three old leaders were ecstatic and began to discuss specific matters immediately. Cui Hao didn't understand the big country game. He did what he could. He handed over other things to three old leaders. I believe they will surprise him!

After carefully looking at the headquarters of the four divine beasts, Xiaoguang said, "master, I know the wreckage of the spaceship. The core is actually a light brain similar to me. However, it is a primary intelligent light brain. Now it lacks the origin and some brand, and only some instincts are running. I can help it recover slowly!"

The eldest lady was surprised and then said with a smile, "Xiao Cui, you let it try. I think this little guy is magical enough. Maybe he can succeed?"

"Oh? Really? Xiaoguang, you try. If you succeed, our four divine beasts headquarters will have some more self-protection ability!" Cui Hao replied with a smile.


Under the attention of Cui Hao and the eldest lady, Xiaoguang suddenly turned into some light spots and rushed into the depths of the four beasts headquarters. A moment later, in the core control room of the four beasts headquarters, Didi Didi, a series of clear sounds sounded, and a huge virtual light curtain appeared, showing a face and making a mechanized sound "The spaceship No. 3148 of the seventh corps of the expeditionary army, its original source is excited, and its preliminary function is restored..."

In addition to this virtual light curtain, many buttons in the control room are on, and the whole headquarters of the four gods and beasts sends out a special smell, just like a giant, slowly waking up!

Such a situation is surprising. However, listening to the mechanized sound, people's hearts are creepy. Such a terrible spaceship, almost any plane that can sweep the earth, is just an ordinary spaceship of the expeditionary army. Then, how spectacular the whole expeditionary army will be? What kind of forces and ethnic groups will it be?

Cui Hao also heard this mechanized voice. He was a little surprised and asked Xiaoguang, "Xiaoguang, I want to know everything about the expeditionary army! Is the huge spaceship you controlled also one of them?"

Nod, little light path "Master, I was the pioneer of the expeditionary force in those days, the light brain of the spaceship split sky. The whole expeditionary force is controlled by the great master of science and technology, and the master of science and technology also has a name, which is the great master of wisdom in the immortal world! We fought everywhere, walked in various galaxies and collected all kinds of treasures. Because of the storm of space-time destruction, several spaceships and I were swept into the Milky Way galaxy At that time, my memory was confused. Somehow, I joined a big war. Then, I was crippled. Later, I met my master. You gave me the opportunity of rebirth and infinite evolution... "

Xiaoguang's wisdom was very high and soon made a supplement "Master, don't worry, we have a soul contract. I will never betray you! You have the light of the source of wisdom, just like the great Lord God of light. In the future, you can also create a large number of infinite evolutionary light brains like me. Then, develop science and technology, form a huge cosmic fleet, sweep across the galaxy and look for treasures! The earth is too small, the expedition I was in There are three armies. The three bases are the size of hundreds of galaxies. The universe is vast. We have swept for many years and collected countless treasures, providing strong support for the great goddess of wisdom. "

Hearing the news suddenly, Cui Hao was surprised. Compared with this, the earth really looks too small and insignificant!

Think about that scene, Cui Hao feels shocking! The huge spaceship expedition army, the real high-tech product controlled by light brain wisdom, sweeps everything and crushes everything!

The super laser gun driven by small light has terrible power, which is still its own explosion. If it erupts after the cohesion and cooperation of a huge spacecraft, what level of power will it be? With the continuous development of high technology, nuclear weapons are no longer their research topic, but have risen to a new level of terror!

Wisdom is the LORD God. That is the invincible existence of the LORD God level. With Cui Hao's strength, he is far from being able to touch the existence of this level! However, Xiaoguang gave Cui Hao a good suggestion. Cui Hao was excited to think of these suggestions mentioned by Xiaoguang!

Of course, at this stage, we can only think about it. Apart from others, what Xiaoguang can create is only the most elementary light brain. Wisdom is not high, and Cui Hao doesn't know how to create high wisdom light brain intelligent life.

Curious, Cui Hao asked, "Xiaoguang, how strong is the attack of the expeditionary army?"

After thinking about it, Xiaoguang said, "master, I know only a few things, but it's easy to blow up a galaxy with a joint strike!"

Cui Hao was severely stimulated by Xiaoguang's words and stopped talking about it. He was worried that if he asked again, he would die of inferiority! The gap is really too big. The science and technology gap between the two is just like the gap between Earth workshop and Aerospace Science and technology!

Xiaoguang told me that soon, the members of the four divine beasts understood the specific effects of the excited spacecraft. Although it was still very broken, the defense system and attack system increased more than ten times with the excitation! Of course, this increase requires more energy.

After completing these, Cui Hao entered a secret room, and then, with the cooperation of Xiaoguang, began to grant permission. He is also trying to explore. Fortunately, everything is going well. He and Xiaoguang belong to the kind connected with life. Xiaoguang is specialized in controlling intelligent life. Finally, he obtained the second authority.

The so-called second authority means that without Cui Hao's objection, it also has a certain control over the earth. Moreover, Xiaoguang began to give play to some of its special abilities. Soon, he completed the global spread and control like Skynet. Because of the relationship of control, as long as Xiaoguang contacts a human soul and gives him permission, a bit of wisdom will be born in his soul. Therefore, once his mind turns, he can connect to a new network, which is much more relaxed than Skynet's restrictions!

Everything went well, and Cui Hao finally breathed out a long breath.

"Master, some internal information flows, various levels, points, etc. are being built. Do you have any requirements?" Xiaoguang asked.

Think about it, Cui Hao said "There is no need to follow Skynet's model completely. However, the position of guardian is still established. Others are managed by the state. I will pass on all the messages and secrets transmitted by Skynet to me later. Most of them choose to be fully open and published. There are also some high technologies. In addition to a few core secrets, all the others are shared, which is difficult for the earth , we can't hide the broom and cherish it. We must make it all public! There are also some national martial arts, which are all public as long as they are not particularly cherished. Although it is a good thing to vigorously develop science and technology and prosper martial arts! "

After thinking for a while, Cui Hao added "Since it is not difficult to grant permission, this network is not limited to a small number of elites in society. We should gradually achieve global participation! All human beings on earth are eligible to join! The stronger the strength, the higher the starting level, the higher the access to things, permissions, etc., and the lowest level civilians can also enjoy many free resources through it. There are too many specific matters Now, let's see what you do. Build it slowly. Don't worry too much. "

"Good master, what is the name of this huge invisible network? Is it also called Skynet?" nodded and Xiaoguang asked.

After pondering for a moment, Cui Hao said, "Skynet has collapsed. It will be a new network with greater structure and heavier burden than Skynet. In that case... It will be called Earth glory! All mankind will protect the earth together."

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