Since Cui Hao talked with several old leaders of China, they immediately held a secret discussion overnight. They talked for a full night. The next morning, they sent an invitation in the name of China's official, involving countries and major forces around the world to tell about the glory of the earth.

After the discussion of several senior leaders, the general content of this invitation letter is consistent with that discussed with Cui Hao before, with only some different terms. In this invitation letter, it mentioned the strangeness of the glory of the earth, but also brought out many benefits, all kinds of interests that are irresistible to major powers and forces. Of course, accordingly, Huaxia also put forward some of its own conditions, which are basically conditions for cooperation and mutual benefit, as well as several hard conditions, which are things for Huaxia to benefit from. Finally, the invitation pointed out that after accepting the invitation, all countries should go to China as soon as possible to accept special negotiation and cooperation signing!

The earth glory launch this time involves the ordinary people all over the world. It can be said that it is far more magical and extraordinary than Skynet. This condition alone makes many countries irresistible! Heads of state are not fools. Naturally, they can clearly feel the great potential of the glory of the earth. Even, they have a hunch that the title of the world's No. 1 power of the United States will be shaken by China in the long run, because the biggest beneficiary is China.

Originally, because Cui Hao took in the guardian of Skynet and obtained many secrets, many countries joined forces with major forces to form a posture of forcing the palace and asked China to give a reasonable response. At the moment, China responded with the glory of the earth and gave a large part of rights to all countries, sincerely hoping to form a real United Nations, All countries can participate in it, truly unite and defend the earth.

After careful consideration, no country and strength can resist this temptation. Therefore, they quickly sent their representatives to China for negotiations to strive for greater interests and authority. Naturally, there are special diplomats to discuss such things. For a time, the word "earth glory" was passed on to many big people on the earth

In this discussion, three days passed unconsciously. Among them, he Da forces in some small countries have satisfactorily completed the agreement with China and signed a special detailed agreement. At the same time, they have publicly issued an advocacy letter, and are willing to join the glory of the earth and protect the earth together in the name of freedom and peace!

In one day, dozens of countries and forces issued such advocacy letters, with an amazing momentum. This matter naturally caused a lot of uproar on the Internet for the first time, and it is very appropriate. The Chinese side released a very vague message, which roughly explained the benefits of some earth glory. Suddenly, people all over the world were boiling and excited. In addition to some humans with serious intention of aggression, the vast majority of people were praising. At the same time, they also called on their countries to join as soon as possible, truly form a global village and work together to build a better earth!

The advent of Huaxia future city has caused a great sensation all over the world. The aftermath of this shock has not dispersed yet. It is said that it is the highest scientific crystallization of Huaxia. Cui Hao has handed over many high-tech grant rights for free in order to promote global unity. As long as he joins the countries and forces of earth glory, he can enjoy it for free.

As soon as the news came out, the Chinese government recognized it and immediately caused a great sensation in the world. Cui Hao's name was once again very popular and praised by countless people. His title has jumped from Chinese hero to earth hero, Superman, human hero and so on.

In this regard, Wang Changsheng knows how to add fuel to the fire. At the same time, he spent a lot of money to vigorously promote it on the global network, which has created a huge momentum for a time. The name of Cui Hao, together with the glory of the earth, has caused a sensation all over the world!

Brand effect, which is something that some large companies are extremely concerned about. Although today's fraternity group is booming and extremely fast, it is also the deep-seated cooperation with Huaxia, which is changing with each passing day. However, its name can not compete with the world-famous large enterprises, such as Rockefeller, Morgan, Philip and so on.

The most fundamental reason is that there is no deep recognition and time accumulation. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cui Hao vigorously publicized that although it consumed a lot of financial resources, the brand effect of Boai group has also improved a lot, with unlimited potential. It is expected to become a large enterprise and consortium with global fame and wealth comparable to that of a large country.

Xiaoguang's intelligent and intelligent life is incomparable. In particular, after Cui Hao's intelligent canopy stimulated its potential, it successfully constructed an extremely perfect earth glory in three days. According to the countries and forces provided by the Chinese government, it began to authorize.

Nowadays, the whole world is paying attention to this matter, and the first authorized country is Huaxia. Many Chinese children really feel the magic of the glory of the earth, cheering one by one, and look forward to the future more and more.

After China, one after another, the major forces and countries that have issued advocacy letters have completed the authorization. Therefore, there is a frenzy of discussion on the Internet again. All kinds of descriptions, all kinds of expectations, all kinds of excitement. In short, recently, the four words of earth glory have completely occupied the center of the global network discussion!

Under such circumstances, the people of those great forces that have joined the earth, such as the United States, Japan, South Korea and so on, are beginning to be angry, strongly condemning the inaction of the head of state and demanding to join the glory of the earth. First of all, the starting point of the glory of the earth is to unite the world to build a beautiful and peaceful earth. This can be said to stand at the highest point of morality. In addition, the glory of the earth has brought great benefits to ordinary people, and they naturally want to join. As for the strategic deployment of some major powers, they don't care. As long as peace, it's enough to live better!


Because of the emergence of the glory of the earth, the heads of state of the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries are flustered. Their relations with China are evil. Moreover, they do not want to join the glory of the earth. They have their own careful thoughts.

Therefore, they began to make some rumors and so on to tell the shortcomings of the glory of the earth. For example, China has too much control. If they join, they are worried about changes. There are different opinions. This statement naturally has some public support, but more is strong condemnation, demonstrations and so on.

Many countries and forces around the world are enjoying this benefit. Moreover, they have begun to vigorously develop high technology together, and their own countries are still hesitant and refuse to join, which naturally makes the people angry.

A week later, as more and more countries and forces joined the glory of the earth and jointly issued a proposal. Although the United States and other countries did not join, it also formed a general trend. In this case, the status of the United Nations, which was originally a puppet of the United States, became more and more embarrassing. At the behest of the United States, black Anan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, issued a strong condemnation, but his condemnation had just been issued, and he was scolded by countless people.

The eyes of the masses are clear. The actions of the United Nations over the years are obvious to all. Although it has not reached the point of serving the tiger, it is like a decoration. Moreover, sometimes it comes out to do a fig leaf for the United States, which makes countless people feel sick.

I don't know which good man posted on the Internet and clearly listed the despised acts of the United Nations in recent years, which even included some small things. For example, China celebrated the annual Spring Festival and the new year's eve of family reunion. As the United Nations, instead of sending a congratulatory letter, it sent a group of Syrian children in war, The photos of starvation are even more asking about Huaxia. When you Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival, do you think of these children in war?

This is really disgusting, because the main culprit of the war is the United States, which the United Nations has been fawning on. Instead of condemning each other, it disgusts the Chinese people. China has always strongly condemned and resisted the war. It is the only kind-hearted big brother who never bullies small countries but gives all kinds of help.

Finally, the good Samaritan made a comment on this matter: soft egg United Nations, why not send such a congratulatory letter to Americans when they eat turkey at Christmas? Your shamelessness has refreshed the lower limit of my understanding of you!

There are many such things. Ordinary people in the United States and other countries are also marching. Although the American leaders are still tough, they are unstoppable. In a week, the earth glory has combined almost more than 80% of human countries and forces on the earth to form a super alliance.

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