The scorching sun mercilessly baked the earth. India above the equator was exposed to the scorching sun. Over time, from generation to generation, a group of niggers were born. Their country is poor and backward, the development of science and technology is slow, and many people are hungry. Kerao is still having children. Generally, a pair of niggers have to have more than a dozen children in their life. Such a huge base is constantly superimposed. Their total population has already surpassed a great country like China. However, this has also led to the country's increasing poverty and backwardness.

Starvation may be a shock to other countries on earth, but it is so common in India! Even, some niggers who like to get something for nothing and lose their human form in their hearts have the habit of eating people to live. There are so many children here. There are so many children in the slums that many parents can't remember how many children they have. Many of them have disappeared inexplicably

India has a vast territory, and many areas are grasslands with poor resources. In the rainy season, it is full of water and grass, but once in the dry season, it is thousands of miles of red soil, hunger, plague, all kinds of disasters, animal sneak attacks and so on. It is too frequent!

For such a country, the United States, which has always liked aggression, has been ignored like garbage after many studies, because if you control such a country, you will gain little every year, and you still need to invest a lot of troops, manpower, force and so on. It's better to be a boss and cover each other. In this way, when it's necessary to squeeze hard, occasionally, when the United States has some military action or wants to cause any social and military impact, it will release a vicious dog India to bite!

One belt, one road, is the same as the India border. Because China has not let its dog bite China, even if China has invested tens of billions of dollars to help their poor, and help them, the so-called "one belt" road is not allowed. In this regard, their people have no conscience. Instead of carrying out the so-called demonstrations, they follow to hate China.

India is such a shameless country!

India is not all poor. Some oil tycoons and arms dealers are also rich. Kuri is a rich arms dealer. He has a huge luxury manor in India. Local officials are afraid of it. It is very arrogant!

In the great manor of curry

A servant with white cloth strips wrapped around his head, barefoot and different class logo belts was walking. They crept one by one, carefully, and even some timid, even more silent!

No way, they are different from ordinary Indians. They sold their lives to the master's slaves and monopolized them to today's Kuri through the hands of human traffickers. They have no ID card and are branded with Kuri's exclusive logo. They can only survive in this manor. Once they escape and are caught, they will be killed alive! In the past, although Kuri was also very cruel, it was rare to hurt and kill servants. Somehow, this situation has become more and more frequent recently!

Moreover, these slaves also have some channels. They know that the master library has gone crazy recently. They have joined forces with several traffickers to constantly buy niggers. After these niggers are sent to the manor, they have become tragic corpses and dealt with quietly!

"Curry is crazy!..."

In this case, many servants made such judgments. They were frightened and worried about their future.

But they didn't know that at the moment, their master, a fat one like a fat pig, was trembling, worried about his future, crawling on the ground, his fat ass pouting high, and a pious attitude.

This is a luxurious living room. In addition to the library, there is another person in the whole living room. He is a ferocious and evil man in black. He laughs and holds two trembling white women.

A moment later, it seemed that he was interested. The man in black laughed, suddenly turned over and gave the two white women

The man in black didn't care about it. He laughed and suddenly shook his body. He turned into a ferocious insect with black hair and more than ten meters long. Suddenly, two white women fell into his mouth and were swallowed by him.

Swallowing the two white women, the man in Black said, "woo... It's still a white species. It tastes better... The niggers here are hard to swallow. They're disgusting. They don't even benefit the soul. They contain too many bad substances! Curry, I told you to get more people of Chinese species. Why haven't those human traffickers sent them?"

Trembling with the inquiry of the man in black, curry stood up and said "Great sir, China is heavily guarded. It's very difficult to get people, and even if you get some, you still need to smuggle, so it's very troublesome! But don't worry, I've raised the price of a person to a hundred times that of a nigger. There's a saying in China that there must be brave men under heavy rewards. I believe that many niggers will be sent to you in a short time It's too late!... "

"Well, yes, get out and find me some more white people!..." nodded, and the man in Black said.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!..."

Hearing this, curry ran out in a hurry for fear of being eaten. However, he didn't dare to escape. He had seen the horror of the man in black. When he first paid a high price to invite the top soldier Wang to kill with rockets, as a result, none of the other party's hair was broken. If he didn't have some utilization value, he was probably swallowed by him at that time!

Curie went to execute the order in fear, but the man in black was leisurely drinking wine and lying there.

If Cui Hao were here, he would recognize at a glance that the man in black was the ancestor of the insect who was rampant in the Daxinganling area and then escaped half dead!

After so many days, the life of insect ancestor was very moist, and the injury improved too much.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At one moment, the window of the living room was suddenly smashed, and a group of beetles like crystal suddenly flew in, one by one with a rich and incomparable smell of blood. Moreover, they have a mouth many times more than ordinary beetles, extremely sharp and flashing black awn!

Seeing this, the insect ancestor was very surprised. He smiled and waved hurriedly. The group of beetles suddenly fell, arranged neatly one by one, and made a pleasing cry. There were just a thousand.

Looking at the beetles, the ancestor smiled and said to himself "Great! Although these niggers are rubbish, the resentment and blood of tens of thousands of niggers are still very powerful. So soon, my baby has come back from his deep sleep! With them, I have a little more confidence! There are no powerful guys in that place... Except for the extremely terrible evil spirit and smell, and they all share the same origin with me Creatures of the dark system..... The remaining dark evils of the invasion of the hundred races? Their value is much higher than these niggers. There are too many! I'm going to occupy there! "

"Hua la..."

So he said to himself, the figure of insect ancestor suddenly disappeared, and I don't know where he went.

At the moment, curry is wiping his sweat and sitting on a stool with lingering palpitations. He accompanies Chongzu every day. He is as old as a second, and life is not as good as death.

Suddenly, the voice of the insect ancestor passed into his ear, "Kuri, I'm going out to kill, and I'll be back in more than ten days at most. When I come back, I'll see a large number of Chinese people. If you can't do it, wait for a date with the God of death..."


The sound came out of the blue. Curie trembled and fell to the ground with a puff. His face was like dirt!

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