Time was pressing. Cui Hao accompanied Xiao Qi and ye Wushang for a day on the mainland of Saiya. Then he came to a high altitude with his fingers a little. Suddenly, boundless clouds gathered to form a strange and incomparable land with an area of 10000 meters, soft, like a sea of clouds.

Cui Hao's mind turned. Suddenly, countless precious minerals and stones from the Saiya continent flew in. The number was huge, tens of thousands. They piled up like hills. In these central areas, there were dozens of divine crystals without sorrow at night. As for the divine crystals, Cui Hao solemnly put a cracked light golden stone on them.

It's not a magic stone. Which one is it?

If you want to take away so many precious stones, Cui Hao needs to pay a lot of chaotic power, but if you are in it, you don't need it. Moreover, it's far safer than the door of truth. Cui Hao puts the stone here.

After settling down to hit the God stone, Cui Hao picked up a radian at the corner of his mouth and said to himself, "if he wakes up and sees so many good things, his mouth is estimated to be crooked?"

Later, Cui Hao did the same thing and built the same place of white clouds next to him. He put a large number of treasures beneficial to moistening the soul and so on, while a girl lay there calmly like sleeping. It was Mengyao.

As the first level controller of the prison world, Cui Hao has the ability to control everything. He just needs to keep the source of Tao perfect. After finishing these two things, Cui Hao suddenly had an idea that the prison world can be used as the back garden of many strong people on his side. For example, let twins, sisters and flowers, Meng Ying and others come to play. For example, arrange the 100 boys and girls to enter the dangerous place here to fight with Warcraft and temper themselves

Effective use of the world's powerful resources, when the time comes, fraternity group, and even China, will expand to what extent? Here, but it's a hundred times bigger than the territory of China! All kinds of precious resources are unimaginable great wealth!

For this kind of thing, Cui Hao is only a preliminary idea. He is not good at coordinating and arranging so many things. However, with Wang Changsheng and others, Cui Hao is not worried that this idea can not be put into practice slowly.

After completing these things, Cui Hao dared not delay and hurriedly shouted to heaven, "senior, I have arranged it and can start accepting inheritance at any time!..."


With Cui Hao's cry, an illusory image of the old man appeared. It was the spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu. He nodded coldly and said, "good, come with me!..."

When he opened his mouth like this, the instrument spirit waved, and suddenly a force swept Cui Hao, and his figure immediately disappeared

The whole person seemed to be in a colorful bubble. Cui Hao felt that he was moving rapidly and constantly disappearing layers of barriers. Finally, it stopped, the bubbles disappeared, and Cui Hao appeared in an ancient and unparalleled hall.

Ancient, primitive, ignorant, chaotic, Taichu, origin

In this hall, Cui Hao sensed such a breath. It's too mysterious and noble. Now he has a feeling of wanting to worship in the face of such a breath. The breath seems to come from the ignorance before the founding of the world!

The whole hall is very simple. There is only one stone carving that is not too tall. In front of the stone carving, there is a stone box. I don't know what's in it.

For a moment, Cui Hao set his eyes on the stone carving!

This is a stone carving without a face. In other words, his face is chaotic and his body is as tall and straight as a mountain. Although there is no expression, Cui Hao's mind gave birth to a deep idea of awe and worship at the moment of seeing it. Moreover, somehow, he has an impulse to cry, as if a child had returned to the body of his mother, The warmth and special feeling moved him very much!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, the chaotic golden elixir in Cui Hao's body vibrated, suddenly flew out, danced around the statue with great excitement, and emitted chaotic energy at the same time.

This chaotic energy seems to stimulate the statue. It suddenly emits a chaotic color light. In vain, it seems to be resurrected at once!

In such a moment of change, in a trance, Cui Hao had a feeling that it suddenly became great, boundless, deeply worshipped, devoutly worshipped!

Coldly, the instrument Spirit said, "the statue left by the master has begun to recover. Don't you kneel down and accept the inheritance?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned and fell to his knees.

Soon, the statue was shocked, and a huge voice shocked people's hearts "My child... When you hear my voice, perhaps countless ages have passed? You have just passed the first level. It's too young. Now that you have accepted my inheritance, you will face a real road of iron and blood in the future! Your enemy is beyond your imagination! The world pearl is my support for you, as long as you can rise step by step and fight with several shameless old people It's not impossible to contend with the West! You will know later. Now, accept the inheritance of the second layer of chaos formula! I have prepared a gift for you! Remember, my name... Chaos“

"Hua la la..."

This grand and boundless sound resounded through the statue, and the chaotic light emitted by the statue converged in an instant to form a huge chaotic disk, rotating, giving everyone a mysterious feeling, as if the avenue was suspended in the void and unpredictable.


At the next moment, the chaotic disc rushed into Cui Hao's body. Then, Cui Hao felt a shock in his heart. The pure Yang soul wrapped by the wisdom canopy suddenly rushed out and merged with the chaotic disc. In a moment, immeasurable light filled the air, and his mind saw a shocking scene!

It was a huge chaotic sphere. Bobo was beating like a chaotic embryo. At a certain moment, a strange and incomparable force penetrated into it, and Cui Hao also sensed its interior and was intoxicated! Perfect! Powerful

Inside the chaotic sphere, there are infinite light spots, which are arranged in a strange way. Cui Hao has an intuition in his heart. These light spots, with a total of 1.296 trillion, are familiar with each other's positions, changing all the time, and building a perfect chaotic embryo!

These light spots burned together in vain at a certain moment, turned into chaotic flames, and quickly disappeared

All this was too fast. Cui Hao just felt it for a moment. He felt that he had realized it for a minute or two, but it suddenly disappeared without warning!

Cui Hao was a little stunned by this situation. Then he saw that the whole chaotic embryo brewed a strange power. Then, with a bang, it burst!

At the moment of its explosion, there was a power from death to life and from life to death. Cui Hao was familiar with this and had the same merit as his true Phoenix Nirvana.

Everything was completed in an instant, and then the chaotic sphere disappeared. In situ, chaotic flames were born out of thin air, no more, no less, just 1.296 billion, intertwined with each other and perfectly transformed

The feeling of perfection and deep shock reappeared. Cui Hao watched it carefully and wanted to remember it thoroughly. However, he was depressed and found that this memory had just entered his mind and disappeared out of thin air. He could only feel how much he felt!

Therefore, Cui Hao hurriedly began to feel it seriously. Moreover, there was a clear understanding in his heart. On the seventh day, he had only seven days to feel it. Whether it was successful or not, how many things he could understand were on the seventh day!

Abandoning all selfish thoughts, Cui Hao fell into a deep understanding and tried his best to understand the changes of these chaotic flames, the mysteries contained, and so on

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