All this quickly, with the help of perspective eyes, Cui Hao seemed to incarnate into an efficient repeater and memory machine. This thick secret script was quickly read in his eyes, and then quickly transformed into his own things.

"Accelerate learning and deepen memory!"

Cui Hao is ecstatic at the moment because he has developed his new ability to see through his eyes again. This kind of ability doesn't seem to have much effect, but in fact, it has great effect and will be of countless benefits to him in the future.

"Little brother, come on, come on... People are here..."

Suddenly, Cui Hao heard a charming voice from a looming shadow in front of him. He couldn't help moving in his heart, but he soon restrained himself.

"Little brother, come quickly. If you don't come again, I'll come by myself?"

Jiao Didi's voice came out again. A moment later, the hazy shadow became clear. It turned out to be a beautiful woman with hot body, convex and concave, and very punctual! This beautiful woman is so attractive, because her clothes are thin and scary, looming, and her posture, every action, every frown and smile, is very provocative. As long as a normal person sees this woman, he can't help but have an idea of taking it for himself.

Curly Nana, the beautiful woman came over like this. When she stretched out her hand, the only thin belly pocket on her body fell off at this moment, revealing a beautiful woman whose skin is more beautiful than snow. Looking at Cui Hao, he couldn't help his heart beat violently and was difficult to control.

"Calm down, this is an illusion! Everything is an illusion!"

Cui Hao was shocked in his heart. He tried his best to keep calm. He hurriedly closed his eyes, but it was strange that the beautiful woman appeared in his heart, scratching her head and making Cui Hao's heart beat faster. In this case, it was difficult to understand the knowledge in books, that is, whether he could hold himself.

"Red powder and white bones, everything is just a dream, like a dream and electricity, so we should do it!" Cui Hao stood still with Buddhist classics in his heart.

"Come on, why are you so shy?"

Soon, another woman appeared. Each of them was extremely tempting and summoned Cui Hao. What's more, they made some eye-catching moves and removed their thin clothes. All kinds of performances made Cui Hao, a young man with blood and square steel, very unbearable.


Clenching his teeth, Cui Hao insisted. Gradually, the beauty in his eyes disappeared and replaced by a group of crazy lions. A huge lion roared like running thunder and hit it quickly, making a thunderous sound. The ground shook violently. Cui Hao felt that the lions seemed to be coming at the next moment. He couldn't compete at all. Instinctively, he wanted to escape, but suddenly he was awed in his heart and shouted, "illusion, everything is an illusion, I'm not afraid of Cui Hao! Break it! Break it for me!"


Cui Hao roared. His rock solid spirit and will were invincible, and finally destroyed the group of lions, but then he fell into a terrible hell... Visions appeared one by one, becoming more and more strange and scary. Cui Hao insisted. No matter how dangerous he was, he firmly believed that his heart was the most powerful and enough to resist everything!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

In the white fog, nine deafening roars suddenly came out, and the Taoist priest who had been staring at all this brightened his eyes and couldn't help saying, "how fast, he broke my most powerful mind demon Jiuwen, this little guy is really extraordinary! Maybe he can really get out of the array I arranged in an hour, hehe..."

Cui Hao didn't know what the demons were. All he knew was that he had experienced more and more terrible illusions, in which he sank and changed. Finally, there was a loud noise around him, and all kinds of illusions disappeared, as if nothing had appeared. There was only a faint white fog around him. Cui Hao was so smart that he understood the reason in an instant. He smiled and continued to urge his perspective eyes to watch the books in his hand. He flipped through them quickly and tirelessly.

With the help of his ability to see through his eyes, Cui Hao's comprehension is amazing. With the deepening of his research, he gradually has some understanding of Qimen dunjia and the five elements and eight trigrams. With continuous research, this understanding becomes more and more profound. Time passes slowly, one minute, ten minutes, twenty minutes

Half an hour later, Cui Hao took a long breath and closed the book in his hand. There was an inexplicable expression on his face. In this half hour, he really opened his eyes. It turned out that the world is so wonderful. What a mystery between heaven and earth! Not only that, but also by analogy, his understanding of Zhenwu Dang magic boxing has reached a new level!

Cui Hao feels the white fog around him. At the moment, Cui Hao's expression is very dignified. The more he knows about the five elements and eight trigrams of Qimen dunjia, the more he knows how powerful this kind of thing called array can form white fog!

When he got up, Cui Hao stepped out of his step, implying the mystery of the five elements and eight trigrams, and walked towards the front. However, after walking for ten minutes, no matter how he changed his steps and applied his learned knowledge to it, he couldn't get out of this white fog. So he simply closed his eyes and walked straight ahead. However, even so, after five minutes, he was still spinning in place, and there was no sign of coming out at all.

"The array is really powerful!"

In his heart, Cui Hao became more and more aware of its uniqueness. At the moment, there were only the last 15 minutes left in an hour. His heart suddenly got a little flustered, took a few deep breaths, and tried to keep himself calm. Cui Hao sat on the ground and fell into deep thinking.

"Why, obviously I feel forward, but I'm always spinning in place? Why, I walk around, always in circles?" after three minutes of hard thinking, Cui Hao has no clue. He patted his head depressed, which is very helpless.

If he is an ordinary person, he may give up at the moment and think he can't come out at all. However, Cui Hao has that stubborn character. The more he can't do it, the more he wants to do it. Therefore, he starts to think quietly again. Abandoning all distractions, Cui Hao thought. At the same time, he reviewed many records on that secret script in his mind. The so-called reviewing the past and knowing the new, Cui Hao has a new feeling about the five elements and eight trigrams. When he thinks about the problem just now, he has a strange feeling. It seems that he has to grasp some key, but he can't grasp it all the time.

Continue to review!

This feeling surprised and excited Cui Hao, so he began to review again, chewed every bit of the secret script, and slowly tasted the essence contained in it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

Time is passing slowly, and there are only the last five minutes left from an hour. Liu Qingfeng, who is outside the white fog, is extremely anxious with summer. At the moment, Taoist Tianji has very dignified eyes and a kind of surprise on his face.

"So fast! How could this boy grasp the true marrow so quickly? According to his appearance, I'm afraid to study the secret script I gave him again. I've thoroughly understood it and hope to get out of this remnant array!" he was shocked, and Taoist Tianji thought secretly.

"Ha ha... I see! I see!"

In vain, Cui Hao burst out laughing. The whole person stood up with great excitement, took a deep breath, and let his heart go without waves, sorrow or joy. Step by step, step by step, each step gives people a pace of urchin walking at will. However, if there are people who have a profound study of the five elements and eight trigrams, they can see that, He is always walking the yin-yang fish line of Tai Chi!

Ten seconds, only ten seconds later, Cui Hao walked out of the white fog and appeared in front of Liu Qingfeng and other three people, with a touch of joy and pride on his face. He really has the right to be proud. It's appalling that he got out of the white fog so quickly and has such a talent against the sky!

Time was coming. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao used the last five minutes to get out of the white fog. Liu Qingfeng and summer were very happy and smiled. Even Taoist Tianji was surprised. He stared at Cui Hao left and right. Finally, he whispered, "it didn't take an hour. Isn't it ten minutes faster than I used to?"


After coughing a few times, Taoist Tianji looked at Cui Hao and said, "little guy, I suspect you cheated. In this way, I'll ask you some more questions. If you can answer them perfectly, I'll take back my guess!"

With a smile, Cui Hao said confidently, "master Tianji, please ask questions!"

"What is life two, two born three, three born all things?"

"Master Tianji, I think..."

"Why does solitary Yin not grow and solitary Yang not grow?"

"The rotation of heaven and earth has both yin and Yang, which complement each other. Just like our life, there are day and night, which also implies the way of relaxation..."

Taoist Tianji asked five questions in a row, and Cui Hao answered them one by one. His answer may not be perfect, but it is very deep. Taoist Tianji nodded and looked at Cui Hao with a kind of satisfaction. It's the first time he has seen such a gifted little guy for so many years. If he can get his own inheritance, maybe he is really expected to reach a level beyond his reach?

Finally, the old man smiled and nodded, indicating that Cui Hao had passed.

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