Cui Hao inspired a trace of the original spirit of the earth and spread it all over the world. It was felt by countless human beings on earth in an instant. This is a personal experience. Countless people chose to believe Cui Hao, and there are many Wall grass. Now they began to shake

The live video of the glory of the earth continued, and the little ash was suspended in the sky, and his face said calmly "Brothers and sisters of the earth, I am an ordinary person in China. Because of my special physique, I was selected by the awakened soul of the earth and became its successor! Now, the origin of the earth is in crisis because of the theft of Yang worship to heaven, and I need everyone's participation and help! This wolf is ambitious and tries to play with all mankind in the name of God! He collects beliefs for the sake of symbolism Subdue and destroy, so he is the real cancer of the earth! According to the instructions of the great earth soul and the mother who gave birth to us, I will establish the earth soul sect, believe in the earth soul, advocate truth, goodness and beauty, have no divine power, do not imprison human spiritual freedom, and assist the better development of the global legal system! The glory of the earth is what the earth soul gave brother Cui Hao, and now it has developed When we get up, we will cooperate with the earth soul sect and serve all mankind on the earth! "

With these words, Xiao Hui pondered for a moment and continued to speak "This is the origin of God's magic. Today I will integrate it to give birth to seven series of magic, and will also give members of truth, goodness and beauty to become noble magicians! The earth soul will be officially established in the imperial capital of China today, regardless of race and skin color. As long as we are willing to join, we will warmly welcome you! There is no level division, because we are all service providers!"

When he said these words, the little gray palm suddenly grabbed it. Suddenly, the dreamy and gorgeous source of God's magic rushed into his body and began to quickly integrate with the seven series magic brand!

At this moment, Xiaohui's whole body burst out a gorgeous light, which was extremely noble and sacred!

This scene deeply shocked the hearts of countless human beings on the earth, and Xiaohui also threw out many messages. The earth soul began to penetrate into the hearts of the people, and the light temple has become less sacred! The light magic era they just opened has been directly wiped out and replaced by the seven series magic Era opened by the earth soul!

The live video of earth glory is over, and at this time, countless human beings who have seen this scene through the live broadcast, whether old, weak, women and children, big people, small characters, all kinds of people, are difficult to calm down!

Countless people began to talk about it, and many people directly gave up their faith in the temple of light!

Because of a series of measures taken by Cui Hao and Xiao Hui, believers in the temple of light began to decrease sharply, and the influence of this live broadcast continues to be seen by more and more people!

The legal system is the most suitable system for the earth. When there is no choice, countless people on earth and even some small countries have to agree. However, once they have a new choice, they immediately make corresponding actions

Almost at the same time, the temple of light issued an oracle, telling the four sides not to listen to the slander of Cui Hao and others. The great God is recovering himself. In seven days, he will kill Cui Hao and the blasphemer!

At the same time, Huaxia also issued a declaration, which directly announced the position of the earth soul in the imperial capital of Huaxia, fully supporting the earth soul and serving all mankind!

For a time, the global situation was surging and everyone was talking about it!

At this critical moment, more than a dozen countries, including the United States, have taken an oath to defend the earth, join the soul of the earth and contribute to all mankind! "

If the temple of light in the past was a dominant force, even in the United States, there was no way to compete, then now this situation has been broken. Cui Hao's emergence killed the Blazing Angels, provoked the sun to worship the sky, threw out the earth's soul, one by one, and severely slapped his face. Although it has not caused devastating damage to it, it has also broken its divine power and general trend!

With the response of the United States, soon more countries joined it independently. Almost every moment in the world, some people choose to give up their faith in the temple of light!

After so many years of development, in a society ruled by law, this survival system has long been adapted by human beings, and their roles have been transformed into a state of supreme theocracy. In fact, they still have a mentality of resistance from the root! After all, it imprisons the soul of human freedom!

A day has passed, and the imperial capital of China has launched a massive multinational alliance. China, the United States, Russia, seven or eight major countries and dozens of small countries have all chosen to join! Fighting alone will not work. We must unite with everyone!

China has vigorously launched a variety of public opinion attacks, and the ideological education work has been carried out in an all-round way. Various reports, various articles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and make people cry, and many articles that point out the ambition of the wolf to sacrifice the sun to heaven, have spread all over the world! The temple played a great role when the temple of light was established. It was its existence that made the temple of light flourish. However Now, it has become an obvious handle. All kinds of verbal attacks and public opinion oppression are rolling in with it!

In order to cope with this huge blow, the earth glory and the CIA of the United States have all come up with a lot of evidence! The shenting has committed crimes and stains over the years. The temple of light and the worship of the sun have also been greatly implicated. Its influence has plummeted again and lost some believers!

Such a situation was unexpected for Yang Jitian. I didn't expect that this series of counter attacks was so fierce that the United States and other big countries also participated in it!

Of course, although the counterattack was fierce this time, the temple of light also suffered heavy losses, especially the number of believers decreased sharply, but it did not waver at all, it was still magnificent and terrible! For a time, the whole earth faintly formed two majestic and terrible forces, the temple of light and the soul of the earth!

Even Cui Hao, the initiator of this change, did not expect it. He can only sigh that there are still many people on earth with conscience! So many believers, the origin of the earth has also obtained some power of faith, and it has obtained certain nourishment.

Now, almost everyone with a clear eye can see that the final ownership of the earth still depends on the result of the battle between Cui Hao and Yinghuo star seven days after Yang sacrifice to heaven!


Although only two days have passed, several old leaders of China, the eldest lady, and even Fu Shan have a feeling of being crazy. There are a great variety of things for the establishment of the soul of the whole earth. Even if there is Xiaoguang's cooperation, they still have to talk about many important things in person! However, the achievements obtained are also gratifying. In the past two days, the earth soul has expanded in a way of explosion. More and more people and countries have joined. Based on the earth soul and the glory of the earth, it is closely and incomparably linked!

In such a busy preparation, everyone did not bother Cui Hao and Xiao Hui. The former is very important to prepare for the big duel that will determine the fate of mankind all over the world after seven days. The latter should spare no effort to refine the origin of God's magic, build a new seven series magic and open the era of seven series magic!

Wanjie Tianzhu, the first layer of prison in the world.

This is a rocky landscape of lakes and mountains. A lone boat drifts with the waves. A young man in a straw hat lazily eats a bunch of crystal grapes and smacks his mouth. It's very happy! Beside him, a man in black with double swords was fishing. The whole person was motionless, which gave people a sharp feeling!

This is Xiao Qi and ye Wushang.


The two figures appear out of thin air. It is Cui Hao and Ruilin.

Almost at the moment of their appearance, yewushang instinctively stared at Ruilin, and so did Ruilin. The two have obtained the genius of Kendo inheritance against the sky, and they have an induction with each other!

He smiled at ye Wushang, and then Cui Hao said in a deep voice, "disciple, this is my eldest brother ye Wushang. You can call him a martial uncle in the future. In the near future, you will follow him to sharpen yourself. When will you become a sword spirit and leave the prison world!"

"Yes, sir!..." his eyes lit up and he was very excited.

Similarly, accustomed to the cold and arrogant night without sorrow, he smiled and said, "brother Hao, you disciple, I will give you a good training!"

"Thank you, brother Wushang!" he arched his hand, and Cui Hao responded with a smile.

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