On the first floor of the prison world, Cui Hao completely opened his heart. He walked around at will, in deserts, grasslands, forests, mountains, swamps and oceans. His figure appeared in many places, and he just watched everything with an appreciative attitude. His eyes became more and more ethereal and pure, and his detachment became more and more strong!

On a huge tree, Cui Hao lay on the branches at will and saw a tiger catch a sika deer, tear it up and devour it.

Cui Hao looked down at the boundless beauty above a piece of colored clouds. In the distance, a volcano erupted, the fire burst into the sky, and the magma destroyed everything, but it also contained an intoxicating taste.

On a lake, Cui Hao stepped on the water and startled the fish in the lake to flee everywhere

On a plateau, Cui Haoyi stands high in the sky, listening to the rough and heroic wind whistling past

In the twinkling of an eye, there are only two days left from the day of the battle of the fluorescent star, but Cui Hao seems to have forgotten everything and maintained a detached and ethereal attitude. The martial words condensed by the will of the endless martial arts have been clear. These days, the first layer of the boundless prison world, infinite martial arts feelings, etc. have been integrated. He can be said to be thousands of miles a day!

At the moment when the word of martial arts was completely clear, it suddenly shocked and absorbed a hundred times faster. In an instant, the rest of the martial arts perception from the first floor of the prison world was completely absorbed, which made Cui Hao's strength improved by leaps and bounds!

Now, Cui Hao can't tell how much he has understood the mystery of martial arts. At the moment of the birth of the word of martial arts, Cui Hao had an idea in his heart. The birth of the word of martial arts is taboo. Once the breath is leaked, he is likely to encounter targeted terrorist scourge! He didn't know why he had this idea. Maybe it was because of the warning of the way of sincerity?

At the same time, Cui Hao has a strong impulse in his heart to comb and integrate all the feelings of these days and create his own killing move! How to create, he already has a clear line in his heart. He wants to create a move to carry the great will of a world, beauty and killing, darkness and light

At this point, Cui Hao found that his original mother boxing was more and more traceless. The integration of stupid boxing and Hui boxing made the original mother boxing evolve into martial arts will and become more and more powerful with the continuous integration. In what way to show, everything depends on himself! It can be played with boxing and displayed with sword!

The real core of the word "Wu" is actually the original mother fist integrating stupid fist and Hui fist. It turns into a general outline and is Cui Hao's understanding and achievement in Wu Dao!

Feel the martial word in his body carefully, and Cui Hao feels it more and more extraordinary. Finally, he muttered to himself "My current state and accumulation can create powerful unique skills at will. Even those ordinary magic tricks, I should be able to create them? However, I must be modest and continue to accumulate. There are many strong people between heaven and earth. Don't sit around and watch the sky. Be proud and complacent!"

As a matter of fact, when a strong person achieves his magic power, he begins to create his own unique skills and create the most suitable killer mace according to his own perception! There are some supernatural level talents who can even create supernatural killing moves against the sky and kill the lower gods! Of course, the stronger the strength, the more thorough the perception of heaven and earth, and in the metaphysical aspect of his own cultivation The deeper the feeling is, the more powerful the unique skill is!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Cui Hao's martial arts words are condensed in his body, which makes him feel a lot. After seeing the future road clearly, the wisdom canopy, which has been absorbing the light of wisdom, also vibrates! It blooms a white light of infinite wisdom, evolving. The pictures of flowers, birds, fish and insects, earth wind and water, virtuous and foolish beings, constantly jump, and finally seem to have absorbed enough light of wisdom , Cui Hao made an amazing noise in his heart!


This loud noise is very mysterious, with a happy syllable, and very grand, like a spring thunder earthquake, everything recovers.

Under this loud noise, the wisdom canopy wrapped in Cui Hao Chunyang's soul suddenly contracted, rapidly contracted!

In an instant, it turned into a tiny white light spot inside Cui Hao Chunyang's soul!

This strange white light spot blooms in the deepest part of Cui Hao's soul, forming an inseparable relationship with him. It emits a holy, noble and spotless atmosphere, which is shocking!

Cui Hao could feel that the mysterious and vast power bred in it quickly turned into a white light mass the size of a fist, emitting a mysterious and nameless atmosphere.


The white light burst and formed countless white light spots, and Cui Hao was shocked! Because at the moment of the explosion, the white light mass formed 129600 light spots, intertwined and perfectly matched with each other! Then, they formed a crown between illusion and reality, containing endless wisdom!

The second layer of chaos formula is also to condense a similar chaotic star sea. Therefore, the burst scenes have a great impact on Cui Hao. He realized over and over again that the light of infinite wisdom in his eyes is bursting out!

In an instant, this feeling reached 89 points. However, when Cui Hao recalled it again, the scene was strangely blurred and could not be clearly sensed! Cui Hao feels sorry for this. He is really not far from a thorough understanding. Now, what he lacks most is to understand the perfect cooperation and interweaving between each light point.

As long as you give yourself another period of time, you will be able to fully understand it. At that time, it's no problem to open the perfect chaotic galaxy and step into the second layer of chaotic formula!

Although he didn't understand it thoroughly in one fell swoop, he finally gained a great harvest. Cui Hao was very satisfied. He felt the birth of the crown carefully. Soon, the whole person was deeply shocked!

As the crown of wisdom born by Cui Hao, it has an inseparable relationship with Cui Hao. Cui Hao can clearly understand the significance represented by many light spots, and even divide infinite wisdom into various categories. These categories do not exist alone, but are intertwined with each other! Even when some light spots are intertwined, Cui Hao feels vaguely that they will turn into some handwriting! However, this is only a weak trend, which is still far from this step!

In his heart, Cui Hao thought of the book of the earth emperor. In fact, its internal root is also some handwriting containing the mysteries of heaven and earth. Isn't it similar to the light spot inside the crown of wisdom? He tasted it carefully and had a shocking idea in vain. Could it be that zhenyuanzi immortal, who created the emperor's book, also condensed the existence similar to the wisdom crown in those years. It was with this feeling that he created the emperor's book in one fell swoop? He already knew that the material of the earth emperor's book is unparalleled in heaven and earth, which is the fetal membrane of heaven and earth in a fairy source world. Perhaps only this unparalleled material can condense such a mystery against the sky?

Thinking like this, Cui Hao is very excited. The handwriting in the emperor's book is blurred and has disappeared a lot, but the reference value is still very high. Maybe he can use it to confirm each other with the changes in the crown of wisdom in the future! I believe there will be amazing and huge gains!

In addition to these, Cui Hao also has great ambitions. He wants to create a powerful weapon similar to the emperor's book, or even more powerful than it!

Why do you suddenly have this idea? Because the crown of wisdom sends him a vague fluctuation. I hope he will continue to absorb the light of wisdom and the light of wisdom of massive weapons. In this way, he can make further changes! Now, the most powerful thing about the crown of wisdom is that the soul defense is incomparably powerful. Other abilities have not been developed. As long as it evolves step by step, it may reach an unimaginable powerful level one day!

Of course, in addition to the soul defense, it exists on the head of Cui Hao's Chunyang soul villain, constantly scattering the light of infinite wisdom, which also makes Cui Hao feel infinite wisdom all the time!

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