Under the joint efforts of the three Blazing Angels led by Lucifer, a great prayer of God's grace was launched, and thousands of beliefs were mobilized to wait for the miracle of the great Lord God of light. At the same time, the LORD God of light, who sits high above the Supreme God, releases a will of the LORD God, rushes out of the immortal world and disappears!

This is definitely a major event, because under normal circumstances, he rarely takes action in person. Many major events, even fighting under the command of the Dark Lord God, rarely appear. What kind of thing is it? He doesn't solve it casually with a soul, but releases his own Lord God's will?

The LORD God is superior and overlooking the invincible. Even the arrogant superior God is completely slaughtered by him at will. The most fundamental rely on the will of the LORD God! In other words, the will of the LORD God is a special power bred by the LORD God's personality, which is as precious as a person's blood essence.

In the immortal world, there is an old and mysterious rumor that the will of the main god contained in each main god is the same. Once released from the main God, it can not be integrated into the main god again. At most, it can only be condensed into a strong power of the main God. Therefore, the main god cherishes it and will not use the will of the main God unless it is absolutely necessary.

With the singing of the three Blazing Angels led by Lucifer, a bright white light curtain covering the whole world suddenly appeared on the surface of the earth. In this light curtain, there is a pure and incomparable power of faith and light. They emit a special light, shining down, not strong, but it is very warm and quiet, There is an unspeakable sense of comfort!

At this moment, the whole earth disappeared day and night, replaced by the infinite light in the sky! This light, beautiful and sacred, has a faint sound of prayer. In praise, people can't help but want to be in it and become a member of the light forever!

Such an abrupt change has naturally triggered the vibration of the whole earth. Countless humans, whether believers in the temple of light of God, members of the soul of the earth, or people like grass on the wall, have been shocked! If the previous scene in the Vatican is a miracle, the scene in front of us is definitely a super miracle! At this moment, everyone subconsciously thought of the announcement of God's grace! Yes, this is the announcement of God's grace!

At present, many people knelt down and began to pray piously. Many people burst into tears and looked forward to the breath of the great God! At this moment, Lucifer and other three Blazing Angels kept sending out a wonderful praise around Yangtiangang. At the same time, their light power was shooting out, rushed into the sky, broke through the atmosphere, and made the power of faith wrapped on the earth's surface vibrate and vibrate slowly in a mysterious and mysterious way

At this moment, he was surrounded by Lucifer. The whole person was very excited. At this moment, he had been looking forward to it for too long! As long as you succeed, your future achievements may surpass the great God! This is a big gamble. In fact, he is not sure. After all, he is facing a great Lord God. Even the will projected by the other party can not be underestimated!

Take a deep breath, Yang Jitian is waiting, the whole person is walking on thin ice, dare not have the slightest slack!

In the universe, there are endless star rivers and all kinds of star sky dangers. Compared with the whole universe, the Milky way is only a tiny existence in a corner. On this day, a terrible and invincible white light overlooking the weather flames flashed past. In an instant, it passed through countless galaxies and finally came to the earth's surface!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In an instant, the power of pure faith enveloping the whole earth was boiling, and all rushed into this white light, but its breath suddenly changed, such as spring breeze, such as Buddha willow, unspeakable softness, and it was perfectly harmonious with at least more than 3 billion human breath on the earth!

"Oh, my God, the breath of the great God has come!"

"Great power, great God, so powerful..."

At this moment, all human beings around the world who devoutly believe in the temple of light feel a real sense of greatness, which makes them all feel like ants! Worship! At this moment, everyone is worshipping piously! Not only believers, but also members of the earth soul feel it one by one. It is a real invincible power, which makes people feel infinite despair!

This breath was instantly connected with the world's more than 3 billion people. Immediately, it suddenly fell down, ignoring Lucifer and other three Blazing Angels, but shrouded and floated in the void.

"The breath of the great God has come! Praise the Lord, praise the light!..." he was extremely pious. Lucifer shouted and worshipped!

With his worship, the other two Blazing Angels, countless believers on St. Peter's Square, and even Yang worship to heaven, all worshipped and were extremely pious!

With a sudden rush and a Shua, the white light has entered the body of Yang worship to heaven. At the same time, a voice like an epoch-making and boundless voice resounds through "humble believer, you will be honored to be me, the believer of the great lord of light and the spokesman here! You will be branded with my breath. From now on, devout faith and follow my glory!..."

The voice was overbearing and could not be rejected at all, and the white light had already permeated all parts of the sun worshipping heaven. His body was exploding and healing, and bright and dreamy white lights burst out. Temper their flesh.

At the same time, there are many powerful bright and mysterious gods in the soul of Yang worship to heaven! More importantly, the white light in his body is divided into three parts, one of which turns into a arrogant white sword, the other condenses into two drops of dreamy and holy liquid, and the other emits cold and boundless, overlooking the heaven and earth, the will of greatness, directly rolling towards the soul of Yang sacrificing heaven, which should be completely occupied, Imprint the trace of the only master in its soul! If this trace is born, in this life and this life, Yang worship to heaven will become the most devout slave of the LORD God of light!

Chunyang's soul trembled and almost collapsed. At the same time, the majestic voice resounded again "Humble believer, you will have the honor to be my slave and believe in me piously for generations to come! And I, the great Lord God of light, give you a sword of light, two drops of the power of the LORD God and powerful magic power of the light system! Conquer here as soon as possible, let my faith spread all over the world, find it for me, and open the channel connecting this place to the world of Xianyuan......"

This voice is ringing through the sky, but the pure Yang soul of Yang worshipping heaven has completed a replacement in an instant with an unimaginable speed! This replacement is just a thought, followed by the invincible willpower, which is like destroying the withered and decadent, and is suddenly branded on a completely different pure Yang soul!

What is branded is the pure Yang soul of Yang Tiangang!

Everything was too fast. It was completed in an instant. At the moment, Yang Tiangang was in a secret room in a secret stronghold of the divine court not far from the Vatican. He trembled violently. Then, a light shone from his eyes, pure and fanatical, at all costs!

"Praise the light, praise the great Lord God of light!..." was so excited that Yang Tiangang made such a voice.

At the same time, over the Vatican, the corner of the mouth of Yang Jitian standing in the air provoked a radian. Finally, after planning for a long time, we got our long cherished wish!

The gift from the LORD God of light is really very important for Yang worship to heaven. Whether it is to accelerate the perception of the great fullness of light, or to suppress the hidden diseases left by Pandora's box, this is an essential thing!

Today, the will of the LORD God is divided into three, and all the benefits are obtained by Yang worship to heaven. Moreover, with its control and integration of global human beliefs, Yang worship to heaven has also obtained this ability.

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