This is subject to the worship of heaven by the sun. In addition, the chain of light is a kind of criminal law specifically for angels. The three Blazing Angels led by Lucifer finally succumbed and died miserably, and the whole body's power of light was completely absorbed. So far, the powerful and arrogant twelve winged Blazing Angels who once landed on the earth with the Lord of the light sword before endless years have fallen!

After completing all this, Yang Jitian suddenly turned into a white light. The speed is amazing. He has left St. Peter's Church!

When his figure reappeared, he was already in a hidden stronghold near the Vatican. He opened a secret room. At the moment, a young man was sitting around with all the taste of piety and fanaticism in his eyes.

Seeing the arrival of the sun sacrifice to heaven, the young man's eyes shone an angry and vicious light and said ferociously, "Sun sacrifice to heaven, you used a poison trick to escape the glory of the great Lord God of light and stand in the opposite position to the LORD God. Damn it! You should die! You desecrate the glory of the Lord, steal the faith of the Lord, and want to control a place of faith. I'll kill you!"

In fact, Yang Tiangang, as a replacement, already knew everything when Yang worshipped heaven and completed the exchange of souls with son and mother magic dolls, which deceived the will of the LORD God! His soul is completely branded with the will of the LORD God. Therefore, everything is dominated by the LORD God of light. Yang worships the sky. In his eyes, he is a damn blasphemer!

Seeing Yang Tiangang's ferocious young face, Yang Jitian shook his head with emotion and said "faith... Is really a terrible force!"

Staring at Yang sacrificing heaven madly, Yang Tiangang suddenly burst out a strong breath. He said fiercely, "blaspheme believers, damn it!"

With this saying, Yang Tiangang suddenly moved and rushed to Yang sacrificing heaven to kill his father!

In this regard, Yang Jitian just smiled contemptuously and said to himself, "Gang son, gang son, the reason why my father didn't let you die three days later is because the yellow spring fruit disappeared itself. That's mingdaoxin! Killing you myself is the perfection of my soul. I don't have the spiritual magic barrier! Die“

Yang Tiangang's attack has come. His fist is like a falling mountain with infinite power. This is his great Weilong fist!

In his eyes, the cold light flashed, and the fingers of Yang worshiping the heaven were very gentle, like blowing the breeze, clattering, and his palm suddenly burst out of light, and then suddenly burst out, like a wind of light

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

The light wind was very gentle, but at the moment when it swept over Yang Tiangang's body, his body burst into pieces and completely disappeared!

One blow killed his son Yang Tiangang, which didn't bring too much emotional fluctuation to Yang Jitian. On the contrary, there was a cold and light taste in his eyes, as if he were a wild crane, wantonly at will.

After killing Yang Tiangang, Yang worshipped heaven and disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, Yang Tiangang came to a place with beautiful scenery. It is a deep mountain with few people. However, there is an unspeakable fresh smell in the air. It is a small natural array that condenses the aura of heaven and earth

Under a magnificent waterfall, the body of Yang worshipping the heaven appeared. He stood with his hands down, giving people an invincible King's breath overlooking the world!

At this time, Mr. Da appeared, flashing like a ghost, and came to the sun to worship the sky.

Respectfully, the eldest gentleman said humbly, "master, all plans are advancing according to your instructions! Congratulations, the plan is successful. Now, we only have some small steps left. When you kill Cui Hao, the whole earth will be quickly eaten by us and become delicious!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Yang Jitian said, "very good. In two days, I will kill Cui Hao and seize the origin of the earth, and then... The ambition in my heart can be carried out!"

Nodding humbly, Mr. Da suggested, "master, when you fight Cui Hao, should we take the opportunity......"

He didn't go on, but Yang Jitian already understood the meaning of his words. Indeed, this is a rare opportunity.

After pondering for a while, Yang Jitian shook his head and responded "No! In the battle of fluorescein star, I will certainly be injured and maybe my life is in danger. Therefore, the belief of believers is very important! Moreover, in the current global situation, major countries have chosen the earth soul. We have no advantage at all, and some small fights are of little effect! Moreover, the existence of the glory of the earth also makes them more powerful, so stay still and wait for me Win and return, and then, a little nibble! "

Nodding, the eldest gentleman exclaimed, "master, you are more considerate. I admire you!"

As if in a good mood, Yang Jitian glanced at Mr. DA and joked "If others don't know your ability, how can I not know it? When you ask me this, you already know the answer. What you have to do is actually reminding me! Don't worry, I won't take that step unless I have to, because its influence is too great! I have received a gift from the LORD God of light, which is richer than I thought!"

After saying this, Yang Jitian ordered, "I want to close the door immediately and improve my strength as soon as possible. If there is no urgent thing, don't disturb me!"

"Yes!..." bowing down, Mr. Da's attitude was humble.


Suddenly turned into a white light, and Yang Jitian threw himself into the back of the waterfall. There is a natural cave, which is the retreat that Yang Jitian likes. Soon, he began to understand and absorb many light secrets of the LORD God of light.

When Yang worshipped heaven and fell into enlightenment, he didn't realize that he aroused the will of the LORD God. Such a great momentum and breath startled an existence he was afraid of!

On the earth, in an unknown strange void, there is a hazy and dark everywhere. There is a black fog in the void, emitting a deeply palpitating evil smell!

In this void, there are many ancient buildings and so on. It looks like an ancient city!

At the exit of the city, there is a huge dark red stone gate. It doesn't know what material it is made of. It looks old and mysterious. It seems that it is dyed red by blood and then dried up. It is dead and cold everywhere.

No one knows what is outside the city, but there are obviously terrible things outside, because there are constant terrorist impacts, and occasionally, they will penetrate into the city gate where they hit the gap, and penetrate into a trace of black fog. It is extremely evil, which makes people almost crazy!

The city is blessed by a power that can barely resist this impact, and the source of this power is a jade statue! This is a very tall statue with a long sword in both hands. The whole person is extraordinary, like a man in heaven and earth!

Although it is only a statue, it has extraordinary bearing and makes people deeply worship!

At this moment, long swords with sharp and unparalleled sword spirit were floating on the top of the statue. When it was shocked, an incredible voice "the will of the LORD God? It was......"

This is an ancient and simple four diamond long sword. The body of the sword is mountains, rivers, plants, fields, sun and moon, drinking blood and human education. On the hilt are two ancient bird shaped seal characters, Xuanyuan!

This is Xuanyuan sword!

At this moment, Xuanyuan sword revived. He sensed the coming of the will of the LORD God of light and vibrated. Then he flew into the sky and rushed out of the city to the void in the city!

pitch dark! Boundless darkness!

Outside the ancient city, there are only boundless darkness. In addition, there are pure black terrible evil energy raging. In this endless darkness, some shadows are shaking and roaring with terror!

In addition, there is a huge strange black lotus swaying, which has bred a huge black bud, which is surrounded by a fluffy dark flame.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan sword flew back to the city and suspended near the statue. It said to itself, "fortunately, it needs some time to conceive! After I consumed the source and helped the little guy, I should be able to sleep for a while and recover......"

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