The power of the LORD God was suddenly inspired by the sun sacrifice to heaven, emitting an invincible atmosphere between his hands. Then, he slapped out his subconscious palm to welcome Cui Hao's smashing hand!

At the time of life and death crisis, Yang worshipped the heaven and did not care about the precious power of the LORD God. He directly stimulated it to resist Cui Hao's attack.

At the same time, Ao Guang also felt the real crisis. Cui Hao's palm was terrible. The power of chaos in the palm was infinite. It was as if he had evolved a world. The majestic willpower of Wei'an was boiling. In an instant, he gathered together and killed Ao Guang, which made him fly!

The whole person was almost crazy. Ao Guang's huge dragon body was trembling and uttered an incredible roar, "no!... how can there be such a terrible killing move? How can you use such a terrible killing move? Condense the will of the world. Even a powerful superior God may not be able to do it!"

He felt despair, deep despair!


There was a dull dragon roar. Ao Guang suddenly burst out a bloody flame. It was burning and made the void melt in an instant. The heat was very high! This is the origin of his fire department divine power. At the moment, he doesn't care so much and burns it up to resist the attack of Cui Hao!

In fact, Cui Hao sent out the sky collapse, and Yang worshipped the sky and AO Guang fought back. It was only a matter of a moment. The next moment, the terrible big explosion covered everything here. There was a burst of boundless chaotic light, the sky was killing, the light was diffuse, and there were flames surging and impacting each other!

It's terrible. The terrible power is hitting. Cui Hao's collapse is blocked by the power of the LORD God. The whole person is shocked and his body is cracked everywhere. The towering terrorist will contained in it is really terrible. Although there is only a small amount left compared with the real will of the LORD God, the power is also against the sky! That is Cui Hao, who has the power of chaos to protect his body. Sheng Sheng resists for a few points. Otherwise, even a median God will collapse in an instant and can't resist!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The power of chaos is consumed in a large amount, and the power of the avalanche is completely offset by the power of the main God. Cui Hao retreats rapidly. At the same time, his other palm was stretched out like lightning, suddenly collapsed the terrible flame issued by AO Guang, and caught it all at once!

Ao Guang's huge dragon body couldn't bear the blow from the sky. Screams kept coming out. His body was torn in many places at once, the dragon blood flowed, and the interior was seriously damaged! Originally, if there was enough time, Cui Hao might kill Ao Guang directly. At the moment, it was too late to do so. He simply released a chaotic force, entangled and bound it, like binding zongzi, making it lose its resistance!

Although the burning power of the original divine power is strong, it is still too weak compared with the collapse of the sky. This blow only consumes the power of chaos. It is the first killing move created by Cui Hao. Naturally, it is not so easy to block!

"Take it!..."

Time was pressing. After Cui Hao bound Ao Guang, Ao Guang, who was already seriously injured, suddenly fainted. Then he directly put him into the first floor of the prison world. Here, even if he is strong, he must be kneaded by Cui Hao. Cui Hao is the perfect controller of the world. One thought can make a difference!

While taking away Ao Guang, Cui Hao's body is retreating rapidly. At the same time, the chaotic golden elixir in his body beats violently again. The chaotic force is boiling and constantly injected into his palms. The chaotic force he hoards in it is consumed violently to meet the terrorist attack of Yang sacrificing heaven!

While fleeing, Cui Hao thought in his heart, "what a terrible power! The essence is too high. Is this the means of the LORD God? It's terrible. It's just driven by the sun worship to heaven. How terrible it would be if it was controlled by the LORD God?"

His own attack on the sky was strong enough. However, after the power of the LORD God broke out in Yang worship to the sky, it immediately seemed that he didn't see enough. Cui Hao's heart was filled with a strong and incomparable death crisis. He knew that the real danger was coming!

"Ha ha... Cui Hao, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that you could strike such a terrible blow. Is this a powerful taboo means you obtained? Unfortunately, you are still going to die today. I have the power of the LORD God. God blocks killing God, Buddha blocks killing Buddha! Kill!..." ha ha, Yang worships heaven and bathes in infinite light, The speed is amazing. Kill it.

His hands are surrounded by the light transformed by the power of the LORD God. It is dazzling but not dazzling. It gives people a warm, infinite, inclusive and superior atmosphere. The temperament of the whole person suddenly changes, as if he has become an invincible Lord God sitting on the sky and overlooking the gods. One idea can kill thousands of people, noble and great!

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao sneered, "Yang worships heaven and depends on foreign things. Do you think you can win? Dream! I'm not a vegetarian, kill!."

With a loud roar, Cui Hao's whole person burst out an amazing breath. His essence and spirit were climbing at this moment. In an instant, the whole person's life temperament was strong and really reached the peak! In the face of such a strong enemy, Cui Hao was also inspired by his real potential and burst into a terrible atmosphere!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

There was a light of chaos on his palms. Cui Hao had gathered the collapse sky again. He felt the power of chaos in his body and knew that he was really dangerous. However, he roared and attacked it!


The terrible collision happened again. Cui Hao was defeated this time. He gulped blood and his body cracked more and more. Although the collapse of the sky was powerful, it was still far less than the will of the power of the LORD God. It was too terrible. He really had the dignity of destroying everything!

"Ha ha... Cui Hao, I'll send you to the West!"

He laughed wildly. Yang Jitian seemed to see Cui Hao killed. He killed him again with the power of the LORD God in his hands!

The whole body is in sharp pain, like tearing. Cui Hao is aware of his injury. He has no ability to break out another sky collapse. Even if it is, he can't resist the horror of the power of the LORD God!

"I have no choice but to use the sword pill of the elder Xuanyuan sword!"

At this moment, Cui Hao knew he had no choice but to bite his teeth and turn his hand. The sword pill fell into his palm. Immediately, Cui Hao suddenly inspired it to resist the attack of Yang worship!


At the moment Cui Hao urged this sword pill, suddenly, it suddenly burst out a terrible sword spirit of cutting everything and destroying everything. Then, the whole sword pill suddenly squirmed, clattered and turned into a small sword!

The little sword has four sides, which is the same as Xuanyuan sword. At the moment of its appearance, it firmly locked the sun to worship the heaven and breathed out the devastating and terrible sword spirit. The stirred surrounding void completely collapsed like paste. Then, after a roar, it burst out a dazzling light, like the vastness of the sun and the moon, The powerful power eclipsed everything, and it seemed to cut the world apart and fall directly and ruthlessly!


When the little sword fell, it melted itself, and quickly formed a terrible essence of sword spirit. It was integrated into this kill, making it burst out with a stronger momentum. With the supreme power, it rolled down directly towards the sun to worship the sky, sweeping the sky and the earth!

Having witnessed such a blow, Cui Hao himself was frightened by such a blow, because it was really terrible. This blow really seemed to destroy the sky and the earth. The sword pill given by Xuanyuan sword was said to be able to explode its peak blow. Now it seems that Xuanyuan sword is really terrible!

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